MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5935 Land struck

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  However, the blood mist congealed and not dispersed, and turned towards the two of them.

  Yang Kai's face changed slightly, he grabbed Zuo Wuyou, and fell back onto the carriage.

  In the sky, if the blood mist is spiritual, it quickly escaped. From a distance, the voice of the blood girl came: "I will break your corpses into pieces sooner or later!"

  The prestigious Ube leader just fled in embarrassment.

  Looking at the direction she was leaving, Yang Kai looked sad: "Difficult!"

  Ordinary people have suffered such sneak attacks, and they have died for a long time, but this blood girl can save his life. The methods are so serious that Yang Kai has to sigh with emotion, how many talents and talents are.

However, after the fight just now, Yang Kai also saw some clues. Xue Ji's attainments in the art of the blood path are indeed extremely high, and she has no flaws in her body, even if her heart is stabbed and crossed. Will die, but will damage some vitality.

  But she was not injured just now, and now she must have been badly injured, and she should not dare to come again in a short time.

"It's no wonder that so many masters of the gods have nothing to do with her. It turns out that this person's methods are so strange!" Zuo Wuyou looked scared, thinking about it, if it hadn't been for the holy son to have noticed, he would act decisively, I'm afraid he and Liu Ji didn't know how he died.

   turned his head and looked at Yang Kai, admiring the saint child more and more.

   Liu Ji still drove the wagon without the roof, and ran forward desperately, with smoke billowing all the way.

   "I'm afraid this road will not be peaceful." Yang Kai murmured casually.

  Zuo Wuyou said: "Shengzi, don't worry, I have sent a message before, and there will be masters from the gods to answer."

   "That's good." Yang Kai nodded, Zuo Wuyou was also a thoughtful person, and it seemed that arrangements had already been made when he picked up the carriage in that small town.

  A neighing sound came from Ji Lü Li, and the horses that were driving suddenly knelt to the ground, and the swift carriage hit the horse and flew up.

  The moment they noticed something was wrong, Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou Liu Ji jumped out of the carriage.

  The three people stood in the air, fixed their eyes, and saw that the horse was filled with red light, and turned into a pool of blood in a mournful neigh, leaving only a white Sensen skeleton.

  "This..." Zuo Wuyou changed his color slightly. He didn't know when Xue Ji started to attack the horse.

  Even Yang Kai didn't notice this incident. Looking back now, it seems that the **** girl was stabbed by herself and turned into a blood mist to get rid of the hand that she had restrained.

   "Brother Left!" Liu Ji suddenly panicked.

  Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou turned their heads to look at them, and they all changed their colors.

  I saw that Liu Ji's body was also filled with red blood. Under the **** light, Liu Ji's strength suddenly became extremely disordered, and his flesh and blood melted like a candle under the high temperature.

   "Liu Ji!" Zuo Wuyou shouted.

  Liu Ji obviously also knew what he was about to encounter. After a brief panic, his expression suddenly became determined: "Brother Zuo, you must send the Son back!"

  After saying this, he flashed away and swept away. During the flight, the flesh and blood fell off and turned into blood. In a moment, only the bones scattered from the sky.

   stared at this scene in a daze, Zuo Wuyou was speechless for a long time, and for a while, he raised his head and roared, full of grief and anger beyond words.

Yang Kai also had a solemn expression. Xue Ji’s methods were indeed weird and insidious. When he realized that Liu Ji was abnormal, he wanted to help, but it was too late. After the blood light appeared, it was only a short time. After a few breaths, Liu Ji died.

  He turned his head and looked to the left worry-free, making sure that he was not abnormal, and he should have not been hit, otherwise it would be impossible to be unconscious.

  It seems that the blood girl didn't intend to kill her at first, otherwise she would have used this method to deal with her a long time ago.

  Zuo Wuyou has calmed down again, even though his eyes are red and blue veins burst out on his forehead, he can't wait to find the **** girl for a battle now, but now escorting the holy son back to the city of dawn is the first task.

   "Holy Son, let's go." Zuo Wuyou greeted him and led the way first.

  The carriage is gone, and the two of them can only walk away from the sky.

  However, it is inconvenient to have no means of transportation. Zuo Wuyou is still unhealed. Now he can't heal his injuries at ease, and he has to support himself on the road.

  In the night, the two people found a place to rest in the wild.

  Zuo Wuyou meditated and adjusted his breath, and Yang Kai sat quietly to protect him.

  The cold moonlight swayed, Yang Kai looked up at the full moon, and many thoughts poured in his mind.

  Judging from the intelligence we have contacted right now, this original world is a real world. Whether it is the three people of the Guangming Divine Sect or the Mohism Sect encountered in this world, they are all living creatures!

  This is a bit different from what Yang Kai thought.

  This is the world in the time and space of animal husbandry. He originally thought that everything here was an illusory thing, but now it seems that he still underestimates animal husbandry's methods.

  Mo Sect and Guangming Sect are opposed to each other. Mo Sects can spur the power of Mo, and the first saint of Guangming Sect left a message.

  Everything is covered with mist at the moment. It is difficult for him to guess what kind of back-hands Mu has left in this world. Everything can only be known by seeing the saint first.

  The road ahead is slow, difficult and obstructive.

  Under the moonlight, Yang Kai's shadow wriggled and twisted slightly.

  Yang Kai flicked his fingers, and a pitch-black slash flew out like a crescent, slashing in the shadow.

  Blood water flows out from the shadows, and the smell of blood is permeated.

  Very good, although the cultivation realm is outrageously suppressed by this world, the foundation of the avenue is still there, and the space secret technique can be slightly urged.

  Furthermore, Yang Kai faintly felt that this world's suppression of him was not absolute, and his own strength could be improved. In other words, as long as he gave him a little time, he could restore his cultivation to the level of the Immortal Ascension Realm.

  This should be the limit that this world can hold.

Although    can only be improved by one level, the power that can be exerted will definitely increase a lot by then.

  The moon was faintly rising, and when dawn broke in the east, Zuo Wuyou finally woke up from the calm state, and a night of peace of mind to cultivate and adjust his breath, let him recover well, but when he opened his eyes, he was shocked.

  Only the corpses lying on the ground nearby, the blood has already stained the earth red.

  The corpse did not even show the slightest sign of resistance before death, and it seemed to be cut by an extremely sharp weapon, divided into two halves, and the cut was flat and smooth.

  Zuo Wuyou doesn’t even know when these people came and how they died.

   But judging from the strange costumes of these people, they should all be the killers of Ube Mohist School.

  This made him very ashamed, and stood up and said, "Holy Son..."

  Yang Kai glanced at him and nodded slightly: "When you have a rest, prepare to break through!"

  Zuo Wuyou slightly startled: "Huh?"

  But soon he understood what Yang Kai meant. Although he was only in the True Origin Realm, he had no divine consciousness to use, but he was extremely keen on perception.

  I can perceive the surge of undercurrents all around.

  This makes him change color.

  Yang Kai stood up as if he was okay, patted the dust on his clothes, pointed in a direction, and said, "We have been walking in this direction yesterday. Is Chenxi City here, right?"

   "Yes!" No worries left.

   "Let's go then." As he said, he lifted the spear that was standing beside him.

"That's it... go?" Zuo Wuyou was stunned, Mo Jiao must know that they would go in the direction of Dawn City, then the interception in this direction must be the strongest, and the safest way at this moment is naturally to test the enemy first. Strength, choose a weak defensive position to break through.

   "Go to Chenxi, this is the nearest here, so naturally we will go this way." Yang Kai replied naturally, saying this, and swept forward.

  Zuo Wuyou can only catch up quickly.


  The two of them moved around, and a clank suddenly sounded, but in all directions, arrows with huge lethality pierced through the air.

  Zuo Wuyoudang was about to dance the long sword into a ball, Ding Dingdang lost the arrow, and shouted: "Holy son, be careful."

  In his busy schedule, he turned his head and looked, but saw Yang Kai strolling in the rain of arrows, obviously without any resistance to dodge, but the dense arrows could not touch his clothes at all.

how did you do that? Zuo Wuyou was confused.

   Before he could even think about it, he had already seen Yang Kai flex his fingers and flicked his fingers, flying out in all directions like moonblade slashes.

  The black moon blade seemed to be able to cut off even the space, breaking the barrier of distance in an instant.

  In the next instant, a scream continued to sound.

Zuo Wuyou couldn't help but recall the tragic condition of the corpses he had seen before, and suddenly understood how Yang Kai killed the enemy last night.

  Two silhouettes, one behind the other, constantly flying forward, killing more than ever.

  Until a certain moment, the arrow rain from the dark became sparse, and finally stopped.

  Probably the enemy also realized that this method can’t do anything to Yang Kai. A brief stop does not mean abandoning the siege, but to accumulate power for the next stronger attack.

   moved forward for a while, and suddenly several figures flew in front of them. All of them had the cultivation base of the peak of the True Primal Realm, their aura was strong, and they seemed to maintain a wonderful formation while they were moving.

  All those who come are wearing long swords, and the sword will be awe-inspiring.

  Zuo Wuyou looked solemnly: "People from the Mojiao Department! They are generally responsible for small-scale wars. I didn't expect them to come this time."

   What worries Zuo Wuyou even more is that the people from the land department are here, and the leader of the land department does not know if they have come. If that person also comes, then the trouble this time will be serious.

  That person is not as sneaky as the blood girl. Although his personality is reckless, his strength is one of the best among the eight heads of Mo Sect.

  "Holy child, be careful, that is their Beidou sword formation, combined with the strength of seven people, can exert the strength far beyond their own cultivation." Zuo Wuyou reminded again.

When the words fell, the opponent had already taken action, the formation continued, the seven people joined forces, gathered together, the head of the man flicked his long sword, and a huge sword light slashed down towards Yang Kai, instantly splitting Yang Kai in half. .

  Zuo Wuyou is full of passion, and suddenly cold.