MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 699 Then on the "journey"

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Near New Year's Eve, Lou Cheng boarded a flight to the country, and after a long bump, finally arrived in Cannes.

After passing the inspection, he secretly sighed and praised:

“It’s very big country!”

After the incident of Lin Lin, he did not have his own visa. In the case of complete procedures, he did not make an excuse to refuse entry!

This is the big country style with confidence and confidence!

Lou Cheng unloaded the hidden worry, and the mood became brisk, followed the crowd and went ahead.

The Homeland Security Bureau is located in the office of Orion Airport. The person in charge of Kangcheng looked at the computer in front of the alarm, picked up the coffee cup, took a sip, and pretended to be calm.

"The group of idiots, I XX them, how to give this guy a visa!" After the black coffee was burned to his tongue, he screamed.

Monitor a strong person who is specially marked with "natural disasters" and "dooms" in the "terrorist level". Who is this?

Looking for a good communication, eloquence? Anyway, it will definitely be discovered!

Why should I get Smith to the Intelligence Bureau? If he is still there, everyone is relaxed!

The person in charge had a headache, thought for two minutes, decided to ask the boss, the total BOSS of the intelligence, security, and investigation system in the Cannes area, the arbitrator among the local terrorist-level powerhouses, the order maintenance officer, and the famous "New World Odin" Mr. Gonzalez.

There is no doubt that he is also a terrorist powerhouse, the old one!

After the phone was connected, there was a hearty laugh from the opposite side:

"Little Charles, have a problem?"

"Yes, Lord Gonzalez, the building of China is coming again." Charles, the person in charge, simply replied.

Gonzalez made a long sigh:

"Unfortunately, I am on vacation. You know, I have accumulated a lot of holidays. I fully believe that you can handle this matter well. The building of Huaguo is not a strong person who ignores the law. It is very simple to coordinate and communicate well. It is very simple. ""

"Yes, Lord Gonzalez." Charles slammed the phone and fell into a sluggish state.

I had dinner with him the day before yesterday...

Didn’t listen to him saying that he wants to go on holiday...

Reaching his face and calming for a few tens of seconds, he picked up the phone again and shouted in a "agent" who had the lowest qualifications and no background.


Entering the arrival hall, Lou Cheng saw a small classmate.

Next, they hugged, held hands, smiled, and chatted as usual, and occasionally came up with a few words of numbness, until they got on the cuckoo's car, they converge a lot.

After successfully arriving at Yan’s residence in the northern part of Kangcheng, Lou Cheng took the girl’s palm and rushed to the front of the house to open the door.

At this time, Yan Yan’s eyes turned agile and he said:

"Oh, forget to tell you something!"

"What?" Lou Cheng heard the sound of the door lock lifting, and smiled inside.

"My dad and my mother said that I haven't been with me for a few years. I made a special trip yesterday and gave me a surprise..." Yan Yan licked his mouth, but also helpless and funny.

Oops, the sound is in the ear, the door is open, the Queen Mother Ji Mingyu who is helping to clean up the table and the busy Dad in the kitchen are opened in the eyes of Lou Cheng.

Surprise... Lou Cheng’s mouth twitched and he shouted with a smile:

"Auntie, uncle."

"The small building is coming, I have to eat right away. I used to put my luggage in the past." Ji Mingyu smiled slyly, and opened his eyes and opened his eyes, bowed his eyes and bowed his head.

At this time, Yan Yan put it in his ear, a small voice:

"I have repacked a room on the second floor."

"This way..." Lou Cheng turned his head and looked at his wife, sketching a smile. "This is good."


The entry time of the week soon passed, and Lou Cheng boarded a flight to Wuyue province.

Recalling the atmosphere and daily life of these days, he could not help but smile and shake his head:

"Sometimes, sneaking is also fun..."

"It just can stay for a few days, and it has ended without returning to God..."

"The next time I have October..."

In the middle, I can only rely on Xiao Xiao’s classmates to return to China during the spring break and summer vacation.

Come and rush, go and rush, Lou Cheng holding a mobile phone, looking out the window, watching the flight leave the ground.

At this moment, in addition to Yan Fu is full of disappointment, many of the great people in Cannes have relaxed a lot, Gonzalez immediately ended his vacation, bid farewell to the beach full of sunshine and beauty.

I stayed with my master for a few days and went home to finish the fifteenth. Luncheng packed up the feeling of being lazy and idle, and embarked on a journey of the new year.

On the day of returning to Huacheng, he did not take a break and went directly to the Dragon Tiger Club to try out the new ideas that emerged this month with the help of the Volcano Lab.

As the "boss", there is a little fairy, he gave the assistant Auman and the driver Zhao Zhenhua a big red envelope. With this statement, it is called money.

After tempering, bathing, and building the hair, I asked Auman to ask "Loss" to be out of the office. After receiving a positive reply, he went straight and knocked on the door.

"Ning sister, happy new year." Pushing the door, Lou Cheng smiled.

Ning Hao is a happy red, but not a little gaudy, but she seems to be a few years younger.

"You don't have to be so polite. Didn't you call the year before?" Ning Yu played with a bracelet, and then laughed and leaned on the road. "Let's say, what do you want to ask?"

"My 'fire department' is barely proficient, but the 'ice department' can't fall down. I don't know if there is a similar "polar laboratory" in the vicinity of the military. Can't you fly two miles a week?" Said in a straightforward way.

"Yes, about two hours' drive." Ning Xiao smiled and said, "When you find your master, why bother me?"

"There is no trouble for the two masters." Lou Cheng solved the problem and answered in a good mood.

"Well..." Ning Yu indulged in a moment. "Before Lin Lin's case, although the follow-up investigation has not produced any results, but from the reaction of the "Wo Wang" if the letter disappears, it will not be small, the military and the rice country are ready. Work, re-orientation, and expand the scope of the investigation. You have made a lot of credit. After everyone’s discussion, I decided to let you know the Forbidden Ministry in advance. Yuqing."

Will it seem too imperative? Lou Cheng was not mentally prepared, and he was surprised to say:

"Looking at the present, the merits are not enough?"

"You can't just look at yourself." Ning Xiao smiled. "In fact, it is also a compensation for your master. When he was not willing to become a real military member or join the dragon and tiger, he could not practice the banned magic. If you are a honour, you will meet eight hundred times with his contribution. Since you are a master, you will be cheaper."

Lou Cheng was a few seconds, half a surprise and half doubts:

"Look at my master's appearance and I am very yearning for the banned ministry."

Can you live with the temptation?

And from what he said to himself, there is no old martial art....

Master usually doesn't look very reliable, and he can't think of the elders who have something to do...

Ah... I’m sneezing in the old man’s head, and muttered:

"Who is yelling at me?"

Ning Wei heard the words of Lou Cheng, shaking his head and laughing:

"That was the thing before his serious injury. After serious injuries, he looked at many things, and, in the words of your young people, he was a mouth gun."

To the master's ridicule, Lou Cheng is not good to answer, can only respond with a smile.

"Well, you are ready, go to the emperor to feel it after two days." Ning Xiao explained with a smile, "The things are not on our side, Mei Lao is in charge."

Having said that, she exclaimed:

"I hope that you can gain a little gain. The opening game of this professional competition may not be expected to win the Dragon King."

"Dragon King is injured?" Lou Cheng guessed.

During the Spring Festival, "Dragon King" accepted the "Wu Sheng" challenge for this title, and after three hard battles, lost to the other side. At that time, the building achievements felt that he might be too hard and injured.

"One point, it is not serious, but it is the final of the 'super war". The four-person system is based on the heart of the Dragon King. It will definitely not give up. At that time, most of the injuries will become heavier. Really, the master war The finals of the super-war battle are too close!" Ning Wei complained.

“Yeah.” Lou Cheng slowly nodded and asked, “Ning sister, the professional game is coming out? Who are we?”

“It’s out, it’s not announced yet.” Ning’s forehead said, “Two weeks later, we’ve been the defending’s ‘the best in the world’ and we accepted the challenge of ‘Official Alliance’ at home.”

"斩神刀" Road forever... I heard the "Official Alliance", the first name that emerged in the building's mind is the name.

If there is no "Dragon King", the club may be at a disadvantage...

Ning Yu sees the building as a nonsense, chuckle:

"Don't be too nervous, the road will always be a generation with me. I don't think I will lose to him. As for other people, hey, you know? They have joined the ranks."

"Who? I haven't heard of anyone who has been promoted recently?" Lou Cheng was confused.

"Not domestic, from Dongpu, you know, Tang Zexun." Ning Xiao said with a smile.

"Can you please foreign strong?" Lou Cheng was surprised.

The last time I met her in Huacheng, was this busy?

I thought she was going to fulfill her promise and challenge the "Taoist", specifically reminding the unreliable guys not to miss the "peach blossom" because of the daze.

"There is no rule, but as a special guest, Tang Zexuan can't practice the practice of 'Guanguan League'. He only takes money to fight. Well, her thoughts are said to be more actual combat." Ning Yu explained two sentences and smiled. "This can be agitated by the media circle. It will be reported in a few days. I already know a lot of titles. For example, 'The strongest genius of the Dong Dynasty is admiring the culture of the Chinese nation', 'being convinced, to learn from' I can imagine the reaction of Dongpu, and Tang Zexun is also under great pressure."

Lou Cheng was puzzled and leaned back, and the corner of his mouth outlined:

"It is not bad to have a chance to play with her again."