MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5938 trap

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Yang Kai suddenly said: "Brother Zuo, do your gods often spot some latent Mohists?"

"What?" Zuo Wuyou replied instinctively, and quickly reacted: "Shengzi means..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Anhe's voice rang in the ears of the two of them. There was a formation to cover up, and no one knew where he was hiding, but at this moment he changed his gentle and gentle voice. Full of cruel and violent: "Zuo Wuyou, the sect has cultivated you for many years, trusting you, today you have colluded with the people of the Mo sect and ruined the foundation of our sect, you can be convicted!"

Zuo Wuyou heard the words and exclaimed: "Master Chu, I was born in the religion, and I grew up in the religion. It is the religion that has bestowed everything on me. Without the protection of the religion these years, Zuo Wuyou would not have the glory of today. The gods are bold and loyal, and the world can learn from the world. What the adults said that Zuo had colluded with the people of the Mohist religion, where do you start?"

Chu An and snorted coldly: "You still dare to be tough, isn't the person next to you a member of the Mohism?"

Zuo Wuyou frowned, and said solemnly, "Master Chu, are you treating Saint Son..."

"Huh!" Chu Anhe burst into tears, "He is a meticulous work of the Mohism, so Dare to call him Saint Son?"

Zuo Wuyou immediately changed his words: "Brother Yang walked with me all the way, killed many Mo cultists, retired from the Ubu leader, and wounded the land leader. Without Brother Yang's support all the way, Zuo would have long become a lonely ghost, and Brother Yang must have nothing to do with it. It is impossible to be a member of Mohism."

Chu Anhe's voice was silent for a moment, and then it sounded slowly: "You said he retired to the Ubu leader, hurting the land leader?"

"Exactly, this is what Zuo saw with his own eyes."

"Hahahaha!" Chu Anhe laughed.

"Why is Master Chu laughing?" Zuo Wuyou asked in a deep voice.

Chu Anhe burst out shouting: "Stupid! This person on your side, but the real original realm cultivation base, you must know that the Ube commander and the landlord commander are both powerful people in the heavens and the earth, and they are like this one. When it’s on, it’s only a stab at the neck. How can he beat those two? Zuo Wuyou, is it that you are so confused by eating lard that you can’t see through such a simple trick?"

Zuo Wuyou suddenly became suspicious, and couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Yang Kai.

Yes, I was only shocked by Yang Kai’s powerful strength before, and he was able to fight higher, and even the two commanders of Mojiao were repelled. But if this is a play arranged by the enemy, I can use it to obtain myself. Of trust?

Looking back now, there seems to be some problems with the timing and location of the suspected Saint Son...

Zuo Wuyou was a little confused for a while.

Meeting his gaze, Yang Kai just smiled faintly, and said: "Lao Zhang, in fact, I am not very interested in your son, but Brother Zuo seems to have misunderstood something, so I call me like this. It doesn't matter whether it is or not, it doesn't matter. The reason why I went all the way is just to meet your saint, husband, can it be convenient?"

Chu An and snorted coldly: "You dare to talk witty words when you die. How distinguished is the saint, you, the Mohist cult, can see you if you want to see it carefully."

Yang Kai suddenly became a little unwilling: "One mouthful, one Mohism meticulous work, how can you be sure that I am a member of the Mohism?"

Chu An and there were quiet for a while, and for a while, he said: "This is the end of the matter, it's okay to tell you! The true Son of God Cult has been found ten years ago! If you are not in the Mo Cult, People, why pretend to be the Son of God."

"What?" Zuo Wuyou was shocked when he heard this.

"This matter was originally confidential, and only the saints, the masters of the Eight Banners and a few people know about it! However, the cult has decided to let the saint son be born and stabilize the hearts of the people, so it is no longer a secret!"

Zuo Wuyou was stunned, and the impact of this news on him was not small.

It turns out that as early as ten years ago, the Son of God had been found!

But if this is the case, what is the person standing next to him? When he appeared, he did seal the words left by the first generation of saints.

It’s no wonder that the sect has never sent anyone to respond this way. The Mo Sect has already dispatched two commander-level powerhouses, but the sect is not only slow to respond, but also only the elders in the end. At this moment, Zuo Wuyou understood a lot.

It's not that the religion doesn't pay much attention to the Son, but the true Son was found ten years ago.

"Zuo Wuyou!" Chu Anhe's voice calmed down, "No one doubts your loyalty to the religion, but you are the cause of the trouble after all, so you still need to solve it."

Zuo Wuyou clasped his fists and said, "I would like to ask the adults."

"It's very simple! Kill the guy around you who dared to pretend to be the Son of God, and cut off his head to look and listen!"

Zuo Wuyou was taken aback, turned his head again to look at Yang Kai, a struggling expression flashed in his eyes.

Yang Kai didn't even look at him. He didn't seem to hear Chu Anhe's words. It was just that a golden pillar in his left eye was revealed for some time, and he kept looking into the void, a strange expression appeared on his face.

Wuyou left struggling for a long time, and then he pointed the long sword at Yang Kai, and slowly condensed the murderous intent.

Yang Kai just glanced at him and said, "Brother Zuo is going to make a move?"

Zuo Wuyou nodded, then slowly shook his head: "Brother Yang, I just ask, are you a meticulous work of the Mohism!"

"I said no, do you believe it?" Yang Kai looked at him with a smile.

Zuo Wuyou said: "Although Zuo is not high in strength, he still has some insights when he asks himself. Brother Yang said no, Zuo just believes it! It's just..."


"It's just one more point. Please also ask Brother Yang to clarify."

"you said!"

"When the cave room was surrounded, Brother Yang had been tainted with the power of ink, why was he safe and sound?"

Do you know the tree of the world? Do you know the four pillars of the universe? Yang Kaixin said that it is not easy to explain to you, but can only say: "If I say that I am talented and have a natural resistance to Mo's power, there is no way that things can take me, do you believe it?"

Zuo Wuyou slowly let go of the long sword in his hand and smiled bitterly: "I have seen too many unbelievable things along the way. Brother Yang said, I will verify it in the future!"

"Oh?" Yang Kai dumbly, "Aren't you supposed to believe in the religion of God at this time, instead of believing in me, someone who has only met for a few days, so you can only count as a peaceful meeting?"

Zuo Wuyou bitterly shook his head.

"Don't do it yet? Are you tainted by the power of Mo, distorted your mind, and become a Mo sect?" Chu Anhe could not help shouting when he saw Zuo Wuyou's slow motion.

Zuo Wu worry raised his head: "Sir, whether Zuo is tainted by the power of ink, you only need to meet the saint, and the saint will use the art of clearing the heart, and you can understand it, but Zuo has something unclear at the moment, please enlighten me. !"

Chu Anhe's impatient voice sounded: "Say!"

Zuo Wuyou said: "The adults think Brother Yang is a meticulous work of the Mohism. This action is aimed at Brother Yang, and it is excusable! But why this big formation... also included Zuo! Your lord, this big formation can be dangerous. It's very true. Zuo asked himself that he also had some insights into the formation, how much he could gain insight into some of the mystery of this formation, do you want to kill Zuo and Brother Yang together here?"

The last sentence came out loudly.

Yang Kai raised his brows and couldn't help but stretched out his hand and patted Zuo Wuyou's shoulder: "Good eyesight!"

He used the Demon Eye of Demon to perceive the falsehood, and he could see the mystery of the great formation here. This is a lore formation. Once the power of the formation is activated, those in it will die unless they have the ability to break the formation. There is no burial place.

Zuo Wuyou was keenly aware of this, so he didn't dare to believe in Na Chuanhe, otherwise, no matter how temperamental he is, it is about the Holy Son of God, and he would not be able to believe in Yang Kai so easily.

"It's stubborn!" Chu Anhe didn't explain anything. "It looks like you have been distorted by Mo's power, but it is a pity that my **** cult has lost another great man! Kill them!"

At the moment when the words fell, both Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou noticed that the atmosphere in the field had changed, and a wave of fierce murderous intent came out of nothing, coming from all directions!

Zuo Wuyou roared: "Chu Anhe, I want to see His Royal Highness!"

"You will never see it again!"

Zuo Wuyou suddenly woke up: "So you are the masterpieces of the Mohism!"

Chu An and coldly hum: "What is Mojiao worthy of the old man's service? Zuo Wuyou, everything in the world is not as simple as you think, not only black and white, but unfortunately you can't see it anymore."

"Old Piff!" Zuo Wuyou gritted his teeth and reminded Yang Kai: "Brother Yang, be careful, this big formation is so powerful and difficult to deal with. We may all die here."

The way of formation is not the courage of a man. Although he has seen Yang Kai's strength, he may not be able to exert his strength even if he falls into the big formation here.

Yang Kai smiled softly, and sat down on a stone pier next to him. The old **** was saying, "Don't worry, we won't die."

Zuo Wuyou was stunned, wondering if it was already this time, how could this Xiongtai be so calm and relaxed.

When I was puzzled, I heard a screaming scream from outside, which was extremely short and stopped abruptly.

Zuo Wuyou is naturally no stranger to this kind of voice, which is exactly what people screamed before death.

The screams sounded one after another, endlessly, and Chu Anhe's voice also rang, accompanied by great panic: "It is you! No, no, I would like to follow the Mojiao and bypass me!"

Zuo Wuyou was terrified for a while.

You know, Chu Anhe is also a powerhouse of the Immortal Ascension Realm, and at this moment, I don't know what happened to him, so he begged for mercy.

But obviously it didn't work, and his screams rang out the next moment.

After a while, all the dust settled.

The gods outside were probably dead, and without them presiding over the formation, the illusion that enveloped Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou also disappeared with the destruction of the formation, a graceful figure carrying a shriveled body, Floating in front of Yang Kai, his beautiful eyes glowed with a strange light, staring at him unmovingly, his scarlet tongue licked his red lips, as if Yang Kai was some delicious food.

Zuo Wuyou was shocked, raised his sword on guard, and shouted in a low voice: "Blood Fairy!"