MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 11 The first three

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With the goal of having a long-awaited building, I am not only looking forward to the special training of the martial arts the next day, but also taking the time to work hard. It seems that I have to make up for the wasted time, and strive to grasp both hands with both hands, so that the next Cai Zongming secretly The tongue, constantly hurting him, said that the man really relied on hormones to think about it. In order to chase the girl, you also betrayed the goods, leaving only myself to stick to the day!

When the "Introduction to Computer" ends at night, return to the dormitory, and Lucheng will check the website of the Academic Affairs Office and find that his course arrangement has been adjusted. The morning is blank, and the afternoon and evening are dense. Only Thursday is free and can rest at night. .

"Just be another high school!" He secretly clenched his fists and drums. After taking a bath in the bathroom after the martial arts class, he wiped his face with water in the thermos, soaked his feet, brushed his teeth, and then declined Cai. Zong Ming and Tang Wen’s proposal to play a game online, climbed into the bed early, and prepared for the early morning of the next day.

The so-called early rise of Loucheng is not the eight points of special training, but the seven points that he has scheduled, just like the third year of high school. Because the yin and yang piles are not enough for today, they have not stopped to taste and they have been stopped by the old man. Tomorrow may also be In this way, after all, according to Shi Laotou, most people can't hold on for a long time, so they have to practice for forty minutes.

Lying in bed, he used to play the mobile phone, while logging in to QQ chat, while brushing the forum of "Dragon Tiger Club".

In the forum, a post is highlighted with the title:

"Dong Baxian: I am the first three in the world!"

I rubbed, a big tone... Lou Cheng spit a sentence, clicked on the post, this is the exclusive interview of Dong Baxian, the chief of the "Yan Zhao League".

Dong Baxian is a strongman of the year. He won four titles before the famous double arrogance, including two kings. Therefore, he is also called "War King". He has always been arrogant and self-sufficient. Even the roadside children know this. However, his strength is worthy of such a character, people love and hate, like the admiration is too much, hate it and hate it.

In the interview, he said in the tone of who I am: "In addition to the taboo strong, I am the top three!"

This place is a forum for the "Dragon Tiger Club". Most of the people are fans of the "Dragon King" Chen Qichen. What will be the trend behind the story, the building can be thought of with the toes.

Sure enough, the moderator "riding the pig heroes" occupied the second floor, with a rhythm: "I and Yao Ming average height of one meter nine, although I hate the money gentleman, but still have to say, under the taboo strong He and the Dragon King are one gear, others are another grade, Dong Baxian this is in their position."

"Sun" made a sly smile and said: "In fact, Dong Ba did not say anything wrong. Except for Kailong Wang and Qian hypocrites, even if they add foreign masters, he really hopes to fight for the first. Logically speaking, when the world is not wrong, that is, just want to laugh, 233333333"

This girl is a popular figure in the forum. From time to time, she will take photos of her own. It is half a red face. She has nearly 100 replies under her comments, more than the moderator "riding the heroes".

Previously proposed to build a running to improve physical fitness, "Heart fast": "Hey, do not look in the mirror, Dragon King got the first title to the present, Dong Ba first got a few, one! Only one 'master' title That is why the Dragon King and the Hypocrites have both lost their lives and lost money because of him!"

"Do not do hooligans": "Dongba first - modesty is impossible to be modest, this life can not be modest, strength is not good, can only rely on bragging to maintain the status of the present."

This answer is very characteristic, Lou Cheng suddenly laughed, and replied below: "You are talented!"

"Do not do hooligans" and "always love pure Jungang this" are old drivers, and they are the other famous female IDs in the forum, "the world is beautiful."

Soon, "Do not do hooligans" will reply to Lou Cheng: "Haha, it’s not that I have talents. It’s a gamble. The old guys are talented. This is their spiritual leader’s stealing. Guevara’s famous saying, I changed it. ""

"Gambling gambling?" Lou Cheng replied ignorantly.

"Don't be a rogue" said: "You haven't seen the video? Just a thief was caught. When interviewing, he said: It is impossible to work because of working. It is impossible to work in this life. If you do business, you will not do it. Stealing this kind of thing can maintain the life like this, and the detention center feels like going home... The answer is too funny, and soon became famous, because it is like cutting Guevara, so it is called stealing? Guevara, Being gambling, the old guys are regarded as spiritual leaders."

"Consistently pure love Jungang" also explained below: "Game gambling is the place to quit, but a group of gambling ghosts together, naturally began to discuss how to win, they claim to be brother, often owe a few Ten can still post at home, hey, dozens of is the meaning of hundreds of thousands, and when running, there are still three or five bottles of mood, repair a car, from what to shoot, we can only say: brother, Steady! Go to that often and see if they are particularly talented and especially fun."

"Favorite Feng Xiaomang" followed: "You don't want to teach Shaoding's tiger. He is a freshman. Anyway, I like to gamble on the group of old brothers. Their most famous famous saying is: I borrowed by myself. Money, why should I still?"

Lou Cheng couldn't help himself: "It makes sense. I am speechless."

At this time, the "selling and selling 馄饨" little girl @了楼成: "Little tiger, how does the first class of Budosha feel?"

"The new coach is very powerful. I directly teach us the ‘Thunder’ yin and yang pile.” Lou Cheng replied with a bit of flamboyantness. Of course, he did not say that he was successful on the first day.

"Maybe the little tiger can really become the first master of our forum in the future (slap shoulder)!" "Sell it, sell it" and joked.

The "Land of the Road" that loves to show off is also ridiculed: "Hey, you are a traitor!"

The topic quickly shifted, and everyone burst into a smash, and Loucheng became a center of irrigation. He was interested in chatting, but his eyes could not be opened. "Golden Dan" can help him recover his physical fatigue, but he can't eliminate the spirit. The tiredness of the day, after a day of compact life, is no longer supportive.

I barely set the alarm clock, and the building fell asleep with the phone.

The next day, at 6:40, the fixed up time of Lou Chenggao, he naturally woke up, turn off the alarm clock that will ring in five minutes, so as not to quarrel the roommates.

After washing, he changed his hands to another set of ordinary martial arts clothes. He went out of the dormitory, ran out of the gate of the yard, and ran towards the Weishui Lake. The air in the morning was fresh and the breath was full of people’s feelings.

"Ah, how wonderful the world is! Ah, how fresh the air is!" Lou Cheng was a good joke with two lines, running in quiet and empty, and occasionally saw a few endorsements.

When I arrived at the lake, I found a quiet place. The cost of the building wanted to stand up directly, but my heart was moved, respectfully respected the lake and worshipped three times.

"I don't know which Jindan was left behind, and the younger generation was lucky enough to be a fate. If the martial arts are successful in the future, you can go directly into the water, and you must find the remains of the predecessors, and the thick burial sacrifice!"

He learned the tone of the novel and thanked the original owner of "Golden Dan" for his commitment.

After doing all this, he narrowed his feet, raised his hands, stood up the yin and yang piles, and once again held the Yuan Shouyi, and entered the Jingguan, and realized the subtle changes that occurred in the body as the center of gravity moved.

Time passes by, and he gradually feels that these changes are in his heart. With the feeling that the body is still his own, it seems that he can fully incorporate the body into the control of the mind in time.

See the mountain or the mountain, see the water or the water!

Indulge in this, Lou Cheng did not know how long the time has passed, just wait for the second set of alarm clock to sound, so as not to be late for special training.

Suddenly, he moved his heart and opened his eyes. He found that there was a little wrinkled old face in front of him. The muddy eyes were fixed on himself.

Lou Cheng was shocked and almost punched out, but he recognized the other party in time.

"Shi, Shi coach, how are you here?" He stuttered.

Shi Laotou smiled and said: "Why can't I be here? Yesterday I found out that you can go straight into the silence. Hey, if it's not your muscle weakness, the bones are not strong, I thought you learned to play pigs and eat tigers at a young age. The door is 'top school', the old man, I only reached the age of thirty, and then I got to know this!"

Lou Cheng was unable to spit, and had to smile: "I don't know what happened, I think Dan Tian is quiet."

He could see it, but fortunately, he did not find the "Golden Dan" in his body!

"This shows that you have talent in this area." Shi Laotou suddenly had a face. "Do you want to enter the real martial arts circle in the future? Do you want to get a professional nine products in a year or two?"

Everyone has their own future, not necessarily a martial art... Lou Cheng’s heart flashed through this sentence, and when Lin’s lack of competition won the excitement, worship and excitement of the surrounding audience, he did not hesitate:

"miss you!"

"Coach, do you have a way?"

"Of course, but you have to worship me as a teacher." Shi Laotou was so arrogant. "Well, the martial arts are against the water, even if you have talent, if you are lax, plus you are going backwards, you will not be promising in one or two years. Nine products can only be said that Master is leading the door and practicing in the individual, can he ultimately succeed, and most of them look at yourself."

Lou Cheng nodded, understand these reasons, and immediately learned the rituals of the martial arts circle: "The disciple sees Master!"

"Well, you don't have to be red tape, you can get started today." Shi Laotou showed a smile that was not serious. "Right, don't allow outsiders to say that I am your master."

Alas? Still secret? Lou Cheng asked subconsciously: "Why?"

And this is the teacher? Will it be too playful? There is simply a sense of unreality!

"While you have talent, you may not be able to practice it. There is such a disciple who can't be a weapon. I am afraid that when I go out, I will lose my old face!" Shi Laotou looked at Lou Cheng with contempt.

Really realistic... Lou Cheng is speechless.

"I am so realistic." Shi Laotou seems to see through his mind, smiled and said, "When I recognize your level, let's go out."

Lou Cheng thought for a moment: "Master, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, but I have to know your specific situation?"

Shi Laotou snorted: "I don't want to mention anything early. In the past few years, I am doing a research with the military. You also know that after entering the realm of foreigners, the warriors began to be different from ordinary people. All kinds of gods are different, and they are cultivated deeper. This kind of **** has a certain chance to be passed on to future generations, so that they have so-called abilities. We study the relationship between martial arts and abilities."

Lou Cheng thought of the purple fire and thunder and lightning when the dragon king and Wu Sheng were fighting. Zheng focused on nodding, expressed understanding, and immediately curiously asked:

"Master, what research are you responsible for?"

Shi Laotou faintly looked at Lou Cheng, faint:

"Being researched."

噗 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼

It’s hard to stop laughing, and Lou Cheng suddenly stunned. According to Master’s description, this research obviously needs the cooperation of outsiders to carry out.

In other words, is Master a strongman?

He euphemistically said that he is a top three strongman?