MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 107

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Luo Ji nodded thoughtfully.

As the former master of the universe, Luo Ji naturally has no shortage of magic knowledge. In the original universe, she has been frantically looking for infinite gems.

She did not pay attention to magic, but this does not mean that she did not collect magic, on the contrary, when she collected infinite gems, she searched for a lot of magic, including the book of darkness, and all kinds of magic and books of darkness The top spellbooks on a par.

"That's it! I hope you can live in harmony with my other women here. By the way, I sincerely advise you. When your infinite gems are cut, try not to jump too much."

When leaving, Beichen did not forget to warn.

When the strength is reduced, Luo Ji will be 50-50 with Carol at most. Although this kind of strength belongs to the top in this universe, it is not to the extent of being invincible.

In two days, we will be able to take in the witch girl...

When Bei Chen left, he still didn't forget to look up and take a look in the direction of the room where the witch girl was.

Chapter 131: Contain Magneto!

After returning to the mutant universe, Bei Chen stopped in front of a newspaper.

After picking up a newspaper, Beichen found a shade under a tree and read the news content with relish.

"Trask Industries Group leads the future technology! Sentinel robot makes a shocking debut!

"Mutants are making trouble at the US-Vietnam negotiations! Mutants are the chief culprits of this war!"

Seeing the news headline, Bei Chen raised his eyebrows.

He thought of the basic rules of the Marvel Universe.

If in the Avengers universe, you don't know who is behind the scenes, then you can completely blame Hydra, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

In the mutant universe, no matter what, you can blame the mutants, because it is politically correct, and almost everyone will agree.

"So, this is really a sad and deformed world~ah."

Beichen lamented what happened to the mutants with a sneer in his heart. Although he had some sympathy, it was nothing more than that.

"The White House resigned more than 300 civil servants in three days! What is the truth behind this? Is this the beginning of the national layoffs?"

Seeing his title, Bei Chen squinted his eyes and began to think. The containment - 525 - eye spider was not as powerful as he imagined.

It actually only brought this little trouble to the White House.

The most important thing is that although the containment-525-eye spider is weird, it also belongs to the category of normal creatures. For such a containment, Beichen can only hope that after containment, it will reward a favorability increase card, otherwise he is not going to contain it.

It can't be helped, Containment-525-Eye Spider is really too much.

It seems that I also have to learn from the professor and go play a wave of self-exposure.

Thinking like this, Bei Chen disappeared in place.

As an activist, Beichen has always been adhering to the way of doing things as he pleases, doing whatever he thinks of!

"President Richard, I think you should be very distressed recently?"

In the bright office, Richard was working when he suddenly heard a cold voice behind him.

Hearing this sudden voice, Richard's expression tensed instantly, and his face became extremely pale.

Someone lurked into his office quietly!

Richard, who forcibly calmed down, silently put down the pen in his hand, and then looked up at the uninvited guest in front of him.

"Who is sir? Why did you suddenly break into my office!"

As Richard asked, his right hand also quietly stretched out to the drawer.

There is an emergency call button, as long as the button is pressed, the outside can receive a message.


Bei Chen's words were like an imperial decree, and Richard's little movements stopped immediately.

Richard, who found his body out of control, looked at Bei Chen in horror.

"Don't worry! Now let's talk!"

Beichen's eyes shone with a light blue light, and then began to modify Richard's memory.

Creatures whose memory has been modified by Beichen can no longer provide legendary value, so Beichen has never used mental ability to modify the memory of those important characters.

However, in the mutant universe, although President Richard has been soy sauced, it doesn't matter, and it's okay to sacrifice.

Containment Foundation…

A powerful organization that existed before the founding of the beautiful country...

It has a cooperative relationship with Pretty State, and Pretty Fruit has its current status, all because of the foundation's support behind it...

Beichen modified the other party's memory.

The reason why the Foundation's status in this world is equivalent to that of SHIELD Beichen in another universe is still so simple.

That's legality!

In the mutant universe, the group of mutants is the most valuable, especially the unbelievable mutants, which are very valuable for containment.

Just like the future fourth-level mutants.

After modifying the President's memory, Bei Chen removed the President's mind control.

Richard asked casually: "So it's the president of the foundation! What can you do with me at this time?"

The two are like old friends who have known each other for many years, without any sense of strangeness. This is the horror of mind control and memory modification!

"I want to receive the eye spider. It belongs to containment and should be contained by the foundation."

Bei Chen said in an unquestionable tone.

"People from the Security Bureau may have opinions!"

Richard said hesitantly.

Bei Chen comforted him confidently: "You can ask the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the chief of the Security Bureau to come to your office for an interview tomorrow, and I will persuade them then!"

In this timeline, the White Queen is dead long ago, and there are basically no mind controllers on earth who can be compared with the professor.

This is definitely the best time to control the president, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the head of the Security Bureau. Of course, the premise is that the professor doesn't meddle in his own business.

Although the professor's mind control ability is weaker than his, it is still very simple to undo the mind control he set.

After doing all this, Bei Chen quietly left the President's Office, and then found Professor X who was having a conflict.

"Eric! You are too much! If we hadn't stopped you today, would you really have killed Raven?"

Professor X angrily questioned Eric in front of him.

...ask for flowers...

Eric retorted blankly: "Haven't you figured it out yet? We can only change the future if we kill Ruiwen so that her genes don't fall into the hands of humans."

Hearing this, Professor X became even angrier. "So you wanted to kill Rui Wen? How did you promise me when he left with you?"

"I'm here for the future of our mutants, and I have a clear conscience! We don't agree with each other, let's go our separate ways!

I will use my method to reverse the miserable future! Mutant! It will never die in the hands of a group of robots, I, Magneto, said! "

After Eric finished speaking, he turned firmly and disappeared into the corridor.

Bei Chen, who just appeared, squinted his eyes and looked at Magneto who was going away.


The magnetic field is one of the four basic forces of the universe. If the ability to control the magnetic field continues to develop, it will be at the lowest level of a single universe.

"Sorry! Let you watch another good show."

Looking at Bei Chen who suddenly appeared, Professor X said bitterly.

Bei Chen comforted meaningfully: "It seems that you have disagreements internally. It is not so simple to reverse the future. It is useless to kill a Mystique."

Hank next to him listened, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"In a few days, the Sentinel robot exhibition will be held. The key to reversing the future is there. I hope you will cherish it."

After Beichen finished speaking, he disappeared directly in place.

For him, the treasure of the mutant universe is the mutants, and the greatest treasure is Tianqi. If Tianqi can be contained successfully, it will definitely be the rhythm of getting rich overnight. He didn't want to mess up the plot too much.

After disappearing, Beichen did not leave, but quietly came behind Magneto.

Sensing the fluctuation of the magnetic field behind him, Magneto's face changed, and just as he was about to fight back, Beichen's knife had already landed on his neck.

Although Magneto's physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people, but facing Beichen's heavy blow, Magneto finally fell to the ground with honor.

Looking at the unconscious Magneto, Bei Chen eagerly rubbed his hands together, and then put him into the containment space.

"Ding~ Congratulations to Speed ​​for successfully containing-Containment One-MC-Mutant-006-Magneto!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining: magnetic field control!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Mind Protection Helmet (Replica)! \" on.

Chapter 132: Control the World!

Now it's cool!

Beichen took a deep breath refreshingly, and released Magneto from the containment space.

"I'm sorry, my future father-in-law!"

Beichen apologized without sincerity.

He hurriedly pretended to be worried and leaned over, gently shaking Magneto on the ground.

Magneto, who was awakened by the violent shaking, opened his eyes in confusion.

"Are you okay? When I came here, I saw you passed out here. I was ready to call an ambulance for you."

Beichen said with concern.

Looking at Bei Chen who was looking at him with concern, the corners of Magneto's mouth twitched slightly, and Magneto, whose eyes became extremely sharp, directly controlled the steel bar not far away and shot at Bei Chen.

Facing the steel bar coming from not far away, Bei Chen stretched out his hand to grab it lightly, and then looked at Magneto suspiciously.

This "Three Nine Seven" guy has a serious brain problem, right?

He was kind enough to help, but Magneto actually wanted to kill him?

Is there any reason for this? Is there still a way to play this?

He looked at Bei Chen who was full of disbelief, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Magneto's face darkened even more.

"Don't think I don't know, it was you who knocked me out just now! My super power is to control the magnetic field, and I can feel your magnetic field clearly and clearly!"

Magneto cursed through gritted teeth.

Beichen: "..."

After hearing this, Bei Chen, possessed by a showman, stood there in embarrassment.

This TM is meaningless....

Why does the Magneto King of this universe have such a setting?

Depressed, Bei Chen smiled awkwardly yet politely.

"Haha! I may have called the wrong person before, so let's write it off?" Beichen asked embarrassingly.

"You are dreaming!"

Being knocked out for no reason is because everyone has a temper, let alone Magneto, who has a bad temper.

What's more, the strength that Beichen showed was not at all like an ordinary person.

Calling the wrong person or something, he, Magneto, doesn't believe a single word.

Magneto once again controlled the steel bar in Beichen's hand, making it slender, like a rope, spreading along Beichen's arm to Beichen's neck.

"It's really a convenient ability!"

Looking at the activated steel bars, Bei Chen smiled nonchalantly.