MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 40 Injuried

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Liu Fenyun is a textbook idiot who can't distract her from anything except studying.

In her memory, her guardian didn't even know her real name, she only knew the other party's pseudonym "Xuan Lan", and she would pay her living expenses every month.

But her guardian was never absent when the school held parent-teacher conferences, or asked parents to come over and ask about their children's performance at home.

Under the "nurture" of this mysterious guardian, Liu Fenyun went to university safely and was admitted to the ancient medicine major with the highest score.

The Liandu University where she is located is a boarding system. In her freshman year, many boys tried to confess to her, but she was decisively rejected every time without showing any sympathy.

She doesn't understand love, and she is indifferent when faced with the topic of love that her roommates discuss from time to time.

But now, she wants to be a kind of demon.

Liu Fenyun felt that this was a bit tricky, and she never believed in the so-called "marriage destined by heaven", but after these days, Lianyi did not do anything against her will to her, and even the soul-soul relationship was also on the premise of her willingness Down.

It was she who took the initiative to fall in love with this big white cat.

A thought flashed in Liu Fenyun's mind: Did she and Lianyi know each other in the past?

After returning to his senses, Liu Fenyun looked at Lianyi calmly.

"I have other ways to find out. It wasn't my master who told me." Liu Fenyun said, "But if I form a demon pill and become a demon clan, will the high priest let me go?"

In a country that hates demon clan, it is enough to have a demon like Lianyi, but suddenly there is another one, and the status is not low, and it is bound to make trouble again.

"As long as you're happy, what does other people's opinions matter?" Lianyi stroked her back and smiled sarcastically, "I'm not a demon, have I hurt innocent people over the years?"

Liu Fenyun shook his head.

"Don't worry, I have shown them our blood pact mark. Even if you really have a demonic energy on your body, those people will only think that I lent you the demonic energy." Lianyi pinched her earlobe, fingertips. Gently wiped the willow-shaped mark, "Hundreds of years earlier, the demon slayers at that time would still use this method to recruit powerful demon clans as bodyguards and use their power to do things."

Liu Fenyun has read a lot of classics that record the relationship between the two races, and after hearing this, he said, "Then do as His Highness said, I have no opinion."

She and Lianyi gave each other both physically and mentally. If they didn't have this trust, they wouldn't have to continue living together.

However, Lianyi suddenly lowered her face, lifted her hair, and kissed the mark.

The numbness suddenly spread throughout the body, and Liu Fenyun froze.

"I only know that you don't reject the demon clan, but I didn't expect you to want to become a demon." Lianyi stroked the back of her neck and chuckled, "No opinion at all? So you want to be my kind."

Her Ayun has always been very obedient and obedient, so obedient that she felt a little distressed.

Now they still have to go to the deep mountains to find Yu Qingyue, and that's the end of the pill formation.

After the two made an agreement, Lianyi rested for a while, calmed her breath, gathered her strength, and continued on her way.

At this time, the sun is already sloping westward, the mountain wind is getting cooler, and the sun is no longer baking people.

The two horses ran for another half an hour, and Liu Fenyun suddenly reined in the horse and pointed to the right: "There is a fight there, the mad monster is not in the lair, but outside."

Lian Yi turned the horse's head without saying a word.

Just before arriving at the place, Liu Fenyun calmly took out the talisman papers and instruments stored in the medicine garden.

One of the last witch doctor envoys, the old man Sangjia Zuxiao once despised her ability, so she practiced hard after the upgrade test, and by the way, she also found a craftsman who specialized in demon slayers, and played a set magic weapon.

Her speed was faster than Lianyi's. Seeing that the red hostile light spot on the system map was getting closer and closer, she immediately put a fire talisman on the arrow, bent the bow and placed the arrow, the arrow left the string, and the mad bear was in the middle. On the back of the demon, a fire burst into flames, scalding the bear demon to the point of tearing its skin to pieces.

The princes and officials who fought hard against the bear demon were also startled and backed away. They were wondering which demon slayer was so rude, but when they saw a beautiful young man in white coming on a horse, his black eyes drooped, his waist down. Wearing the witch doctor's seal, everyone present was silent.

It turned out to be a witch doctor who married a demon, no wonder he didn't even care about the human race when he made his move.

Liu Fenyun put down the bow and arrow, pulled out the demon sword, stabbed it at a big hole of the bear demon, and poured the demon energy into it. After all, the bear demon was just a demon beast, not a demon clan. As soon as its inner breath was collided with demonic energy, it suddenly passed out with a howl.

"Are there any other monsters?" Liu Fenyun pulled back his horse and asked with his sword in hand.

Everyone shook their heads, and one of the officials trembled: "There is only one bear in this nest. We originally planned to lure it out to capture it, but I didn't expect it to go crazy..."

"That's what I came here for. Someone fed the monsters in the hunting grounds with medicine, making them go mad, and they set up a barrier near the lair. Those who go deep into the lair will either die or be injured." Liu Fenyun said, "Jun There is an order, all contestants must return to the hall to wait and not go out."

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

"Lord Witch Doctor, this is a spring hunting competition. What's the basis for you to say these words?" A military officer spread his hands, "Monster beasts are inherently more ferocious than ordinary beasts, but they are not helpless."

"His Royal Highness is waiting for you all at the entrance of the hunting ground." Lianyi caught up and pointed at the foot of the mountain, "If you don't believe me, you can go to the mountain to see it in person."

She is a monster, and no one dares to look at her, so she has to go to the side of the mountain to confirm.

Lian Yi drove a horse to Liu Fenyun's side, and pulled her sleeves directly, "Husband, let's go."

Liu Fenyun nodded, waved and threw a water talisman, extinguishing the fire on the ground and on the bear demon, and rushed to the next demon beast lair with her.

Lianyi hated the human race, so the two saved people, and after passing the message to let them go down the mountain quickly, they didn't stop at all.

"Didn't the demon slayer in the priest's hall and the beast-controller in the hunting ground inform them?" Liu Fenyun couldn't help but look back.

"Most of the core demon slayers stay in the city. The accompanying demon slayers don't have the magical powers like you. The beast master only knows the location of the monster's lair. The hunting ground is too big, and they have to find them one by one." explained, "Where's the next lair?"

She really did not see the wrong person at the beginning. She put her demonic aura on Liu Fenyun, and she was able to make the best use of it.

Liu Fenyun glanced at the system map, and seeing that this place was not far from the light spot of Yu Qingyue and the two of them, he really went to the monster's lair to check.

However, she is not very powerful, and the detection range of her spiritual sense is still limited. She can only see if there are any creatures within 100 meters of her body. Unless it is a person or a demon marked by her, you can see them at a glance on the map. where.

Passing through four monster beast dens all the way, Liu Fenyun got a closer look, someone was nearby and told them to go down the mountain, and if no one was nearby, they sealed the hole with an earthen talisman.

But Your Majesty was afraid that Lianyi would be implicated. After listening to them reporting the incident in the hunting ground, he did not give them a token. The two of them could only pass the word to get rid of the demon. Believe it or not, just follow these people. Anyway, the demon slayer and the animal master will sooner or later will find them.

When the sun sets in the west, the sky is dyed dark purple by the sunset.

Liu Fenyun could already feel that Yu Qingyue's aura was not far away. Her master was standing here alone, not only to monitor Qi Ran, but also to prevent other monsters or beastmasters from doing things.

She took the lotus robe to bypass Qi Ran's exploration range, and the setting sun reflected on the two's riding clothes, creating a warm feeling.

Yu Qingyue was meditating cross-legged on the cliff and felt that the surrounding barriers were being touched, but she did not open her eyes.

"Master, it can be considered that the disciples have found you!" Liu Fenyun dismounted and took a few steps closer, "Why didn't you tell the disciples when such a big thing happened?"

"The teacher has already said that I don't want you to interfere." Yu Qingyue said lightly, "There is a teacher here, you just go back to the Morning Star Palace and wait for the end of the matter."

"This matter has something to do with the beastmaster who can control the demon clan. We can't just sit back and ignore it." Lian Yi caught up and said while adjusting his breathing, "We will assist you together."

She had this idea since she made up her mind to come to Yu Qingyue.

However, Yu Qingyue said: "You brought Fengyun to see me, didn't you seek my shelter? - Her body is full of demonic energy, and it is not long before the formation of the elixir, and the human race must not let other people know about the formation of the elixir. ."

Liu Fenyun was stunned for a moment. She didn't think of this intention. When she looked at Lianyi, she saw Lianyi's cat's ears folded, with a sly smile on her face, thinking that she admitted it.

Seeing that they didn't plan to leave, Yu Qingyue didn't mean to drive them away, she pointed to a nest not far away, "Go there to rest, if anything happens, the teacher will call you over."

Wang Yunqian and Lianyi's horses were detained by her magic, Liu Fenyun and Lianyi looked at each other, but went to the nest obediently.

The lair had obviously been carefully cleaned, and Liu Fenyun couldn't smell the smell of monsters. However, Lianyi still smelled a little cold floral fragrance, lit the fire and went inside, and saw that there was a soft nest deep in the nest, and it looked like a bird's nest.

"Your master is so good. Looking so cold and ruthless, he is willing to give us his residence." Lian Yi couldn't help but boast.

Liu Fenyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, lit the lamp in the nest and extinguished the fire, but did not go to sleep in the bird's nest, but took out the bedding from the medicine garden, pulled some down and straw from the bird's nest, and laid the bedding on the ground. .

She knew that Master had an obsession with cleanliness. If they really occupied this bird's nest, Yu Qingyue Bacheng would rest outside.

There are pyre in the nest and simple cooking utensils, like a simple den. The two were running around the hunting grounds in the mountains for an afternoon, and now they were hungry. Liu Fenyun was okay, but Lianyi would have a stomachache if she didn't eat, so they set fire to prepare to eat.

The demon slayer and the beastmaster are closing the hunting ground, but they can't seal it here for the time being. Liu Fenyun let Lianyi rest in the lair, went to the forest pool to catch a fat fish, and brought it back after processing, intending to cook a pot of fish soup.

The seasonings and vegetarian dishes were all taken from the medicine garden. Liu Fenyun simmered the fish soup. During the period, he mixed a plate of cold Houttuynia cordata. He then took out the naan that he brought to make the ration, baked it on the fire, cut it open with a short knife, and smeared it on. A thin layer of hot sauce.

Lianyi was hungry for a long time, so she ate naan with cold Houttuynia cordata, and complained while eating: "Houttuynia cordata is really unpalatable!"

However, Liu Fenyun's skill in making cold dishes is not bad. While Lianyi complained, he ate half a plate of Houttuynia cordata.

Seeing her gobble, Liu Fenyun smiled and handed over a bowl of fish soup, "Here, don't choke."

The fish soup is sweet and the fish is delicious. This dinner is very satisfying.

At night, the two still wanted to find the monster beast's lair, but they were banned and sealed in the small nest by Yu Qingyue.

"Apart from drugs, the ancient fierce array can also stimulate the madness of monsters." Yu Qingyue said in a cold voice through the ban, "Someone has used the entire hunting ground as a medium to spread an ancient fierce array, since you are unwilling to go down the mountain to take refuge, Then don't leave this lair."

The two had to give up the idea of ​​going out, returned to the depths of the nest, and sat snuggling around the fire.

"Have you heard of the ancient fierce formation?" Lianyi asked.

Liu Fenyun had never heard of it, but there was a record in the system's database, she called it out and looked at it, explaining: "As the master said, this is a formation that stimulates the madness of monsters, and the effect is equivalent to giving monsters Feeding 'Blood Wind Meat Rain Pills', this kind of fierce formation has not appeared in the world for decades, and it is considered lost by default. However, according to the master's statement, combined with the current situation, it should be the beast master of Ge Hua Kingdom. The secret is passed down."

She poked the fire, "As long as the eye of the formation is destroyed, the fierce formation will be resolved, and the mad demon will return to normal. The controllability is stronger than that of drugs."

Lianyi nodded, staring at the fire for some reason. Seeing Liu Fenyun go to make the bed, she grabbed him again.

"I just have nothing to do right now, I'll help you condense the demonic energy in your dantian first."

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Fenyun sat nervously on the mattress, his clothes were stripped by the lotus robes to the point where only the close-fitting plain clothes remained.

"If it wasn't for fear of a sudden accident in the middle of the night, or if someone suddenly came in, it would be better if there were no clothes left." Lianyi put her hand in front of her, stroked all the way down, and stopped at the position of Dantian." This is to better sense the flow of demonic energy, the Seventh Princess's body's perception ability is too poor, so I can only wrong you."

She explained it in a serious manner, and her face was not red. Liu Fenyun could only think that she really wanted to help her form a pill, and could not help but straighten her body again.

The little hand against the stomach rubbed lightly, only to listen to Lianyi: "Luck, control the demon to come here."

Liu Fenyun closed his eyes and used the system to guide the demonic energy to gather in his dantian.

How could she know that Mao Mao's mind wasn't so serious, when she gathered her energy seriously, Lian Yi kept poking her soft palms with her fingertips, her movements were very light, as if she was playing.

But every time she poked, Lianyi sent a trace of her demonic energy into it, and slowly led the demonic energy to circle around her dantian.

It is extremely dangerous to carry the demonic energy with a human body. Fortunately, Liu Fenyun insists on breathing and breathing every day, and the meridians and internal organs are adapted to the demonic energy, which saves her a lot of effort and makes her suffer less.

The two cooperated to breathe for an hour, and Lianyi suddenly said: "Quick stop."

Liu Fenyun hurriedly stopped the movement of the demonic qi, and put the demonic qi that did not have time to enter the dantian into the nearby meridians, consolidating the demonic air in the dantian a little.

She opened her eyes and felt that her lower abdomen was distended, a little uncomfortable, and she couldn't help frowning.

"I'm here today, your dantian still needs to get used to it, it's not that fast." Lianyi made her lie down, but the hand on her stomach did not retract, "But the soreness is unbearable? I'll rub it for you. already."

Without waiting for Liu Fenyun to decline, she directly put her hand into her clothes.

Her hands were always cold, Liu Fenyun shuddered and grabbed her wrist subconsciously.

"No, no, I'll do it myself..."

"No." Lian Yi smiled and removed the hand that was clasping her wrist, "You can't be the only one who can rub me."

Liu Fenyun didn't react for a while, and after a while, he remembered what this meant.

She likes to rub Lianyi's demon body the most, and especially likes to bury her face in the soft and fluffy cat's stomach to suck.

As soon as the thought came up, Liu Fenyun felt an itch in his stomach and looked at it in amazement, only to see Lianyi bent down and made the same action as when she sucked a cat...

Liu Fenyun froze, the first thought that popped into his mind was guilt.

It turned out that this is how the cat felt when she was sucked by her, no wonder Lian Yi stared at her awkwardly every time.

"I'm sorry, I won't treat you like this in the future." Liu Fenyun hurriedly apologized.

Lianyi raised her head and looked at her in confusion.

"What did you do to me?"

"It's...sucking cats..." Liu Fenyun said embarrassedly.

"I really like it." Lian Yi was even more puzzled, "Could it be that you think I'll be uncomfortable?"

She only occasionally disliked this human race and buried her face in her cat hair, rubbing it around like she was out of her mind, wishing to keep her scent in every cat hair of hers.

This made Liu Fenyun embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, but Mao Mao didn't care about her answer, and after she finished speaking, she lay back, sucking and rubbing against her bare skin.

Liu Fenyun simply closed her eyes and let her do whatever she wanted. But Lianyi was not satisfied with her reaction, her teeth pressed against her flesh, causing stabbing pain, until she heard Liu Fenyun hissing and gasping for air, and then she let out a smile.

After such a tossing, Liu Fenyun felt that his dantian was even more uncomfortable.

Lianyi said good night to her, and after covering the quilt and going to sleep, Liu Fenyun stroked her red-stained belly, sighed inwardly, and hugged Lianyi as a human-shaped pillow to fall asleep.

At noon the next day, Liu Fenyun was roasting the mountain rabbit hunted by the master when he suddenly felt that the restriction at the entrance of the nest was lifted, and hurriedly left the rabbit and ran over.

Yu Qingyue stood at the entrance with an ugly face.

"The high priest has entered the mountain." Her voice was also terribly cold, "You guys think of a way to stop her at the foot of the mountain, and don't let her come here."

She handed over two bigu pills to Liu Fenyun, and then waved at the half-baked rabbit, which flew from the fire and fell into her hands.

Liu Fenyun held the Bigu Pill and looked at Lianyi with serious eyes.

It seemed that Master did not want the High Priest to go deep into the hunting grounds in the mountains, otherwise it would not have been too late for them to eat lunch.

He Lianyi shared the Bigu Pill, and Liu Fenyun brought the horse and put a sick talisman on the horse's feet. After getting on the horse, he took a shortcut and ran down the mountain.

I think that the two horses were also fed the elixir by Yu Qingyue. The speed was much faster than before. The road that took an hour to reach now only takes a quarter of an hour.

Luo Binglun was riding on the road with four subordinates. Hearing the sound of horses' hooves from far to near, he thought it was a raid by a mad horse demon, and immediately ordered his subordinates to disperse and dismount to form a formation. Who knows what appeared in his sight, but was Liu Fenyun and Lianyi.

"If you don't stay by Dr. Yu's side, what are you going to do down the mountain?" Luo Binglun asked.

"At the master's order, come to stop the high priest from going up the mountain." Liu Fenyun reined in his horse and bowed to her.

"The ancient fierce formation has been launched. If this seat does not go up the mountain to preside over the formation, I am afraid that even ordinary beasts will suffer." As soon as Luo Binglun's voice fell, the second disciples of Ye Zhou and Li Pei had cast the wind talisman. It was about to trap Liu Fenyun and the two.

Although Liu Fenyun hoped that Luo Binglun would go to the master's side, but the master gave an order, how could she let Luo Binglun do as she wished. When she was about to slap a wooden talisman on the ground, the vines rushed out quickly, breaking the sand and stone barrier, twisting into a strand, and blocking it directly. In front of the ice wheel horse.

"The accompanying demon slayer and the hunter's beast-controller have already entered the mountain. High Priest Luo should go back and rest!" Lian Yi shouted loudly, pulled out an arrow quickly, injected demon energy, put it on the bow, and shot it to the ground. On the only way for the five people to pass, the demon qi fell to the ground and built a stone wall, rising higher and higher.

The two of them blocked it together, and Luo Binglun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Since you have to stop me, don't blame me for being ruthless!" She reached out and took out a bell from the quiver, and shook it twice in the wind, but there was no change in the bell, but the stone walls and vines blocking the way were Broken.

At the same time, Ye Zhou, Li Pei, Luo San, and Luo Jiu scattered the law enforcement devices, and the demon-repelling formation with Luo Bing Wheel as the center spread out. When they collided, the two of them flew out together with their horses.

The moment he touched the spiritual wall, Liu Fenyun was shocked when he saw that the system gave a warning to retreat.

"Cough cough... This crazy woman's skills have improved a lot!" Lian Yi even suffered internal injuries, and she sat up reluctantly while stroking her heart, "Before... she used to join forces with so many demon slayers in the Priest Hall, but they couldn't beat me!"

Liu Fenyun hadn't fought with the demon slayer, and when he saw Lianyi's lips dripping blood, he hurriedly hugged her and stepped aside.

Wang Yunqian and Bai Ma quickly followed, screaming worriedly.

Lian Yi took her healing medicine and took a long time to regain her breath. Seeing that Liu Fenyun had nothing to do with her appearance, she felt aggrieved: "Luo Binglun, this bastard! She's targeting me! Cough, cough..."

She actually knew very well why when the wall of spiritual power smashed over, it only hurt her - Liu Fenyun's demonic energy was all provided by her, and if she was injured, Liu Fenyun could only use talisman with his own spiritual energy, but in this way, the effect of the talisman Just bad.

But Lianyi was wronged. Seeing that she couldn't stop Luo Binglun, she simply ignored it and rested in Liu Fenyun's arms to heal her wounds and relieve her anger.

"Let's go down the mountain, let's go down the mountain!" Lian Yi said angrily, "Without your master, I can keep you safe and secure!"

However, Liu Fenyun faintly felt that something was wrong. Although the ancient fierce formation could cover the entire hunting ground, the most vulnerable area was still near the deep mountain where Yu Qingyue was located.

The bigu pill that Yu Qingyue gave them was also mixed with medicines to prevent disturbing the mind. When she took the bigu pill, the system showed her these medicines.

Thinking of this, Liu Fenyun suddenly understood.

"Master deliberately asked us to come to stop the high priest!" She hurriedly said to Lianyi, "She knew that we lost to the high priest, and when we were near the hunting ground, we would definitely go down the mountain in a hurry, that is, leave the dangerous area. If we really leave now..."

"What will happen if you really leave?" Lianyi glared at her, "Your master is so powerful, but we'll drag her back when we stay."

Liu Fenyun sighed, "I just think Master is stupid. She could have stayed in Guizhi Hall to avoid suspicion, and she didn't care about this matter at all. When the ancient fierce battle broke out, as long as it was a beast, it would be affected by it. You are good, so is Master. Well, you are all monsters, even if you can transform into a human form and cover up your demonic energy, your essence is still a monster, not a human."

"In case Master is also affected by the fierce formation, although she will not become mad, she will definitely show her demon body in order to resist the fierce formation."

Lianyi seemed to understand what she meant, and said suspiciously: "Do you want to say that Doctor Yu deliberately entered the mountains to take risks, not only helped Zhuhuang Kingdom solve this crisis, but also gave Luo Binglun his identity as a monster. Look?"

"That's what I meant!" Liu Fenyun called to Wang Yunxuan, "His Royal Highness first go back to avoid the fierce formation, I...I don't trust Master, I have to go and see."

"Don't go." Lianyi grabbed her and said coldly, "You are already a half-demon, you can't continue to stay on the mountain."

When she spoke, Liu Fenyun only felt that the blood deed mark on the root of her ear was hot, her consciousness gradually blurred, and she seemed to hear the system prompting that the blackening value of Lianyi had increased.

"Let's go back together and go back to the Morning Star Palace." Lian Yi said softly, but she was using the seal of the blood deed to speak to her, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

When Liu Fenyun closed his eyes and fell into a drowsiness, Lianyi endured the pain all over his body, hugged the person to Wangyun, tied them up, then turned over and rode on a white horse, rushing all the way to the entrance of the hunting ground.

The author has something to say: Xiaoliu still has a master and a system, and Maomao only has Xiaoliu.

Sick Jiao's love is so unpretentious and cruel