MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 720 Be a guest

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What is the strength of the building, no need to deliberately listen to the dialogue between He Zi and Yan Xiaoling, almost laughed.

Some people are walking hands, while others are walking...

He looked calmly and said: "Then I will go back and read the contents of the mail and consider giving it a reply."

"The trouble is to learn." He Zi smiled naturally.

Into the room, Lou Cheng first put aside the mail, and sent a message to Yan Yan:

"What do you mean by your brother?"

The girl replied quickly, "The ten fingers are handed over to the chin":

"emmmm... It should be a new goal and new motivation. At the beginning, he was crazy about practicing martial arts. One mind was to make up for his uncle's regret and lead Songda Budokai to win a championship. Even for this, he would even pay no price."

"After reaching the goal, maybe it's a little underpowered... I guess... After all, there is almost no one who wants to become stronger for the martial arts. Even if there is, it needs other stimuli."

She said a lot of things in one breath, and Luncheng certainly agreed: "Well, the ‘Dragon King’ is relatively pure, but it must also be a strong stimulus to the martial arts to reach the present level.”

"My brother probably found a new meaning in life in a war-torn area. Well, most of them are like this." Yan Yan "slowly nod."

"This is not bad." Lou Cheng recalled what he had seen and heard in the past and relaxed his breath. "When your brother tempered it, he jumped over the Dragon Gate and became a nephew. Even in a war-torn area, there would be no danger." It is."

"...You are not qualified to say this as a "瘟神" ‘disaster.’” Yan Yan “sit in the air”.

In this regard, Lou Cheng can only "cover his face and sigh."


At eleven o'clock the next day, the team sent by the organizing committee arrived at the main entrance of the hotel on time. Whether intentional or not, Loucheng was treated separately and one person took one.

The luncheon is a Chaoyang building with a sense of history in Songcheng. The self-service form, when you step into the main hall, Lou Cheng saw the president of the University Wudao Federation, Mr. Fang Jinxi, the president of Songda’s own master, the unknown full name of Dong. Mr., and the mayor of the governor and others.

"Haha, you have a good student who is big." Mayor of Song City pointed to Lou Cheng and smiled at the headmaster of Dong.

Lou Cheng and others stepped forward and shouted: "Dean principal is good."

Then, they said hello to Mr. Fang Jinqi and others, no matter what, politeness still has to be.

After a few guest sets, President Dong looked at Lou Cheng, hehe smiled:

"Your Master often said in front of me that I want to give you temper, give you frustration, give you a failure education, but it seems to have been unsuccessful."

I went to Master, and his old man had such a sinister thought... Lou Cheng had a feeling that he never imagined, and he was surprised and funny at the moment.

However, his face is not moving, only smiles, and maintains his own master's demeanor: "Don't be able to say this, my most important step is indeed from setbacks."

President Dong smiled and nodded, feeling out loud:

"The founding of the country has received a good apprentice."

Unlisted, Shi Laotou is drinking and listening to the drama.

Suddenly, he flashed a word in his ear:

"...the hardest life...the friend is not careful, the apprentice is not good..."

Hey, Shi Laotou licked his lower lip and nodded secretly:

It makes a lot of sense!

On the topic of Master, Lou Cheng and President Dong and other middle-aged people chatted and chatted. Unconsciously, they formed a circle, and from time to time they took drinks, cakes and snacks from the waiters passing by.

"I will go get some food first." After a while, Lou Cheng heard his stomach whispering, and smiled back.

At this time, he discovered that Cai Zongming and others were eating, and some were talking with other local martial arts association leaders, other university coaches, and others, and some were represented with other guests and players. Everyone has a circle.

Only the forest is short, carrying the plate, standing on the edge of the balcony, and closing the door leading to it, isolated a cold and peaceful in the bustle.

"Sure enough, the man who is not changed by the environment..." Lou Cheng laughed, holding the food with his hands, and going to the balcony to go to the balcony and talk to the big brother about the war area.

He is about to continue to add, and the familiar figure appears in front of him, wearing a evening gown to reveal the white shoulders of the Shu reporter.

"So smart." Lou Cheng snorted.

Shu Xiao smiled and said: "It is not a coincidence, but I made a special trip from Huahai, and let Xiaoling forward the mail to you in advance."

"You are not in Songcheng?" Lou Cheng is slightly different.

Listening to her means that this is true.

Shu Shu wrinkled his nose and said: "Yes, an impulse has passed, and Huahai Satellite TV is a national platform!"

It was not enough to talk about it. Lou Cheng did not ask again. Instead, he said, "I have seen your program planning plan. It is very interesting, but are you sure to find me?"

The program that Shu Yu wants to do is called “going into the outer shackles”. It is no longer limited to competitions and interviews. It is about presenting the daily life of the outsiders, letting the audience see how the strong people live each day.

For the vast majority of people, this is very interesting and quite curious. Just like in ancient times, farmers would also imagine that the emperor was using a golden squad, and eating melons could also make a full of nightmare.

"Why do you say this? I think you are very good. When you were interviewed, you will have great demeanor!" Shu Wei frowned and said that he was puzzled.

"Oh, I mean, my daily life is rather boring." Lou Cheng half is honest and half is to answer from the black.

"No, believe me, people nowadays are emptiness to see other people eating and sleeping, not to mention the daily routine of a foreign tyrant, and then boring and others to watch." Shu Yu waved his hand and was full of confidence.

Then, she showed her sincere look: "I plan to find ten nephews in the first quarter. There are some connections in the station, but I am afraid that other strong people think that I am not reliable and unwilling to accept. If you have a model, When they saw it, ah, Lu Cheng was also recorded, and my heart would not be too resistant."

Lou Cheng said in a moment: "Well, I reminded you anyway, you can contact the Dragon and Tiger Foreign Affairs Team and ask them to find my assistant."

"Good!" Shu Wei nodded excitedly, then smiled and said, "Well, ‘find my assistant’, there is a big fan!”

Lou Cheng laughed and pointed to the balcony: "I still have things, first passed."

Shu Wei followed his fingers and smiled and responded: "Okay."

When the building turned around, she slammed her toes and looked at the balcony. She said to herself: "The "King of the Cold Field" is coming?"


At 7:00 pm, the opening ceremony of the final stage of the new university martial arts conference.

After the presidents of the Federation, Mr. Fang Jinqi, Mr. Song Dadong, and other people finished speaking, the host took a breath and voiced:

"Let's ask for a group of heavyweight guests below."


Her voice was not lost, and it was overwhelmed by the sound of the audience's mountains and tsunami:


Followed by, it is another cry:

"Lin is missing!"

The audience was just like when they introduced the players at home.

"Song Dasong!"

"Champion champion!"

Lou Cheng, who was in the background, heard it, like a world, seems to have returned to the burning years in the past, and the body could not help but shudder.

"I haven't forgotten us yet..." Xiao Ming's classmates made a normal trip and said.

“Is not happy? I don’t feel moved?” Lou Cheng said with a funny smile.

Cai Zongming silently for a few seconds, no longer just "leisure", took a breath:


When this statement came out, Lin Hua He Zi and others could not help but redden the eyes, and shouted low and low:

"Song Dasong!"

"Champion champion!"


Lou Cheng converges on the emotions, looks at the big brother, and finds that he has long looked to the side.

Stepping forward, they rushed forward and came to the stage, attracting more heated cheers.

When it came to calm down, the host smiled brightly: "They can be said to be the most legendary team in the history of the University's martial arts. From the bottom of the valley, there is no hope to win the trophy in the famous world. It only took two years!"

"Now, there are legendary continuations among them. There is already a foreign tyrant who will probably have it in the future!"

"They are the pride of Songcheng. They are the pride of Songcheng University. They are the champions three years ago, all members of Songcheng University Budosha!"

The "championship champion" shouted Yu Bouli, the host went to the side of the building, smiled:

"I have an interview."

“Luo Cheng, you are one of the most successful people in the martial arts circle of the university. It is the idol and role model of many people. What do you want to say to the younger brothers and sisters?”

Lou Cheng took the microphone and recalled for a few seconds:

"This road, in addition to the struggle of the self, the opportunity is equally important."

"I don't want to dispel your enthusiasm, just to introduce the situation of the martial arts circle very seriously."

"If you want to take the road of martial arts, if you don't have good guidance, it will be a good practice. If you have only one or two in ten, you can hope to get a job. Even if you have the previous ones, there are A large number of people who have been eliminated can only take the amateur level as a stepping stone for employment. It may be no problem to have enough food and clothing, but it is not much different from others."

"After the job nine, I can feel the transcendent feeling of practicing the family, can show masculinity in front of the girl, and the income is almost touched by the middle class, but the upside is really limited, unless it is promoted to Dan."

"From the job nine to the Dan, even if the inheritance is good, there are only one or two in the ten, or even less. If you go up, the non-human is a hurdle, and there are very few people who can jump over the Dragon Gate."

"This is an approximate situation. If you really want to go this route, you should understand that you may be the amateur two or three products, four or five products. If you do not reach the cultural knowledge of the standard line, you can only develop in a small city. It will definitely not be the same as your expectations."

"Well, I have a bunch of things. I finally said one thing. I didn't want to make a decision based on a **** battle. I didn't call courage to call Lu Xun. I seriously considered the difficulties and considered how to be self-sufficient in the future. I still do it without hesitation. It’s the real warrior! The real warrior!”

"This is what I want to say."