MTL - Marvel: I Can Download Unlimited Talents-Chapter 28 : Colson's plan

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Chapter Twenty-eight: Coleson’s Plan [New Book Seeking Collection See All]

At this moment, in a secret room of SHIELD.

Zoe, the Scarlet Mantis, and Coleson, a senior member of S.H.I.E.L.D., stood in the secret room.

In front of them, there are two bodies.

It was the Jackett brothers.

However, the two men had been dead for several hours without any anger.

"This Li Te's ability may be beyond our imagination."

Zoe looked at the two bodies, his eyes straightened.

A seventh-level reward offender, an eighth-level reward offender, he couldn't solve it if he changed it.

But Li Te was able to obliterate these two brothers overnight, showing his strength.

"It seems that we underestimated this Leete."

There was a smile in Coulson's eyes, as if he was extremely satisfied with Lit's performance.

He could feel Li Te's difference before, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Without relying on others, the ability to obliterate the Jackett brothers alone was enough to be ranked as a seventh-level agent.

In his eyes, Leet's decision to protect Peter Parker was completely correct.

"How is Peter Parker? Is there anything happening recently?" Coleson asked Zoe, looking at him.

"There is no problem, he is safe now." Zoe replied. With such a powerful agent as Ritt, even Hydra wants to deal with Peter Parker, and he will need to work hard.

Ritter was the person he liked by Zoe, but now he felt that the strength of this person was beyond his imagination.

I'm afraid that it will surpass him soon.

"Let him protect Peter Parker, it's a little overkill."

Coleson sighed, now SHIELD has a shortage of manpower, especially those with powerful agents, there are very few.

In fact, there are some things that S.H.I.E.L.D. does not want to manage, but they are difficult to handle.

Otherwise, Nick Fury would not try to assemble that group of monsters to deal with some big events.

"What does the gentleman mean, do you want him to accept that task?" Zoe asked.

Originally, agents of level seven or eight had a chance to accept that task, but now, it seems that there is another person to choose.

"Not bad, but I still want to try him." Coulson said.

After all, this kind of thing matters too much, and Zoe only knows one-sided news.

S.H.I.E.L.D. fully aware of these things does not live more than five people.

Coleson is one of them.

"Try him?" Zoe asked slightly. Now Li Te's strength, on the surface, even if he is a seventh-level agent, he is afraid that there is no way to try his true ability.

When he was puzzled, the door of the room was opened.

A man wearing a black suit and holding a longbow.

The eyes are like falcons.

It is Hawkeye, Clinton Button!

When he walked out, Zoe's face changed, and then he lowered his head.

"Mr. Barton."

Legendary agent, Zoe did not dare to slack off.

"Coelson, what are you looking for?"

Button first nodded to Zoe, then asked.

And Zoe left the room consciously, and he could not participate in the conversation between the two.

Coleson didn't speak, but just took out Lit's picture.

"I want to test whether he is eligible to receive the recovery training of the captain of the escort."

Patton frowned slightly as he looked at the photo.

He recognized Lit.

"The captain's recovery training is very important, but he is a third-level agent, does he have this qualification?" Hawkeye asked back, but he knew Li Te's rank.

Coleson smiled and looked at the two bodies in the room: "Do you think he is qualified?"

Hawkeye is very clever, and understands the cause and effect of things.

"Well, I know what to do."

He is a senior agent, and many things don't need to be explained.

Coulson nodded, and then left the room with Patton.


At this time, Li Te's temporary residence in Queens.

Ritt uses training equipment to adapt to his newly acquired abilities.

After downloading the abilities of the two Jackett brothers, he became more and more powerful.

This is a good development.

After doing everything, Lit turned on the computer again.

A white man appeared above, also a seventh-level reward criminal.

Doyle Jones.

This is Li Te's next goal.

And S.H.I.E.L.D.'s evaluation of him is: extraordinary skill, extremely high intelligence, once joined the Hydra organization, but escaped later, and is now being pursued by both S.H.I. .

The base camp of S.H.I.E.L.D. is in New York. Although the Hydra organization is huge, it will not enter here blatantly.

"It seems that this person is not easy to escape from SHIELD." Li Te smiled.

But he plans to shoot in a few days.

Early the next morning, Li Te went to school as usual.

Life at school is boring to him, and it makes him feel meaningless to be with some students.

He generally talks with little spider the most, instilling some of his ideas.

To some extent, he is the godfather of Little Spider.

Perhaps in the days to come, he will replace Iron Man's position in Spider's heart.

Time just passed day by day, and finally three days after Li Te obliterated the Jackets brothers.

He acted again.

In the past three days, he has been collecting various information and determined the possible location of Dow Jones.

Outskirts of New York.

It was already dark, and there was only a ray of sunset that dyed the entire sky blood.

This is a small jungle. In the jungle, a white shabby house looks ordinary.

There are many such houses around.

Lit was walking in secret, he had confirmed the location of the target this time.

"It's no wonder that I checked it for three days in such a secret place." Li Te said to himself, there was a room in front of him.

There is the room where Dow Jones lives.

Ritt looked around, he was cautious, trying not to make any noise.

Finally, he entered the room through a window.

The furnishings inside are extremely simple, just like ordinary people.


But at this moment, Li Te wanted to hear a voice.

"not good!"

Li Te's face changed, he saw the bomb!

At this time, outside the house, a tall man was holding a remote control.

Just pressed it down. .