MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 952 Heavenly King!

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When did Uranus appear in the sight of everyone?

It had to be from Haiyuan calendar in 1516, Ron accompanied Carp to Huadu to talk about.

The civil unrest in Huadu was mixed with the unwillingness of the big nephew and the greed of the ambitionists and nobles, but in fact the essence was just to cover up a historical text for the Baroque work club.

Sneak into the world's infamous things that taboo ancient knowledge, clever use of black under the lights, the "national thief" Krokdal lightly familiar.

While stealing the country to seek the Pluto, while digging into the secret of the existence of the Heavenly King, it perfectly explained what it means to be unsatisfied with snakes, and finally fell to the end of promoting the city's retirement and died well.

And the news of this historical text is exactly what Crokdal told by the Dragons and Don Quixote Doflamingo.

So the question comes ...

How did Doflamingo know this?

But how can he know the secret from hundreds or thousands of years ago?


"It turns out this is your backhand, Im!"

Walking on the rugged surface of the moon, Ron felt the vibration from the depths of the planet under his feet, and his corners of his mouth were raised.

There was an amazing power, but with the launch of the lunar artillery, this power also weakened at an alarming rate.

Energy issues haunted the ancestors of the Kongdao people, as well as Im.

Otherwise, he would have used the King to blast Ron into pieces.

That's right!

By enclosing the entire moon in the perception range through the eyes of the sky, Ron is extremely certain that the moon under his feet is the true "king of ancient weapons"!

As for the virus, although it is not known what the essence is, it is really just a cover.

It was Im who exposed it intentionally and misled the conspiracy of the world!

It may be a very powerful weapon, but it is not the King of Heaven!

Human ancestors created Hades, Angel Islanders created the King of Heaven, and the Mermaid clan controlled the Neptune.

This is the real secret of the three ancient weapons!

"Master Canglong, we caught these guys inside the ruins."

The air stepped forward, and the soldiers behind him escorted a group of strange-looking creatures. They are dressed like dogs, but they have an animal head.

Without Enilu's arrival, the Cosmic Pirates successfully captured this lunar relic and continued to dig for resources.

But it's clear that they haven't even touched the real secrets of the planet.

"Kill, just a group of space pirates."

Ron waved lightly without looking at them.

"Wait! You can't kill us, we are members of the Jerka Pirate Alliance! Enjoy priority excavation!"

A humanoid wolf howling pirate called in horror, trying to scare Ron with a name he hadn't heard before.

boom! !! !!

Bursts of black and red lightning emerged, blooming on this desertified planet.

The horrified, depressing breath strangled his throat, and Ron's eyes didn't have a trace of emotion, and he said, "So what?"

He has to execute even the gods. What about the pirates of the universe?

No matter the planet below or the entire universe, the fist is the only truth!

No longer paying attention to the begging sounds behind him, Ron came to a crater and looked at the tiny robot inside.

Not surprisingly, they were robots made by Dr. Island Tsukimi, who came to the moon in order to get revenge on the doctor who was scared to death by Maruko because of the moon explosion.

But there is no Aini Road, because they are naturally not opponents of the Cosmic Pirates.

"Moon ruins, 'Ancient City', Birka!"

Ron murmured softly and said.

"Install the pacifist energy core at the ruins center, and then send someone to try to fill the core of the ruins ... if you are right, this thing can be moved."

He Wenyan's eyes brightened.

"Wasn't it said?"

"Ah, that's right ... otherwise, you think that the lunar people could develop such a high degree of civilization on this barren planet alone?"

The development and evolution of civilization is not only enough with Michelangelo.

"So it must be mobile and constantly searching for new resources, equivalent to a spaceship!"

Ron's mouth cocked: "No wonder Im valued the peace plan so much, it turned out to be it."

What is the core of the pacifist plan?

Demon fruit transfer experiment?

That was a joke.

Obstructions to prevent anyone from discovering the truth.

Energy is the fundamental purpose!

Most importantly, Im saw the possibility of restarting the moon's relics from Bega Punk.

There is a specialty in surgery, and Im is not truly omnipotent. With Bega Punk's 500-year-old scientific research capability, it is possible to make Birka up and running again.

It's all Ron's now.

The land area of ​​the moon remains is enough for them to transfer the majority of the people.

Of course, it must be necessary.


On the huge moon, the tremor slowly stopped, and the dust of the head of the yellow monkey appeared behind Ron, and Hui reported: "Master Canglong, the scientific force has successfully stopped the energy output, and the remaining energy can no longer be activated."

"That's good, here is for you."

Ron nodded, stepped forward and disappeared.

The crane and the yellow ape were stunned, and after half a ring, the crane asked with a bit of fear: "If you read it correctly, it's Lord Canglong ... teleport?"

Teleport from the moon ruins, where can I go?

"Well, I ... don't know."

The ape shook his head warily, and looked at the huge blue star in front of him, and could not help trembling.

Hey, this teleportation distance, kidding? !! !! !!


Qinghai, great sea route.

Relying on the huge beam of light falling above his head, Im succeeded in suppressing Shanzu, and the six avatars took the opportunity to output madly, flying Shanzu's shell shells and screaming.

However, the good times did not last long. Suddenly, the beam of light was like a screwed faucet ~ ~ disappeared suddenly.


This result did not surprise Im. From the second he used the space-based weapon, he knew that Ron would not let him control the weapon after he was resurrected.

Once the weapon of "King of Heaven" has sufficient energy, it is only a matter of time to bombard the entire planet.

"But it doesn't matter!"

Uranus was short of energy, Pluto was beaten by the tsunami, and Neptune was forced into the waters of Lavdrew ... The three most likely to threaten the decay of his ancient weapons. The rest is only the purest battle of life and death.

"Don't you want to see my true power?"

"Then let you see!"

After all, Im looked up at Shan Zu, who was struggling to stand up, and a huge black halo appeared from behind him.

Very contradictory, but the reality is so.

The black light was emitted like light, and all the places where it was infected became black, even the sea water was no exception.

If the devil fruit is described as a bacterium, the sea floor stone formed by PYROBROIN keratinocytes is a white blood cell.

But now this darkness is a terrible virus that even white blood cells cannot swallow!

With black shadows on their bodies, they suddenly wailed and raised their heads to melt away quickly, but they spit out a galactic band of light in their mouths and fell into Im's body.

Subsequently, the dark halo suddenly contracted, revealing a younger and much stronger body.

The swirling lines representing the colors of various demonic fruits appeared on the skin. Im looked at the mountain ancestor who was rushing forward towards him, holding his hands tightly.

Crunch! !!

boom! !! !!

The mountain ancestor, which is huge in size and comparable to some small planets, blasts to the ground under some unknown power!

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