MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5947 Silhouettes

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"You don't need to be polite." Mu raised his hand, looked at Yang Kai's chest, and smiled slightly: "Little Eight, it's been a long time."

She seemed to not only be able to see Yang Kai's true face, but also to see the distraction of the black jade pendant in that jade pendant.

Wu Kuang's voice suddenly sounded in Yang Kai's mind: "Tell her, I am not Qi."

Before Yang Kai spoke, Mu nodded and said: "I know, when you made that choice, I had anticipated various endings, and I had discouraged you, but looking at it now, the result is not too bad. "

In order to break through the open world and explore higher levels of martial arts, Chuan did not hesitate to fit the body to strengthen the power of the great forbidden in the beginning, leaving only a little true spirit to escape, reincarnation, wasted for many years, and was led by Yang Kai. At the beginning of the day, the guard was forbidden.

Fortunately, his reincarnation was considered a success. Now he is Wu Kuang, but unfortunately, he has not been able to fulfill the long-cherished wish of his previous life until today.

"Can you hear my voice?" Wu Kuang was suddenly surprised. He is just a distraction now, relying on the jade pendant. Apart from being able to communicate with Yang Kai, he has no spare energy to do other things. I don't want Mu actually to hear clearly.

"Naturally." Mu said with a smile, "In addition, I am Mu, but I am not Mu."

Yang Kai was puzzled: "Please also seniors to solve their doubts."

Mu slowly sat down and stretched out his hand to signal that Yang Kai should also take a seat.

She pondered for a moment and said: "I know you have a lot of questions, let me think about it, where do I start this matter."

Yang Kai said, "Senior might as well talk about this world and myself?"

Mu glanced at him and smiled: "It looks like you have noticed what?"

"Hey, what did you notice?" Wu Kuang asked.

Yang Kai slowly shook his head: "It's just some unfounded guesses."

Wu Kuang stopped speaking immediately.

Mu was silent for a while before he spoke: "If you can enter here, it means that you have also condensed your own time and space river. I call it the time and space river. I don't know what you call it."

Yang Kai said: "My name is the same as the predecessor. In this way, the predecessor is also inspired by the endless river in the Universe Furnace?"

"Not bad." Mu nodded, "The endless river in the furnace contains too many mysteries. I once went deep into it to explore it. From this, I condensed my thousands of avenues and gave birth to the long river of time and space."

"Before entering here, I was blocked by an invisible barrier, but soon I was able to walk together again. Is that a test left by the predecessors?"

"Yes, only by condensing one's own time and space can you be qualified to enter here! Otherwise, even if you enter, it will be meaningless."

Yang Kai was suddenly blocked by the invisible barrier before, but he was able to travel immediately. At that time, he thought his identity as a human race was recognized by the barrier, but now it seems that it is not because of race, but because of the long river of time and space.

After all, even though he was born in the human race, he is already a pure dragon race at the moment.

"Heaven and earth are born, chaos divides yin and yang, yin and yang transform the five elements, and the five elements generate ten thousand ways, and in the end, ten thousand ways return to chaos. This is the deep mystery of the great way and the home of everything. Chaos is the ultimate eternity." The voice sounded slowly.

There was a group of children screaming and running outside, and then people started crying and crying. It should be some kind of bullying...

"I have spent my life training in the depths of the Great Forbidden, leaving my own time and space, sheltering the many universes and worlds here, so that they can live peacefully through countless years until today."

Yang Kai's expression moved: "Senior means that this original world is real, and all the creatures in this world are also real?"

"That's natural." Mu nodded, "This world has existed since the birth of heaven and earth, and it took countless years to develop into what it is now, but the law of heaven and earth in this world is not strong enough, so the level of martial artists is not high."

"Why is this world... in the Great Forbidden City? And the name of this world is quite intriguing." Yang Kai asked in a puzzled way.

Mu looked at him and said with a smile: "The reason why it is called the Primordial World is because this is the first universe where the world was born, and here... is also the birthplace of Mo!"

Yang Kaixin felt slightly shocked.

Wu Kuang's voice sounded: "Yes, I remember, the reason why the Great Forbidden City was placed here was because the original world was here. The core of the Great Forbidden City is the original world! "

"Perhaps it is this world that gave birth to a powerful existence like Mo, which has taken the heaven and earth's beauty, so the martial arts level of this world is so sluggish." Mu said slowly, "In fact, when the world first opened, not only Mo was born here."

Yang Kai continued: "When there is the first light between heaven and earth, there will be darkness!"

"Did Xiao Ba told you?" Mu looked at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai explained: "I have met Senior Cang before. When your left hand from the predecessor was stimulated, you should have seen Senior Cang too."

Mu slowly shook his head and said, "Mu is Mu, I am me."

It was this sentence again, she had said so before, but Yang Kai didn't understand what this sentence meant.

"The original world gave birth to the first light in this world, and at the same time the original darkness was born. That light was the original brightness, the gathering of all the beauty. It was gone when it was born, and it has been lost since then, but The darkness remained, and after countless years of loneliness and coldness, the ink was finally bred, so we thought about looking for the first light in the world to eliminate the power of darkness, but that’s Light, how can we find it? In desperation, we will create the Great Forbidden City here and seal Mo here."

That light does not exist anymore.

After it left the original world, it first split into the sun shining and the lunar shadows, and then crashed into a barren continent and turned into countless holy spirits, thus giving birth to the ancestral land of the holy spirit.

And the main body of that beam of light finally turned into a human race, and the blood line has been passed down to this day.

Now even if there is a way to reach the sky, I can't even think about restoring that light.

Mu opened the mouth again: "But the first ban was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Mo's power was growing all the time, and the ban would eventually be unable to seal it. Therefore, Mu left some backhands in the ban in the past. I am one of them."

"When I wake up in this world, it means that Mu's backhand has been activated, and the matter has reached the most critical juncture. Therefore, I created the Shining God Sect in this world and left a word of truth."

Yang Kaixin led the meeting: "The first generation of the Guangming God Sect is indeed a senior."

Before, he guessed that this Guangming God cult was related to the back hand left by Mu, so he followed Zuo Wuyou all the way to Chenxi. When he saw the saint, he wanted to see her true face, even though he knew the possibility. Not big, but I always asked for proof. As a result, the saint did not agree, but instead proposed to let Yang Kai pass the test.

This matter will not be over...

In the end, he met Mu at the edge of the city.

The martial arts level in this world is not high, and the martial artist's lifespan is not too long. Naturally, Mu can't always sit in the position of a saint.

And to this day, the saints of the sect of Guangming have been passed down for many generations.

Yang Kai said again: "Senior has always said that he is not a shepherd, who is Senior? I don't think Senior has any problems with his breath, vitality, or spirituality. There is no shadow of soul and spirit body, and he doesn't look like a clone. No one is different!"

Mu smiled and said, "Of course I am a stranger. But I'm just a silhouette of the Mu's life."

"Silhouette?" Yang Kai was puzzled.

Mu took a serious look at him and nodded: "It looks like you have condensed your own time and space, but you haven't discovered the true mystery of that river."

Yang Kai looked straight, "Please also ask senior to teach me."

This one in front of him has condensed the existence of the long river of time and space countless years before him. Regarding her accomplishments on various avenues, she does not know how much she has surpassed herself. It can be seen only from the volume of the long river at that time. If the long rivers of time and space are put together, it is simply the difference between a small grass and a big tree.

Mu said, "Although the long river of time and space is formed by thousands of avenues, the real main body is still the avenue of time and space. Time and space are the deepest mystery in this world. They dominate all living beings. Every living creature is actually Each has its own time and space, but few people can condense it."

"Since the creature was born, the long river of time and space that belongs to itself began to flow, and it didn't end until the end of life, returning to the chaos."

"The strength of the creatures is different, and the length of life is different, so the way that belongs to him is reflected in the long river of time and space."

"This is the time and space of the animal husbandry!" She said like this, and she stretched out her hand and waved in front of her. She clearly didn't have any cultivation base, but under her actions, there was a piece that shrank countless times. Panting the river, flowing slowly, coiling like a water snake.

She raised her hand again, fished somewhere in the long river, as if grasping something, spread her hand out: "This is a certain period in her life."

On the palm of his hand, a vague figure stood tall, with an impressive shadow of herd.

Yang Xin was shocked, and looked at Mu incredulously: "Senior said before, what did you mean by that?"

Mu nodded: "It looks like you understand." With a wave of her hand, the shadow on her hand and the long river of time and space in front of her disappeared.

"So I am not a shepherd, I am just a silhouette in her life."

Yang Kai was speechless for a long time, and his mind was shocked.

Unbelievable, unimaginable, beyond words...

If it weren't for Mu's display in front of him, he would never have imagined that the real mystery of the long river of time and space lies in this.

His expression was shocking, but his eyes were full of excitement, and he said: "Senior, the deepest mystery of Changhe, is time and space?"

Mu smiled and nodded: "With your qualifications, you can penetrate this level sooner or later, but... Mu's back hand has been activated, and there is no time for you to do it yourself."