MTL - Martial God-Chapter 6 6 layers of mixed elements

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Mixed strength, gold is major in internal strength.

This is the first method that He Yiming came into contact with after he began to cultivate the inner strength cheats. He also worked hard for the whole eight years before yesterday.

In the last four years, He Yiming has thought of many times to break through the fifth-level limit and advance the sixth-level scene.

He has deeply engraved the inner working line of the sixth floor into the bones. It is an unforgettable stubbornness, and it is also an insistence that the Yellow River does not die, and the Yellow River does not die.

If it were not for the decisions of the elders and the pains of the third brother, it would be absolutely impossible for him to change the rest of the exercises.

However, although he has achieved incredible achievements on the ripples, in contrast, the mixed strength is connected with his flesh and blood, and the inseparable major practice.

When He Yiming's spirit entered a certain wonderful realm, the body's exercises immediately recovered to the multi-year enthusiasm and naturally entered the sixth layer. All this is like a watershed, without any slight hindrance, it seems that He Yiming's mixed yuan is originally on the sixth floor.

He Yiming, who was half-closed and half-closed, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes burst into a glimpse of the world.

He jumped in the air without thinking, turned around in the air, and suddenly hit one hand. The inner strength of the whole body was raised to the extreme at this moment, and his spirit was pushed to the peak state in an instant.

In the direction of his advance, a fierce cry broke out, but there was a hint of fear and coward in this cry.

The two-meter-high fox bear opened his mouth and lifted the palm-like bear's paw.


Unlike the contest that seemed to be silent, this time it was a huge noise.

The huge body of the fox bear was thrown up by the powerful force. After hitting a roll in the air, he fell into the shrubs among the trees, and even the bear hair on his body was torn down a lot. However, once the fox bear landed, it immediately jumped up quickly and fled in the opposite direction to He Yiming.

That speed is absolutely impossible to associate with its huge body.

In a flash, this fox bear has already penetrated into the mountains, and no longer traces.

He Yiming stood in the same place. He slowly took back his palm and looked at the swollen arm in an incredible way. However, he did not feel pain at all, with a surprise on his face. The look of the extreme.

Just when he had just issued a powerful one, he already felt that he was not using six layers of ripple work, but that he had cultivated a full eight years of mixed strength.

When he realized that his body's exercises suddenly changed, He Yiming's heart screamed badly. Although the mixed yuan is the most powerful gold-strength method, but the huge gap between the five and six layers, But he lost the confidence to hurt the enemy. However, just between the electric Flint, the fox bear has been shaken out, and watching it desperately fleeing and the somewhat crappy movements, indicating that it must have been injured at the moment, and not too light.

At that time, He Yiming immediately understood that the mixed element he used was not the fifth layer, but the gold system with the sixth layer of power.

He even unconsciously broke through the fifth floor of the mixed yuan.

This is the mixed strength, it is his practice of eight years of mastery, the feelings of this set of exercises, definitely not just a practice of ripples for one night can be compared.

Eight years of hard work, four years of concern, actually reached this point inexplicably.

The kind of powerful surprise and happiness is like flooding He Yiming completely drowned. He really tasted a feeling of bitterness and a kind of impulse to burst into tears.

At this moment, let alone the fox bear has escaped, even if it has not escaped, He Yiming has not continued to entangle with it.

After a long time, He Yiming recovered from this state of ecstasy.

He looked at the shrubs that passed straight into the distance, and the wicked and poor fox had long been unaware of where he went.

He suddenly remembered the wonderful realm of his strongest blow, but when he began to recall, he couldn’t grasp the mystery. It seems that the realm has completely disappeared with the passing of the crisis. .

He Yiming knows that the reason why he can determine the direction in which the fox bear hides in advance is not the relationship between his eyesight and experience, but the inexplicable sentiment in that mysterious environment. That sentiment seems to be extremely useful for fighting, but unfortunately, he can't catch the slightest clues, and he doesn't know if he can still enter it in the future.

Hesitated for a moment, looked at the sky, He Yiming did not stay here, but quickly went down the trail to go down the mountain.

His movements are extremely fast, and the ripples of the water system slowly flow on the arm while running.

The self-healing effect of the water system is very obvious. When He Yiming returned to Hejiazhuang at the foot of the mountain, his hands were already intact, and there was no sign of any injuries.

He Yiming’s heart is amazed, and the water system has such a benefit, so what is the world’s first wood attribute method that is called the healing system? If you have a chance, you must try it.

When he returned to the manor, the sun was already westward, and He Yiming considered it and walked directly to the backyard. After turning a few turns, he came to a large courtyard completely made of mahogany.

In the hearts of all the practitioners in Hejiazhuang, this courtyard is the holy place in their minds, because this is the collection of Hejiazhuang.

In this collection, there are not only various cultivation techniques collected by Hejiazhuang, but also various martial arts cheats. Among the three generations of disciples, if someone can cultivate to the sixth floor of the inner strength, then they are eligible to enter here to select the martial arts cheats that they want to practice.

After He Yiming experienced an unexpected encounter with the fox bear on the mountain, he immediately cast his mind on the martial arts secrets in the library. If he has practiced martial arts cheats for a long time, then in the face of the fox bear, it will not be to stun it, but to cramp it.

A fox bear's skin, gallbladder, bear's paw, and even meat and bones are very rare good things. If you take it out and sell it, you will be able to make He Yiming wake up in his sleep.

After a lighter step, He Yiming stepped into the courtyard.

"Yimong, you are coming." A vigorous and powerful voice rang in a side hall in the courtyard, and then the door opened, and a middle-aged Han Han walked out like a tiger.

He Yiming quickly said: "Da Bo, the disciple came to see you old."

This person is He Wude, the eldest son of He Wude. He has always been reclusive in the library of books at home. All disciples who want to enter the library must obtain his consent.

As for He Yiming's father, He Yiming and San Shuhe, he is managing the trivial things in the store business and manor in the city. In the personal cultivation, He Yuming and He Yuyi spent several decades, and they have reached the peak of the eight-layered internal strength. However, the boss He Xinxin has reached the ninth floor because of nothing outside. The tenth floor of the main He Wude is only one step away.

The two brothers of the second generation of the Hejia family have a close relationship. Although there are some minor frictions in the three generations, it is only caused by the competition between them. Therefore, all the juniors are awe in treating these three elders.

He Xinxin glanced at the little scorpion and sighed in his heart. He said: "Ying, you want to come in and choose the inner strength cheats. I have already discussed with the second brother and the third brother, and I have chosen three books for you. It may be suitable for your cultivation."

He Yiming’s lips moved, and his heart was very grateful. He bowed his head deeply and said, “Thank you, uncle.”

He Xinxin and Yan smiled and said: "You are my nephew, thank you. But I hope that you can temporarily put down the cultivation and take a rest for a few days."

He Yiming was slightly stunned, and then he understood the intention of the uncle. It seems that he still thought that he could not break through because of the psychological shadow.

"Da Bo, in fact, yesterday, the third brother has given the practice of ripple work to Xiao Xiao ~ ~ so Xiao Yan today is not for the internal strength cheats."

He Xinxin asked strangely: "Why are you coming?"

"Xiao Xiao is coming for martial arts cheats." He Yiming said as calmly as possible, but there was a hint of excitement in the voice.

He Yixin’s glance, and his eyes on He Yiming gradually changed.

"One song, be careful."

As the voice of He Xinxin just fell, he had a flat palm shot.

The speed of this palm is extremely slow, even an ordinary person who has never practiced hard work can easily avoid it. However, He Yiming was straightforward, and the same hand extended a palm, so he greeted it flatly.

He Xinxin's palm is not as thick as the fox bear's palm, so huge, but in the eyes of He Yiming, this palm is far more terrible than the bear's paw.

When he shot it out, the body's mixed strength had already reached its limit, and the power of the sixth layer of goldwork was fully released at this moment, even when it was fighting with the fox bear on the mountain. His internal strength does not seem to have reached the level of such exertion.

Gently, the two palms touched together, and He Yiming’s six-layer internal strength was unreservedly poured out. However, in his feelings, the uncle's palm is like a bottomless pit, no matter how powerful his internal strength is, he is always filled with dissatisfaction.

He Xiaoxin’s eyes flashed a splendid color, and his face finally showed a smile of satisfaction. He suddenly burst into laughter and said: “Well, one song, today is the middle of the month, let me see you.”

Ps: Today is Christmas, although it is not a Chinese holiday, but I wish my brothers and sisters a Merry Christmas ^_^

Christmas, don't forget to vote!