MTL - Marvel: I Am the Man of Steel!-Chapter 516

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If I were here at this time, there was a high probability that Lin Feng would not wait for him.

As the saying goes, if you change a bicycle into a motorcycle, the worst result is to withdraw from the selection. Ofelie thinks she has a chance.

Facing Ofelie's answer, the fifth-level mutant was silent for a moment, then chose to shrink back.

Obviously, Ophelia's order was acquiesced.

It's just that there are still doubts in my heart.

The leader only sent 1,000 people to attack 3,000 people, and there are three fifth-level mutant sites. Even if he had a plan, he couldn't see the success rate.

But the pitch-black fifth-level mutant didn't panic.

If he failed this time, he would take the leader backhand, and take the position of the new leader as a matter of course.

In other words, he was still somewhat looking forward to the failure of the leader's plan.

In the apocalypse, how can there be a simple heart, let alone a high-level mutant who has survived until now...

Let's talk about Lin Feng.

Walter had said all that could be said.

The destruction of the meteorite seems to be simpler than Lin Feng imagined.

Because, the current meteorite has been disassembled into three pieces, but the outside world doesn't know about it.

According to Walter, only a small area in the center of the meteorite actually emits radiation.

The other parts are shells, which can be destroyed by simple means.

Therefore, what really needs to be destroyed is only a small core.

After giving Walter a hint, Lin Feng left temporarily.

He was not in a hurry to go to the location of the meteorite, but returned to the laboratory where Walter was before.

The task of copying the data has not been completed yet, Lin Feng wants to do this task smoothly.

Lin Feng took Walter's identification card and found his computer.


With a swipe on it, the computer screen opened, and Lin Feng inserted the special U disk into it.

Next, no operation is required, the U disk will automatically copy the data available in the computer.

A researcher happened to pass by at this time.

Seeing Lin Feng using Walter's computer, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he slowed down.

Walter usually does not allow anyone to touch his computer.

Lin Feng also noticed the researcher at this time.

He waved the ID card in his hand at the researchers.

"Professor Walter asked me to make something."

Seeing Walter's card, the researchers let down their guard.

Walter was also here just now, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Nodding friendly towards Lin Feng, the researcher left without saying anything.

Lin Feng sat on the chair and waited quietly.

After ten minutes, the data was copied.

The progress bar of the side mission also reached 80%.

Lin Feng clicked his tongue.

It is worthy of being the overlord of the doomsday. They actually own more than 80% of the technology used in the doomsday.

Chapter 644 Meteorite Core

After unplugging the USB flash drive, Lin Feng decisively submitted the task.

50% of the progress can be submitted to the task, Lin Feng now has 80% of the technology in use, and the points won will not be less.

The remaining 20% ​​is estimated to be some scattered technology mastered by the major gathering places.

Lin Feng didn't bother to look for it anymore, 80% of it is not bad, then destroy the meteorite core, complete the main task, and then you can choose to leave.

The moment the task is submitted, the points will be credited to the account.

At the same time, a prompt message appeared on all black-robed terminals participating in the selection.

Codenamed Shanhai, the side mission has been completed: Obtain reuse technology.

At the same time, on the ranking list, Lin Feng's points came to the first place again, with a total of 8,000 points.

Good guy, just this side mission is almost twice as much as the sum of Lin Feng's first level.

And look at the second place, the points are 0.

Poor comparison, there is no comparison at all.

After submitting the task, Lin Feng raised his foot and was about to walk down, but he frowned and felt that something was wrong.

After a while, he returned to the lounge, called Walter, and took the down elevator together...

At this time, Aaron had already graduated from the first Institute of Life Gene Society.

Looking at the side task in hand, the progress is 5%, and looking at the mountains and seas on the leaderboard, Aaron pulled his face, and felt the urge to cry.

MD, is this kid on and off, 80%?

Is this going directly to the headquarters?

The younger brother's face is also ugly.

If you don't submit this task, you won't get points.

Originally, they thought that it was not far to fall into Shanhai, but it turned out that they didn't understand Shanhai at all.

"Even if it is a non-staff team, it is impossible to complete the task so quickly..."

"Did he use some kind of cheating method?" The younger brother analyzed.

Aaron kicked him angrily.

"Don't put those useless farts here, if you use it, you will be eliminated."

Aaron cursed, but he knew in his heart that the first place might be hopeless, so he could only take the second place.

Although it may disappoint my father, this mountain and sea is indeed extremely strange, and it is completely beyond the comprehension of normal thinking, and my father must be able to understand it.

Now, let's race against time to complete our tasks.

Aaron, I have completely lost the will to compete with Shan Hai...

In another world, Diona, who wore a pair of black cat ears, also noticed the reminder from the terminal.

The small cat's ears trembled, and Diona smiled.

"This is really... bullying children..."

Diona is also capable. The mission plan she customized for herself will take a month if nothing else happens.

And before this day has passed, Shan Hai has already completed a side mission.

This speed, compared with people like them, isn't it just adults bullying children.

Sure enough, the cat's eyes are accurate in seeing people.

This time, Diona believed even more that Shanhai could help her complete the plan.

Shake your little head.

Thinking too far, thinking too far, now it's time to modify the plan, since the boss can complete the task within a day, it proves that there must be a shortcut for the selection of the second level.

Diona immediately gave up the original plan, began to redo those tasks, and re-established the plan.

When everyone was shocked, Lin Feng had gradually approached the place where the meteorite was, the forty-ninth floor of the headquarters of the Life Gene Society.

His identity card authority is enough to reach this place.

The space on the forty-ninth floor is not that big.

On the whole, it is a huge transparent research room with various instruments and meteorites inside.

As soon as he entered the forty-ninth floor, Lin Feng saw a meteorite.

In the transparent house, it has been disassembled into three pieces of different sizes.

One of them was on a huge instrument with a faintly glowing irregularity in its center.

That should be the core that releases radiation.


Lin Feng's way forward was blocked.

Two guards blocked his way.

The defense force here does not seem to be very good, there are only two guards.

But one guard is a level five mutant, and one guard is a level six mutant.

Generally, those who can reach this area are the core figures of the Life Gene Society.

Over the past few decades, the major gathering places have dispatched many spies and launched various infiltration activities, but all of them ended without a problem.

There is no way, the headquarters of the Life Gene Association has five sixth-level mutants and one seventh-level mutant.

Such a luxurious combat power is unmatched by those gathering places, and they cannot be fought at all.

So gradually, everyone temporarily gave up the idea of ​​​​attacking the headquarters of the Life Gene Society.

Setting up two high-level mutants here is only to prevent internal personnel from mutinying.

For the Life Gene Association, this is a restricted area, non-core personnel are not allowed to enter!

"Please show your ID card!" The two guards demanded blankly.

Lin Feng calmly took out his ID card.

The guard took one look and shook his head.

"Level 6 fighters need a special pass to enter."

The meaning is simple, Lin Feng's identity card is not high enough.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, he had already expected this result.

Behind him came a slightly old voice.

"Open the door, he is with me!"

It was Walter who came.

It has to be said that superhuman brain power is not only for learning.

Under the condition of making good use of his brain power, Lin Feng can even do everything in detail.

But Lin Feng usually doesn't like to use his brain, and he only uses his rusty little head when dealing with a huge counterforce like the black robe.

The two guards obviously knew Walter.

They looked at each other, said yes, and opened the security door.

Even though Walter is only level 6, but level 6 researchers and Walter's prestige are here, even if Lin Feng is a level 1 combatant, he can be brought in.

Walking into the transparent room, Lin Feng approached the core and observed carefully.

At the same time, he turned his head and ordered.

"Let's start, professor, prepare to destroy this core."

Walter was still under Lin Feng's control, and he couldn't refuse anything Lin Feng said.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and Walter walked to the instrument aside and began to operate it quickly.

The purple meteorite core, irregular in shape, exudes invisible shapes all the time.

Read A Hospital in Another World?
AdventureFantasySlice Of LifeSupernatural