MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 728 Air combat

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Two days later, Hexi City Jiuwen Museum.

This is a stadium built for the "Wu Sheng Battle". It has been a history of several decades. It has been rebuilt and refurbished a few days ago. It has increased the number of seats around the audience and added a lot of protection on the basis of the original.

The length and width of the platform in Qingshipu are more than 300 meters. Because of the frequent damage, it needs serious renovation, and there is no trace of mottle. Only the "export" of the left side of the warrior stands, standing on a stone tablet, leaving the original call for a career. In the game, Lin Zhonglin’s ink treasure:

"Wuzhong Holy One"!

When the "Wu Sheng Battle" entered the first 32 strong stages, when the single rounds were reduced to no additional site sharing, all the games returned to here and returned to the evening!

As the last of the eight games on the first day, Lou Cheng did not pay much attention to the previous battles. He will watch Feng Zhi video's harvest and thoughts in his mind over and over again, from time to time, sometimes scrutinizing, focusing and serious.

By the end of the penultimate game, he stopped all this, so that his mood was relieved and not too tight.

The line of sight stayed in the big screen in the lounge. He saw that Peng Leyun was suppressed by the "Kirin" Dongba, and he was always passive. He tried to counterattack several times, or he used his body to circulate, like a few waves in the river. Elapsed.

"It’s not ‘the first three in the world’...” Lou Cheng said half-smiling and silently.

If you change yourself to the current situation of "Taoist", you will not do better than him!

While admiring the battle, he picked up his mobile phone and flipped the news at random, then sent the title and link to Stern: "Silver":

"The battle of the test"!

"I don't want to stand on the final stage!"

"The test of Lou Cheng is coming!"

“It’s super best, it’s over!”


Yan Yan responded quickly, "turning over the table":

"Are you looking at these things to find excitement? I have never said anything to you before!"

She is afraid that it will interfere with the mood of Lou Cheng.

Lou Cheng "snickering" said: "I just want to find stimuli, increase the feeling of breaking the boat!"

"This is also OK..." The girl "has seen the dog stay."

She thinks about the pure mind, and understands the reason. Without asking again, she turns to the air:

"Don't just put it to death, but you have to despise your opponent strategically. I don't think he can match himself. There is a belief in winning!"

"In addition to the hair, I really can't think of him worse than me..." Lou Cheng deliberately joked.

"Who said it!" Yan Yan "angry and yelled" said, "You have a wife, he did not!"

"...justified!" Lou Cheng almost laughed and laughed, and then remembered a gossip, so he shared it with his classmates happily. "I heard a story after listening to Luo yesterday, saying that Feng Zhi is still a job." Yes, for the first time, I went out with a few friends and friends in the same door, went to the club where I was not serious, and shouted a sneak peek. At the end, others took away the girl, and he took away Mama Sang."

When this happened, no one knew that Feng Zhi would eventually become a super-powerful. His friends and friends didn’t help him to cover up. Instead, he talked as a joke and spread it. Since then, he liked the special, with The step by step improvement of strength, the more widely spread.

Yan Yan’s “Khan Yan” said: “It’s really impossible to see him.... Real. People can’t be seen!”

Feng Zhi looks very thick, temperament is simple, plus young boy baldness, like the old farmer who planted trees on the mountain.

Between the chats, Peng Leyun and Dong Baxian's game came to an end. Although the former struggled from the edge of failure again and again, it was impressive, but in the end it did not make a miracle.

Poor "Taoist"... Lou Cheng sighed the other party's signing, said to Yan Yan:

"I am going to adjust the state and make the final preparations."

"Yeah, come on!" The girl immediately replied, then bite her lip and make up, "If you can achieve the goal this time, I will take one day, take one day, emmmm, I will listen to you!"

Lou Cheng’s mind seems to be able to outline the expression and appearance of the little fairy at this time. The mouth does not consciously evoke for a few seconds, half jokingly back to the expression of “nostril jet”:

"If I lose, it must be because this refueling makes me unable to calm down..."

"Quiet me?" Yan Yan is so angry and funny.

The young couple did not have much to pull, the floor was put down the phone, close the eyes, let the thoughts slowly sink, make the ice heart, adjust their body state bit by bit.


In one of the other lounges, Feng Zhili was in front of the mirror, holding hair gel, smearing the remaining hair and fiddling them to the most suitable position.

When doing this thing, his eyes focused and looked serious, just like the ancient swordsman and the people before the duel, always burn the fast, the same as the bathing clothes.

Devotion to the sword, pay attention to the enemy!

To do all this, Feng Zhi bounced off the white martial arts uniform, and his back was so stiff that he slowly went to the long table where the "Qi Tianjian" was flat.

The right palm sticks out, holds the sheath, and takes it up seriously. There are winds and winds around him. He turns his body and looks at the door, stepping back and forth.


Fifteen minutes later, the eighth game of the thirty-two into sixteenth opened the curtain, and the two lights on the clear "road", a navy blue building and white robes Feng Zhi almost appeared at the same time.

They converge on the momentum, their eyes are dull, and they go as usual in the emergency replacement of the repaired bluestone site, and they arrive at the designated positions on both sides of the referee.

No delay, "conversation time" begins.

Feng Zhi lifted the left hand of the sheath and took a ritual. The standard of action was not in vain. It seems that for him, the sword is a sacred thing.

As for the other party, he did not speak, but he seemed to be swearing at the words, but Lou Cheng was very clear. Feng Zhi’s thoughts in private occasions were agile and good at communication.

He does not speak, just because this sword does not respect!

All spiritual confrontation and verbal stimulation are disrespectful to the sword!

Lou Cheng did not take the black history to stimulate the enemy's plan. Maybe Feng Zhi is still proud of this. He also keeps silence. He has a built-in momentum, so that the red, purple and other flame balances condense and circle.

Three minutes quickly lifted, the referee who had returned to the edge raised his right hand and slammed it:



Qingyue’s gold and iron symphony sounded long and resounding. Feng Zhi pulled out a long sword like a Qiuqiu’s sword, and smashed it two times in front, just like drawing a fork in the void for white paper!

The cyan crescent, which is as thin as a flap and highly condensed, appears in tandem with a tearing airflow.

Lou Cheng did not do evasive, and the golden fireball turned around and blew out.

The crescent-like sword light is approaching, and it is divided into equal four lobes like a real weapon. It penetrates the past and its potential is only slightly reduced.

At this moment, the golden fireball was suddenly out of balance, and the original blasted, and the wave engulfed Jianguang, as if it was still being manipulated.

After trying the hand, Feng Zhi’s foot screamed and screamed at the opponent, and the sword in his hand or squat or stroked, inspiring a “cyan crescent” that was as fast as a thunder, letting the air in the air.

Lou Cheng turned to the waist, hurricane, or flash or block, or avoid or fight, steady and orderly, not busy.

In this piece of blue crescent, there was a flash of light, and Feng Zhi’s long sword suddenly came, leaving behind a dragon-shaped hurricane that rolled up the dust and the sound of chasing it.

Lou Cheng had a hunch, the arm had already shaken out, and the slanting slanted to the mouth of the "Qi Tianjian", the "five fires" behind the rotation became faster, seems to be condensed.

But at the end of the day, he also slammed the impulse to do his best, and believed that Feng Zhi, who is a super-powerful, could not leave such a big flaw, and could not hardly fight "five fires and nine turns. The big day came."

His sword must be hidden behind his hand, in order to provoke me to condense the "five fires"... When I read the thoughts, the building stabilized the balance, and filled the body with the ice that filled the fists. The sigh of the back "blocks the sword.

Seeing that the two are about to collide, the sword is scattered and spreads into a violent wind that swept the circle. Feng Zhi’s figure is hidden in it, making it difficult to find.

"Wind Department" third style, "rootless duckweed"!

This is not only the school of unloading, but also the secret of avoiding!

Hey! The wind blew the ear, the cut surface was like a knife, and the building became a sudden jump of the eyebrow, violently pulling the shoulder, turning the right fist into a claw, and took it to the front of the face.

In the squally winds of the stock, a flash of shimmering metal entwined with a small cyan tip of the sword, and turned to his forehead, but under the prejudgment, it was like throwing himself into the net.

Snapped! The five fingers of the building's green and black color scratched the tiny cyan around the opponent's sword.

This cyan is the wind of the strong force, maintaining the balance of the long sword. They collapsed and the tip of the sword trembled immediately. It was pushed slightly to change the direction, and the back of the hand of the building was stabbed to his door, cold. The cold feeling makes the goose bumps instantly appear.

"Undefined sword"!

According to the "Feng Department" of the brothel in the past, the swordsmanship is said to be unpredictable!

The essence of this sword method is that the attached "wind force" is not to hurt people, but to gather the sword body and maintain balance. Once it comes into contact with people, there is a strong external force to join, and "wind power" will immediately become unbalanced, with a long sword. Towards, it is beyond the expectations of the enemy.

As for where the last will be stabbed, the user can't judge beforehand, so it is called "unchanged sword"!

Above the skin, like a poisonous snake swims, the building becomes rooted and sweaty, but he is not eager to avoid the long sword. He just leans his head, tightens his muscles, shakes his knees, flies his left foot, and turns his calf into a whip. Pumped forward.


He kicked the scabbard that didn't know when to poke the lower abdomen!

This is the real killing of Feng Zhi!

Use the "unchanged sword" to force the enemy to rush, hold the sheath and give a fatal blow!

When the other party understands and prepares for it in advance, it can be turned into reality and turned into reality, so that the "indefinite sword" becomes the main attack!

Of course, there is no perfect move in the world. The "indefinite sword" maintains difficulties. Feng Zhi has no way to control the scabbard while he is driving it. He can only wait until the balance is broken, and the "wind force" that is out of control automatically pushes the sword. When the tip is changed, you can free your hand to do the next step.

This has a difference between before and after, leaving a certain gap!

At the same time, the building's flying legs pumped the scabbard. At the same time, the palm of the hand filled the white mist, allowing the airflow to freeze silently and flashing crystal.

He let the "sigh after the ice" break out with the goal of the void!

The ice crystals are stacked, the inertia still has the wind and the speed of the sword tip is gradually slowed down. The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is to be.


One trick failed to succeed, Feng Zhi once again "spreaded out" and turned into a black tornado with a flash of light.

"Cangwu", under the cracked blue bricks, like the windstorm in the documentary!

Lou Cheng is in the core position, and only feels that the black winds that make up the tornado have a sharp sense of sharpness. It seems that Feng Zhi’s sword light is derived and cannot be ignored.

If it is shrouded by this tornado, it will be attacked by the slashing of the slashing body... Lou Cheng understands that this is the combination of the powerful spirit and the move of the opponent, first messing with the gods, then smashing their bodies,

"Wind Department" eighth style, "black disaster. Hurricane swept"!

Even more frightening is that there is also a faint sweet smell floating in the wind, slowly eroding the body of the building.

At this moment, the best response is to blast the "five fires", destroying the tornado with a pure explosion of wind and waves, and let Feng Zhi's long sword to rotate and shape.

Lou Cheng did the same, but he deliberately left the golden and light blue, only the "three fires".

boom! He punched his left fist and the purple color merged into one and expanded.

The dazzling light tears the black, leaving the site white, the rolling cloud disintegrating the tornado, creating countless turbulences, and the huge explosions shook the earth, "excavating" a clear and wide pothole!

In such an environment, the floor became a flurry of clothes, and the senses around him fell to the lowest point, but he thought about turning his body halfway, waving his right arm and pulling back!


His fist accurately hit the long sword stabbed in the wind and the wind, and knocked it back.

This half is a premonition to danger. It is an early judgment. When the "three fires are aggregated", it is not affected too much, and it can also launch the offensive position, only the rear covered by his body!

The sneak attack failed, Feng Zhi kicked his knees and took the wind. He lost his weight by the wind, and then floated around the air in the "green wind"!

The "wind department" has been trained to his level and has been able to fly for a period of time. This is also the advantage of his relative majority of nephews!


Feng Zhi is like an eagle, with a gust of wind as the wing, slamming down, and the long sword in the palm of the hand slams out the green awning, sometimes hanging and cutting, sometimes blocking the surrounding.

In this process, even if there is no collision, he can borrow the wind and rise again without any stagnation.

Hey! The building is either hard or hard, or dodge, or based on the residual golden and light blue, quickly condensing the fireball and high-altitude bombardment.

However, his counterattacks were lightly avoided by Feng Zhi, the other side's actions were satisfactory, the transition was flexible, and the birds were more than birds.

puff! After Lou Cheng blasted a group of light blue fireballs, the dodge was a little slower, and behind the two swords lighted, breaking the ice layer and tearing out a **** mouth.

Puff puff! Within three minutes, without "air power" he is like a beast, how can't break the situation, more and more wounds, failure seems to be only a matter of time!

It was twenty seconds later. In the air, Feng Zhi suddenly turned his head upside down. With a long sword as a drill bit, he sang a highly cohesive horror tornado.

When the tornado fell to the building, he curved his body and bounced again, drifting away into the distance.

His flight is based on the "wind department" strength and extinction simulation, can not be maintained for a long time, must be slow for a while to continue.

Of course, Feng Zhi is not an idiot. He has to wait until the end of the toughness to "ventilate". He will leave a margin to prevent accidents, so as not to be in the air, the action will be stagnant, and he will fall and be slaughtered!

At this juncture, Lou Cheng was in the middle of the glory, ignoring the hurricane that swept through the volcano, violently urging the blood and guiding the "Dan Jin" to the legs.

boom! Between the bend and the support, the ground broke, and he vacated, entwined with golden, lavender and light blue, like a cannonball, fluttering to Feng Zhi!

He is struggling to support, waiting for a long time, waiting for now!

Feng Zhi’s flight is difficult to last, and the outsiders are well-known, but in addition to practicing the “Fighting Department”, the Shushan Zhaiqiang, no one is going to catch this because the other party will not fall into the weakest state, and that belongs to In his field, if you take a similar opportunity, it is easy to steal the chicken and not turn it back, let yourself fall to the brink of failure!

When analyzing the opponent's battle highlights, Lou Cheng is keenly aware that this may be his only chance, otherwise there is no way to defeat the enemy who is at its peak and superior metamorphosis!

This is not to say that Feng Zhi will carelessly, will be negligent, but after "the long-term", when facing the enemy outside the mountain, he will not be more cautious, more careful, and make different reservations due to different opponents.

Anyway, no one will try it or not?

This is my chance!

Short "flight", I will also!

If you don't succeed, you will be married!

The "rocket" was launched, and the building was whistling to draw closer to the opponent.

Seeing this scene, Feng Zhi’s light flashed, and the smoldering wind swayed around him, letting him drift away, the sword in his palm erected, and the enemy who was eager to “fly”.

boom! In the building, the Yandi was bombed, and the corner was turned away, avoiding the blue sword light.

Hey! Feng Zhi did not change his mind, and he had a lot of effort to make a continuous turn. The eagle hit the sky.

Hey! Lou Cheng followed the direction and pulled the distance closer.

Feng Sheng made a big fuss, Feng Zhi flew up, as if it was hung by Wei Ya, the "Qi Tian Jian" in his hand was bright, and he wanted to trace the enemies that were about to fall.

At this time, the building's feet under the light blue flame spray, penetrated the incineration of the shoes, holding him to climb again!

"Splash counterattack", the rocket vacated!

Feng Zhi’s light glimpsed, and the surrounding blue wind collapsed halfway, whizzing and flying to the side below.


An explosion suddenly sounded, and the golden fireball that was not used before Lou Cheng exploded, turned into a fierce storm, hurting his back, and pushing him to catch up.

Feng Zhiyan slammed into a hole, letting the remaining blue winds all collapse, traversing and pulling out Jianguang.

Bang! Bang!

Light blue and light purple burst open one by one, one blocked the Jianguang, one boosted the direction!

The rolling clouds broke open and the building became "stepping" and finally approached Feng Zhi.

At the critical juncture, Feng Zhi’s martial arts suit bulged, just like the internal self-sufficiency of the wind, and once again in the blink of an eye!

Just as the audience sighed for the means of the building, his body suddenly fluttered, as if he had lost his weight, and the flames under his feet did not burn as much as the money, let them rise and rise!

His body is "ice hail" dark and empty, symbolizing the cold of the universe, that is no material silence!

Lightly step on one foot, Lou Cheng followed up, his left arm shook open, and punched Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi finally did not change direction again, no longer turned, the sword in the palm of the light flashed, sturdy.

His "flight" has reached the limit!

The building's joints bounced, and the five fingers suddenly opened. They grabbed the opponent's blade and poured the "ice" stored in the body.

A layer of crystal condensed and spread to Feng Zhi, at the same time, the right palm of Lou Cheng also seized the scabbard drawn by the enemy.

Hey, hey!

The two legs are either pumping or kicking, or squatting or clicking, constantly colliding, falling together!

In the process of falling, Lou Cheng and Feng Zhi simultaneously used the simplified "Bing" character and "natural mourning" to attack the spirit of the opponent. The eyes were full of dizzy colors, and no one could make adjustments to prepare for the big move. ".

But for Lou Cheng, this is no better!

Because with the "ice hail" power pouring, on the one hand, it affected Feng Zhi's movements, offsetting the wind power in his body. On the other hand, due to the balance of "ice fire", the fire in the building became gradually Condensed, more and more!


When the two were about to land, Lou Cheng grabbed the opponent's long sword and the shell's palms and suddenly released them, and drilled two heavy purple fireballs.


The fireball exploded, let Feng Zhi's body be created, and was bumped and squatted a little high, and the timely completion of the contraction of the group into a group of backed by the backlash, preemptive landing, can not adjust the interest, direct hand knot printing, exhalation open channel :


The airflow instantly shrank, and Feng Zhi, who could not "flight", was forbidden. He didn't have time to break away in the first place.

boom! Lou Cheng back to the blood, once again vacated, grabbing Feng Zhi, who had just opened the cage, poured into the hail, and took him to the ground.


Among the smoke and dust, a pothole emerged. Feng Zhi was lying in the center, and was forced to squat down and leaned against the throat with his elbow joint.


His "Qi Tian Jian" fell on the edge of the pothole and made a crisp sound.

The referee raised his right hand and shouted:

"Ling Chengsheng!"