MTL - Martial Arts From Bandits-Chapter 773 The White Emperor returns!

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  Chapter 773 The White Emperor returns!

  Daewoo Tianxing five years, June sixteenth.

  After more than a year of vigorous development, Shangjing City has expanded a hundred miles outward, including the previous altars where the emperor worshiped heaven.

  The flow of people in the entire Shangjing City is booming, and the population has skyrocketed to one million. Moreover, these million people are all warriors from all over the world and wealthy families.

  Shangjing City is in the world, not because of its geographical location, but because it is the imperial capital where the world is unified, and resources, warriors, and everything are converging here.

   is the economic, political and cultural center of the world.

   Attracting elites from all over the world, there are too many outsiders in the capital, but it is also because of this that the housing prices in the capital are rising steadily.

  A small courtyard with two entrances can be worth 800 taels of silver in the outer city, which is still in short supply.

   "How come there is a feeling of déjà vu?"

  Over the sky above Shangjing, Zhang Jing's spiritual thoughts swept across the entire Shangjing city, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

  After more than a year, the simple layout of Zhang Jing should have opened the curtain, with a million soldiers forming fifty army formations, and their killing power can rival the power of heaven and man at the level of dharma.

  Combined with the four major organizations of the imperial court and the rest of the powerhouses, today's Dayu Dynasty has more than a hundred combat powers of heaven and man, gathering 90% of the power in the world.

   is the limit of what Zhang Jing can do at present.

  Of course, there is also Taoism. According to Taoist Tianxu, Sanqing Taoist has more than 20 celestial and human combat powers, and all of them are merged into the imperial court during wartime.

  After scanning the Divine Sense of Shangjing City, Zhang Jing still found some forces who were dissatisfied with the imperial court, and the dark sons were dormant in Shangjing City.

   Zhang Jing didn't care about it. This is the matter of Zhenwusi. Keeping some weak enemies will help sharpen the warriors of Zhenwusi.

The divine sense rose, and Zhang Jing, dressed in a black and golden dragon robe, appeared tens of thousands of feet above the capital. Afterwards, he did not see any movement, and a deep portal condensed in front of him. Door.

  Zhang Jingmian stepped in from the portal expressionlessly, and when he reappeared, it was already an extraterrestrial starry sky.

  Taking a step forward, Zhang Jing appeared thousands of miles away in an instant, pulling some distance away from the human world. Zhang Jing spread out his palms, and two lotus flowers condensed in his palms.

  One black and one white, the black one exudes a terrifying aura of destruction, as if it wants to destroy everything and bury it for the rest of its life. On the white lotus, the air of good fortune condenses, like a real plant with a breath of life.

  The two lotus flowers are in Zhang Jing's hands, somewhat resisting each other, as if they are not compatible by nature, but Zhang Jing slowly puts the two lotus flowers together.

  The distinct black and white colors collide and repel each other. Finally, they merge.

   In just a moment, a black and white lotus flower appeared in front of Zhang Jing. The black lotus petals and white lotus petals intersected each other, but Zhang Jing forcibly fused the two together.

  Once the power of divine sense is dissipated, this lotus will be destroyed.

   Zhang Jing frowned slightly, stared at the black and white lotus for a while, and then threw it,


  Thousands of miles away, the lotus flower shattered, the aura of the Dao of Destruction and the aura of the Way of Creation merged, and a terrifying aura erupted, like a black hole, collapsing the surrounding starry sky.

   "The power is acceptable. It's a pity that they still haven't been fully integrated." Zhang Jing shook his head slowly, frowning slightly.

  For more than a year, under the blessing of strong luck, Zhang Jing has made great strides in the way of good fortune. Although he can't completely destroy the way of destruction, he has 70% of its level.

  However, he has deduced thousands of times in his divine sense, but he has not been able to fully integrate the two ways again. In this way, although it can enhance the combat power, it is also limited in strength and does not meet Zhang Jing's expectations.

  The most important thing is that he deduced once that if the Dao of Destruction is stronger, and the Dao of Destruction is the main way of good fortune, supplemented by the Dao of Good Fortune, the black and white lotus can still be maintained.

   But if the two paths are equal, the repulsion between the two sides will be greatly enhanced. If they are forcibly fused together, there will only be an explosion.

   "The enemy is coming soon." Zhang Jing stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the deep endless starry sky, and sighed softly. Now he is far from having the strength to resist.

  In the human world, there are Dao ancestors and Baidi, but Zhang Jing never pins his hopes on others.

   After a long silence in the starry sky, Zhang Jing turned and returned to the human world.

  Shangjing Imperial City, Zhang Jing was in the imperial garden, sipping tea, thinking about how to integrate the way of destruction and the way of good fortune.

For Zhang Jing now, the effect of luck on him is not as great as it was at the beginning, because Zhang Jing's way of destruction has reached the point where there is no way to advance, and the way of good fortune has reached an extremely deep level. the point.

  The Way of Destruction strongly rejects the way of good fortune, which greatly affects the progress of Zhang Jing's enlightenment. Although there is still steady progress, it can be expected that every step forward will not be a simple matter.

  Because, the further back, the greater the repulsion between the avenues will be.

  However, in addition to this, Zhang Jing's progress in other aspects can be said to be remarkable, especially the physical body!

After experiencing the situation during the Human Emperor's Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony, Zhang Jing paid more and more attention to the physical body, gathered the world's body training methods, took their essence, discarded the dross, and integrated many body training magic skills into the Dragon Transformation Art middle.

Secretly collect all kinds of elixir and precious materials from all over the world, and transport them to Shangjing for Zhang Jing to absorb and refine, especially the few plants of magic medicine that were once taken from the Tianfeng ruins, which helped Zhang Jing a lot. It greatly increased the strength of his body's qi and blood.

  In order to control this power, Zhang Jing even went to the Tianfeng Ruins alone, climbed the ladder again, and refined the blood in his body again.

  However, Zhang Jing's physical body seems to be approaching a bottleneck, making progress more and more difficult, making Zhang Jing a little bored.

  He tried desperately to increase his strength, but the strength he gained was all limited. It seemed that he had reached the peak of the limit of the human world.

   Zhang Jing specifically asked Taoist Tianxu for advice on this. But he didn't have any good solutions, he only said that there are restrictions on the world, unless Zhang Jing is promoted to the realm of true immortals and breaks the shackles.

  As for the physical body, even if it was thousands of years ago, there was no true immortal who specialized in the power of the physical body, so he couldn't point it out.

   "Your Majesty."

  A young **** walked slowly to Zhang Jing and knelt down on the ground.

   "What's the matter?" Zhang Jing didn't open his eyes.

   "National teacher, please see me." The little **** trembled uncontrollably in front of Zhang Jing.

  Even though Zhang Jing suppressed all the coercion, everyone in the palace was still unable to look directly, as if his body was covered with a stinging golden light.

   "Let him in."


   Soon, Bai Hong, who was wearing a white gown and **** his hair, walked into the imperial garden with a faint smile on his face, and saw Zhang Jing bowing slightly:

   "Meet Your Majesty!"

   Zhang Jing's eyes swept over Bai Hong, revealing a smile:

   "Is the national teacher here for something important?"

  Although Bai Hong's current strength is only at the first level of the Domain Realm, Zhang Jing doesn't mean to despise him at all. In addition to Bai Hong's helping him, it is also because of Bai Hong's other real body, Bai Di!

  The strong man who had reached the third level of the Domain Realm early on, had always been a legend in the whole world before Zhang Jing rose up.

  During the Uncle Duan incident before, Zhang Jing met once, and it was indeed a well-deserved reputation, and his strength was unfathomable. At that time, Zhang Jing was not a single enemy at all.

  Bai Hong did not sit down, but glanced at Zhang Jing:

   "The White Emperor has appeared."

  Finally appeared, Zhang Jing focused slightly:

   "Where is now? I want to meet him."

   "He also wants to see you, and now he is outside Shangjing," Bai Hong said.

   "Then invite Baidi to come and have a talk." Zhang Jing waved one hand, and two cups of spiritual tea appeared on the stone table.

   "Okay" Bai Hong nodded.

next moment,

  In the void, a portal suddenly condensed, and an exiled immortal dressed in white, with a faint light all over his body, walked out slowly.

  (end of this chapter)