MTL - Marvel: I Can Download Unlimited Talents-Chapter 10 : Target determination, little spider

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Chapter 10: Goal is determined, little spider [new book for collection and everything]

According to Li Te's understanding of Marvel, there are probably two people with the strongest fighting ability.

One is the black widow, she has a strong fighting ability, whether it is karate, judo or yoga is the top.

It can be said to be the pinnacle of humanity.

The second is the US team's 50-50 opening.

No explanation is needed, as long as he is an enemy of the US team, he can achieve a 50-50 mark.

It's just that no matter how strong the two of them are, they are only human beings.

The genetic limitation makes them not outstanding among the heroes.

But in terms of fighting, it is definitely the top.

It is a pity that with Li Te's current strength and status, such an existence is not accessible at all.

He now only possesses intermediate fighting skills. Obviously, Li Te is not satisfied.

All Zoe in front of him became his best choice.

Afterwards, he stood beside Zoe and directly stretched out his palm and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zoe."

Looking at Li Te's outstretched palm, Zoe smiled: "You deserve it."

He was right, it was Li Te's strength that caught his attention.

Immediately, he also extended his right hand.


[Name]: Thompson Zoe.

[Identity]: Level 7 agent.

[Ability]: Top fighting skills (200mb), firearms proficiency (200mb), stealth stealth (100mb), assassination (200mb)


There is an extra assassination technique, but Li Te has no choice but to choose the top fighting technique.

With superb fighting skills, strength growth is very obvious.

"Ding Dong, the connection is successful..."

"Ding Dong, because the host possesses the ability of intermediate fighting skills, the size of the top fighting skills is reduced to 100mb."

"Ding Dong, the current download speed is 500kb/s (valid within two meters

The voice of the system came, making Li Te happy.

Sure enough, his strength has improved, and his download range and download speed have been greatly improved.

At the current speed, it takes three and a half minutes to complete the download.

In order to prevent accidents, Li Te chose to recharge one thousand dollars and accelerate ten times.

At ten times the speed, all downloads can be completed in only twenty seconds.

Immediately, the two released their palms.

"Li Te, you don't need to participate in the assessment. I will go to the logistics department to get the certificate." Zoe said.

After saying this, he was also ready to leave.

Because of Li Te's appearance, he has no interest in this assessment.

"Yes!" Li Te replied, with a smile on his face.

"Ding Dong, the download is complete."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for mastering the top fighting ability!"

The moment Zoe left, Li Te also finished the download.

He turned around and looked at Frank.

The latter understood Li Te's meaning, and he smiled: "Li, you are now a Level 5 agent like me, you can go back anytime."

Because of promotion, Frank was kind to Ritt's tone.

As for the other agents, they looked at Li Te with awe.

Level 5 agents are their absolute superiors.

"Thank you then, Frank, remember to take care of Bill for me." With that, Ritt looked at Bill.

"Of course." Frank replied.

Then Li Te left directly.

This assessment has no effect on him.

As for the dead Duke, no one cares.

Becoming a fifth-level agent is equivalent to realizing the first ring of his plan.

After that, he went to the logistics department, received his own documents and some equipment, and returned to the dormitory.

Level 5 agents have their own separate residence and office, and the treatment of Level 3 and Level 4 agents is completely at two levels.

On the way back, Li Te checked his panel.


[Name]: Li Te.

[Identity]: Level 5 agent.

[Ability]: marksman, super speed, top fighting skills, gun proficiency, stealth stealth.



Top fighting skills, this is the strength that at least level six or seven agents possess.

Coupled with his super ability to download Hawkeye, his strength is now enough to be comparable to level seven or eight agents.

But in the face of Hawkeye's existence, he was still much worse.

After all, the opponent is enough to rank as a superhero, and they are very powerful in all aspects.

Especially Hawkeye's binocular strengthening ability is what he wants.

It's a pity that he had limited download time, otherwise he would download it together.

But this is nothing, waiting for him to continue to grow stronger, it will be a matter of time for him to contact those characters.

"According to time, Thor and his hammer are about to fall." Lit thoughtfully.

Whether it is Thor or Thor’s Hammer, both possess terrifying power. That is a **** in Norse mythology.

However, the more powerful the force, the more data size that needs to be downloaded.

With Li Te's ability now, even if he saw Thor and Hammer, it would be difficult to download.

Moreover, this is the secret of the high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, even if he is a Level 5 agent, there is no way to contact him.

So in any case, his goal is not to focus on this first.

Contact with powerful forces too early, I am afraid that I don't even know how to die.

But Li Te has already determined his current goal, and it is the safest goal.

As long as he can achieve his goal, he can completely break away from the human category.

In the future, even in the face of some more powerful forces, he can easily deal with it.

Afterwards, he walked directly to his office.

This is only owned by Level 5 agents and above.

He turned on his computer.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. computer is not an ordinary computer, and he can find a lot of things.

But this requires authority. Li Te is a Level 5 agent, and his authority is not very high.

Fortunately, the things he needs to find, whether he has permission or not will not be affected too much.

Then he typed a line of characters.

"Midtown High School, Peter Parker!"

Subsequently, quite a few eligible conditions appeared on the computer.

According to Li Te's knowledge of comics and movies, if there is no accident, Little Spider is still in Midtown High School.

Sure enough, after searching for a few minutes, a person entered his field of vision.

"Peter Parker, freshman in high school, parents... are they unknown?"

Seeing this, Li Te's face showed a smile.

This is what he is looking for. .