MTL - Manga Guidebook-Chapter 5 that girl

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The sky, looking at it from the window, is as blue as a wash.

Chen Zijun took a shower, talked to Le Xiuyuan, then walked out for a while, and under the dumbfounded eyes of the roadside stall owner, he ate 50 yuan of steamed buns, and then set off for the school.

"It seems that I have to find a way to make money. If I go on like this, I will soon eat all this money." Sitting on the tram, Chen Zijun pondered and shook his head.

When I came to the school, at this time of morning reading, Wu Chenghe, the head teacher, walked up to the podium, he stepped forward, coughed, and said, "That's it, this morning meeting, let's talk about the last time. The results of the monthly test, next, I will read it first, and those who can’t hear clearly can go to the top to see it after class.”

Chen Zijun is actually very disgusted with the situation of reading out the grades without any scruples in class. It is a kind of honor for some good students, but it is a kind of humiliation for those poor students. Of course, those who have no concern are not counted.

Chen Zijun's previous exam results were very poor, so he was ranked. The second-to-last, the last-to-last didn't take the test at all, so it was the last-to-last.

In the last period of time, graduation is about to be completed, but there are still two months left. Chen Zijun decided to finish this period of time. As for things like class, Chen Zijun, a student who seems to be extremely poor from the outside world, early It's a goal that people have given up on.

Therefore, Chen Zijun was doing his own thing in class, and other teachers turned a blind eye to this.

He opened his bag, and suddenly, a notebook and a device fell into his hands.

"This is..." Chen Zijun was a little puzzled, but seeing the handwriting on it, Chen Zijun realized that this was a notebook written by his predecessor.

On the first page, a photo of a girl was posted on it. The girl had long hair and sat in her seat, peaceful and peaceful.

"Jiang Aixue, I'm sorry."

Below the photo is a huge font. After the first page, there is a diary recorded by the predecessor. It is not so much a diary as an apology book, which records the repentance for that incident.

Chen Zijun read it very slowly until he had finished reading this thin notebook.

"It's really full of self-blame." Chen Zijun curled his lips, feeling the same in his heart. Maybe he inherited his memory and inherited his feelings. Therefore, he has an indescribable feeling about this notebook.

And this device is a hearing aid, but this hearing aid is obviously broken.

"It seems that I need to put this matter on the right track." Chen Zijun made a decision.


"Hey? Where's Chen Zijun?" In the afternoon, in the Chiba County Junior High School class, Yan Hao saw that Chen Zijun's seat was empty.

"Oh, Chen Zijun, I think he slipped over the wall," a boy said.

"Heh, Yan Hao, don't worry about him, he's already like this, what's the use?" Qiao Yimu, a girl, said disdainfully.


Chen Zijun did slip away. The weather in the afternoon was fine and it was also suitable for truancy.

Chiba County Junior High School has a special truancy route, which is accumulated by the seniors with previous experience.

He came to a pharmacy, walked inside, and a girl walked over and said with a smile, "This guest, what do you need?"

Chen Zijun asked, "Hello, may I ask... Do you have hearing aids here?"

The girl was stunned for a moment and said, "This gentleman, you want to buy a hearing aid, please come here."

The girl led Chen Zijun to a shelf with many hearing aids on it. Chen Zijun asked, "Well, hello, can you recommend me one, I don't know much about it."

"The price of hearing aids has everything, more than six hundred, more than eight hundred, and some thousands. I don't know what the price in your heart is..."

"No more than seven hundred, slightly better."

"Then this one thousand and two quick money."

"Is this the best?"

When the girl heard this, she smiled and said, "Sir, then I would recommend this model. The price is 3,001, with a discount of 3,000. It's a very good brand, and it's very suitable for those who need it."

"What about Hebi?" Chen Zijun took out the broken hearing aid he found in his schoolbag.

"This is already an old model. You may sound a little boastful, but the price difference is here, it is definitely better than what you have."

"Excuse me, can it be cheaper?"

"I'm sorry, this price is already the lowest price. You can look elsewhere. It will never be lower than this."

Chen Zijun went to another store to inspect, and then returned.

Chen Zijun thought of his own money. He had spent several hundred in the past two days, and only 3,500 was left in the card. He sipped slightly and hesitated.

The girl didn't urge him either, and gave Chen Zijun time to decide for himself.

In the end, Chen Zijun gritted his teeth and took out his card.

"I bought it."

"Okay sir, I'll wrap it up for you right away."

Afterwards, Chen Zijun bought some more fruit and carefully calculated his financial situation: "It's really difficult. I originally wanted to make it through this period of time, but now it's impossible."

According to the address recorded by the predecessor, Chen Zijun came to a villa apartment building, which was very luxurious and guarded by guards when entering and leaving.

Chen Zijun skillfully touched in while they were not paying attention.

Here again, this door, as if history is reappearing, in his mind, he thought of the scene of the day again. UU Reading

The girl's cry and helplessness were deeply imprinted in Chen Zijun's memory and indelible.

Perhaps, this is history repeating itself.

"Huh." Chen Zijun knocked on the door, and the sound of the knock echoed in his ears.

"Who?" A girl's voice came from the door, and the door slowly opened, revealing the girl inside.

This is a girl, looking in her twenties, with long hair, wearing black silk stockings, a graceful figure, and the girl's appearance is very good-looking, but after seeing Chen Zijun's face, it suddenly changed, becoming like a Frost in general.

Jiang Ruyu said coldly, "What's wrong with you? Are you still here to bully her?"

Jiang Ruyu, Jiang Aixue's cousin.

Chen Zijun shook his head: "You misunderstood, I'm here just to apologize."

Jiang Ruyu curled her lips and said coldly, "Come here to apologize, why did you go earlier?"

"No... I'm really here to apologize. Excuse me, is Jiang Aixue at home? Can you let me see her once?" Chen Zijun asked.

"She's not here, you can go." Jiang Ruyu blocked the door.

"Really not?"

Jiang Ruyu looked at him coldly.

Chen Zijun sighed, knowing that it was impossible to apologize in person, so he handed her the hearing aid he brought: "This is the hearing aid I bought, and there are some fruits. It's an apology."

Jiang Ruyu took it indifferently. At this time, Chen Zijun handed her another notebook: "Please pass this to Aixue for me."

I took it too.

Chen Zijun breathed a sigh of relief, took a step back, bowed and said, "Excuse me."

After speaking, Chen Zijun slowly left here.