MTL - Marvel: I Am the Man of Steel!-Chapter 517

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Lin Feng cooperated with the suppressor to suppress his physique to the level of ordinary people.

Then I felt an inexplicable dizziness.

Soon, Lin Feng felt an unknown force working in his body.

This feeling is not just radiation, but more like nano-robots are transforming themselves...

Shaking his head, Lin Feng's momentum quickly climbed back.

Lin Feng thinks it's better not to try this unknown mutation lightly.

Let's quickly destroy the core and complete the mission...

Chapter 645 The End of the Second Stage

I don't know what the old professor Walter operated on the computer.

On the instrument connected to the core of the meteorite, a tube of translucent liquid was slowly injected.

There were no explosions or other scenes as imagined.

The liquid slowly flowed into the core of the meteorite along the lines of the meteorite.

The core began to flicker at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flickering became dimmer.

Finally, the bang of Karma was completely extinguished.

At this time, Lin Feng's terminal also popped up a prompt.

The main task has been completed, whether to leave this world...

With the appearance of the prompt, several other side missions all turned gray, appearing in a state of being unable to complete.

At the same time, the information that Shanhai has cleared the customs also appeared on all the terminals of the black robes.

On the ranking list, Shan Hai's name is high on the top, and the points are no longer numbers, but have become ∞ symbols.

In other words, Lin Feng doesn't need to do other side missions anymore, the first one to clear the main mission will not change his ranking...

This was a pleasant surprise.

With the ranking locked, Lin Feng doesn't need to worry about someone getting more points than him.

It's just that the faces of those black robes are extremely strange at this moment.

Before the shock when I saw the reminder of Shanhai's first customs clearance branch mission just now, the bigger bomb was thrown down.

It's unbelievable that someone has cleared the second level in just one day?

Shanhai, the name that was remembered by everyone as soon as it appeared on the selection planet, probably will not be forgotten for a long time now.

Many of them, so far, have not even collected clues for a side mission, and they have already cleared the main mission.

No comparison, no comparison at all.

Aaron was already numb, doing his own task with a blank expression.

He looked away and compared what, what a fart.

Shan Hai is not a normal person, there is no need for him to compare himself with this kind of person, it is because he is making himself uncomfortable.

However, it seems that Dad's goal of winning over Shanhai is a bit difficult to achieve.

With such a result, I guess those first-order bigwigs are all excited...

On Diona's side, after looking at the clearance information, she looked away.

She was calm and at the same time made her final decision.

Lin Feng was still touching his chin at this moment, but he didn't react.


The process of destroying the meteorite is much simpler than imagined, but it is a bit uncomfortable.

I thought it would be more or less going through the motions to fight a dozen villains or something, or something like an earth-shattering big explosion.

This is the result?

It's just boring...

Lin Feng looked around.

After completing the main task, the scene in front of you is frozen.

As if time had been frozen, Professor Walter in front of him and the two guards before him stood in place like wax figures, motionless.

Is this the whole world on hold?

Lin Feng was a little suspicious, and then he thought of Ophelia.

Shouldn't it? Ophelia's mission hasn't been completed yet, so it's impossible to freeze Ophelia too.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and as soon as he was talking about Ophelia, Ophelia's voice communication came over.

"Have you cleared the level?"

The first time the communication was connected, Ofelie asked immediately.

The tone is full of incredible.

Lin Feng picked his nostrils and flicked his fingers in disgust.

"Look at what you said, isn't this a full server announcement!"

"How about it, are you fierce, brother Feng?"

Ofelie, who was thousands of miles away, rolled her eyes.

But being able to call also proved that Ophelia's time was not frozen.

"How is your side? Have you successfully completed the side mission?"

After Lin Feng completed the main quest, the side quests were all grayed out, and it was impossible to see whether Ophelia had completed the main quest.

I was afraid that there would be an accident if I finished it ahead of time, and I wanted to wait for Ophelia, but I didn't expect that the main task was automatically submitted.

"Not yet, but soon." Ophelia responded.

"After you complete the main mission, a mission countdown will appear here, asking me to conquer a designated gathering place within a day."

Having said that, Ofelie is still a little thankful that she gave the order early and started to act.

If Ophelia has not made any substantial progress, the moment Lin Feng completes the main task, the planet should shut down and disappear.

Now it seems that they have to wait for Ophelia's mission to be completed.

"Okay, you stay here, I'll go find you!"

Lin Feng said a word, and then hung up the communication.

After completing the task, the suppressor will automatically lose its function. Now no matter what abilities Lin Feng uses, he will not trigger the elimination alarm.

It's just that Ophelia is still on a mission, so she can't use it.

Lin Feng walked out of the research institute and flew into the sky.

A reminder came from the terminal in due course, reminding Lin Feng that he is not allowed to interfere with Ophelia's ongoing mission.

Lin Feng curled his lips, originally he didn't intend to help Ophelia, he just went to see how the progress was.

Lin Feng also discovered that the time confinement only appeared in the research institute headquarters of the Life Gene Association, and there was no problem with time in other places.

Soon, the time came to the next day, and Ophelia's mission was successfully completed, which did not disappoint Lin Feng.

This girl looks silly, but she is the same person as herself, the kind who doesn't like to use her brain.

However, in adversity, when you have to move even if you don't move, your little head turns very fast.

So far, both Ophelia and Lin Feng have passed the second round of selection.

This is also in the light of Lin Feng.

Otherwise, if you just do a side mission, you won't pass the level.

And Ophelia's points are more than 26,000.

Among them, 10,000 is the reward for the first person to clear the side mission, and the remaining 16,000 is calculated based on the number of people in the gathering place under control.

The task that Lin Feng chose for Ophelia was an easy task, but it earned a lot of points.

According to this trend, it is no surprise that Ophelia can bite the tail of the top ten.

On the standings, Ophelia is currently ranked second.

As for the third place, Aaron, the points at this time are finally not zero, 6,000 points, and I don't know what task Aaron has done.

Lin Feng and Ophelia were sent back to the preparation planet for the first level.

The planet is already empty at this time, and there is no one.

Only the two of them passed the customs, so there are only two of them on the planet now.

"Next, should we just wait for the third level to start?" Lin Feng returned to the hotel and slumped on the sofa.

Ofelie took off the heavy equipment on her body, with an undisguised happy expression on her face.

"Well, just wait until the third level."

For the third level, just challenge the members of the non-staff group.

From Ophelia's point of view, this is not a problem at all.

Chapter 646 Direct promotion, Luo Yongtian's win over

It's not that the non-staff team's combat effectiveness is not good, but that she has the right to choose the top ten people to fight in advance.

She made an agreement with Agre, if she can choose, she will choose Agre, and Agre will release her to help her advance.

Of course, it's not free, Ophelia just needs to pay some "small" price, mainly props and information.

"I don't know how long it will take. I don't want to stay here any longer."

Lin Feng put his feet up on the coffee table, with a bored expression on his face.

Ofelie thought for a while, then shook her head in distress.

"I think it should take a week."

"After the top ten are decided, we can go to challenge the non-staff team."

"But they don't have your perverted ability to clear the level in one day."

"Normally, I think a week is not enough..."

Those tasks are at least calculated according to the month. It is not realistic at all for someone like Lin Feng who can clear the level in one day.

But Lin Feng did it.

a week? Lin Feng's expression was a little painful.

He is not afraid of anything in his life, but two things most, trouble and waiting...

Want me to stay here for a week? Lin Feng sighed...

Inside the house, a slightly old voice suddenly sounded.

"Why, young man, can't you wait?"

The voice was a little familiar, but Lin Feng's pupils shrank accordingly, and suddenly he jumped up from the sofa.

He looked at the old man and was stunned.

"Fuck? Old man!"

The owner of the voice that suddenly appeared in the room was the old man that Lin Feng and Ofelie had met in the previous village.

It's just that the old man's figure is no longer stooped, and the features of mutants are no longer on his face.

At this time, although his hair was gray, he had a firm figure, and with a well-fitting suit, he looked like a big boss.

Although the appearance had changed slightly, Lin Feng still recognized him at a glance.

"It's me." The old man smiled, but he didn't deny it, nor was he offended by Lin Feng's impolite address.

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