MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 407 Sealed Sun Wukong

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Hey, it seems that it is not impossible to do so.

Replace Xin Zhao with the power of the galaxy, and Ge Xiaolun will stay aside wherever he is cool, maybe the earth can still be saved.

Lufa thought about it.

"God? Are you from the same place as Sister Na?"

Xin Zhao immediately asked, mainly because this way of claiming to be a **** reminded him of Di Lena.

"He is the king of the Ares civilization, and he is not in the same place as Lena."

Du Qiangwei said.

Today, seeing Lu Fa show off his power, and Monkey King beating their army in front, this stark contrast not only put pressure on Qilin, but also on her.

"The king of the Ares civilization?"

Cheng Yaowen was stunned, why hadn't he heard of this civilization?

"Damn it, king?"

"Sister Na seems to be an empress?"

"Then who is stronger between the Ares civilization and the Lieyang civilization?"

Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin all joined the discussion.

"Thank you, Lufa, but I don't intend to leave."

Qilin was silent for a while, and then said to Lufa.

"Leave what?"

Cheng Yaowen asked immediately, he seemed to have heard something terrible.

"It's none of your business, hurry up and see how Monkey King is doing."

Du Qiangwei hurriedly dismissed Cheng Yaowen and others, she knew about Qi Lin's matter, the problem was that it was her own matter, and Du Qiangwei was hit a bit too much today.

"you sure?"

Lufa's expression didn't change, he just looked at Qilin.

"...I'm sorry, I can't convince myself to leave like this. After hearing what I said, my parents only want me to leave. They plan to stay and face it together."

After making a choice, Qilin felt a lot more relaxed, and looked at Lu Fa and said seriously.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. This king is not unreasonable, but it's just a pity."

Lufa nodded, at worst, he can save her again during the Tianhe battle, Qilin is still a bit greedy for her body, and Di Leina can be saved in the next Tianhe battle.

Lena is also greedy, Xiao Han criticizes.

"Unfortunately... To you, is it important that I am a super gene, Lufa?"

Qilin suddenly asked.

"You are very important to me."

Lufa shook his head.

"I heard that you took away many beautiful female super fighters on Blue Star, are they also very important to you?"

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Qilin continued to ask with a smile.

"It's different. You are more important. Super genes are not that important to me. I can upgrade you to become the second-generation super gene or even the third-generation super gene of my Ares civilization."

Lufa continued to shake his head.

"What you said is really a foul... There is no need to pester me, a woman who is very ordinary to you. As a king, you should not lack a harem."

Qilin said embarrassedly that she couldn't resist Lufa's good looks, not to mention that Lufa has saved the beauty twice now.

If it were any other girl, how would she be able to withstand it? She would have thrown herself into her arms long ago. It is only Qilin who has received ideological education and has her own beliefs, so that she can suppress the deer in her heart again and again.

Even so, she felt that she had actually fallen.

"I don't have a harem."

Lufa said seriously, he just has a wife, wife is not considered a harem, right?

It's different from the relationship between the emperor and his concubines!

"I don't believe you."

Qilin lowered her head, Xia Fei's cheeks.

Then Lufa took the initiative to hug her.

Qilin's body froze, instead of struggling, she hugged Lufa with her two small hands.

The Shura armor that got in the way had been lifted long ago. At this time, all armors are gone!

Qilin didn't refuse Lufa's hug, she didn't have the strength to refuse.

"Because of you, I will remember Blue Star."

Lufa didn't mess around, just hugged Qilin, and then whispered in her ear.


Qilin didn't respond, she didn't know what to say.

She wasn't even sure whether she was interested in Lufa or was moved by the hero's rescue of the beauty, but she didn't resist Lufa, which was something she didn't have with any man she had ever met before.

Not long after, Qilin stood there alone in a daze, and Lufa left without knowing when.

Du Qiangwei and the others waited for a while and came back.

"Kirin, are you alright?"

Cheng Yaowen asked with concern.

"he's gone?"

Du Qiangwei asked, she didn't expect that Qilin would really choose to stay. Isn't this sense of responsibility, this attitude, this kind of thinking better than Ge Xiaolun and the others?

"I'm fine, by the way, where is Monkey King?"

Qilin shook her head, then asked.

"Old Du said he would send someone to deal with it, let's go back first."

Du Qiangwei did not continue to ask, but said knowingly.

Ducao is very helpless now. Originally, he wanted to beat the Xiongbing Company through Monkey King to make them aware of the danger, and then he wanted to beat Liu Chuang's thorn.

As a result, it was all destroyed by Lu Fa's strong entry. Monkey King has not responded until now. It seems that the injury is serious, and Ducao doesn't know how worried he is.

Sun Wukong is one of his confidence!

The people in the Xiongbing Company were fine, but they felt they had been beaten up and went back in dismay.

Ducao and the others worked a lot to wake up Monkey King.

And Sun Wukong woke up and found himself extremely weak.

"My abilities, my dark energy are all blocked?"

Sun Wukong checked himself, then was dumbfounded.


Ducao was very surprised and surprised, Sun Wukong's ability was blocked?

Dark energy is also blocked?

This...Lufa probably blocked it for them out of kindness?

After all, it is a peak animal body, and it seems reasonable to worry that they will not be able to descend, so it seems reasonable to seal their abilities.

Otherwise, being able to block Sun Wukong's ability shows that the gap between the two is as large as 100 million points. If Lu Fa really had thoughts about the peak beast body, he would have taken it away just now.

"Is he looking at Qilin's face?"

Ducao thought deeply, this is the most reasonable guess.

The problem is, now they are doing bad things with good intentions!

Monkey King, who can't use abilities and dark energy, is just a peak animal body of a blank board, similar to Thornton the Crocodile God.

Even Sun Wukong, who has lost his weapon, may not even be able to beat Thornton.

"How to do this?"

Lianfeng also asked at a loss.

Deno 3 has just begun to decipher, but the problem is that it cannot be solved.

"Let's see if we can find the way!"

Ducao said quickly.

"Qi Lin said that he has already left, and that Su Xiaoli and his family are all gone."

Lianfeng said helplessly.

That one who disappeared from the sky for so long was the only one who showed up by himself. How could De Nuo No. 3 find and discover him?

"Then what to do?"

Ducao and Monkey King were dumbfounded, they didn't even know where the Ares civilization was.