MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 365 Save your people!

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  Chapter 365 The person who saved you!

  Saint World, Asgard.

  The blackened Hilda sat on the throne, staring down at the subordinates and several **** fighters below.

  Just now, the blackened Hilda issued an order to start a war against the sanctuary.

  This order, the high-level people in Asgard, in fact, most of them are against it.

After all, in this world, the power of Sanctuary can be said to be well known to everyone, and Asgard has always been dispensable against the backdrop of the Greek gods, forces on the fringes, and Sanctuary. Against the top forces? too crazy.

   It's just that Hilda's prestige in Asgard is too high, even higher than Saori Kido's prestige in the sanctuary at the same time. After all, the sanctuary had just experienced an internal struggle before this.

   And Hilda has just restarted the **** fighter that has not been activated for hundreds of years.

  So even if someone objected, under Hilda's pressure, they could only suppress their dissatisfaction and obey orders obediently.

  Of course, it doesn’t mean that Hilda’s decision really has no opponents at all.

The only objector is Hilda's younger sister, Freya. Just now, Freya was hiding outside the hall and eavesdropping quietly. After learning about Hilda's decision, she was ready to sneak away and report to the sanctuary. .

   It's just that although Freya is Hilda's younger sister, she is just a mortal without power, so her actions basically have no influence on Asgard's next actions.

  So according to the current situation, the war between Asgard and Sanctuary is imperative.

  Hilda's blocked real soul sees this and is anxious in his heart.

  But now she has no choice but to expect Josie to fulfill the promise between them as soon as possible.

   Just when she was extremely anxious, the communicator of the trader finally rang.

   Hilda connected in a hurry.

   "Mr. Kahn, when will you be able to help me out? That evil soul has officially sent soldiers to declare war on the sanctuary!" Hilda asked impatiently as soon as the communication was connected.

   "Your Majesty, don't worry, I'll send someone to help you right away, but don't you think the current scene is not very suitable?" Through the communication, Josie said after looking at the scene where Hilda is now.

  Hilda thinks so too. There may be a few undercover agents from the sea realm in the high-level hall.

   "But that evil soul has already sent Sto to assassinate Athena, if you don't recall it as soon as possible..." Hilda is still a little anxious.

   "Why be so anxious, I don't think it's a bad thing for you to go to war with the sanctuary!" Josie said indifferently.

   "What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Hilda frowned.

"Now there is no doubt that your biggest enemy is not the sanctuary, but the sea realm, right?" Josie asked back, "and I think even if you are out of trouble, there is a high probability that you will not think of revenge Sea Realm, even worry about whether Sea Realm will force Asgard!"

"Naturally!" Hilda nodded in agreement. She was so resentful towards Hai Jie that Hai Jie cheated her so much. It's just that Hai Jie's strength is there. Thank God that Hiluda can get rid of Hai Jie's control. Well, for revenge or something, I can only think about it, thank God for not continuing to be bullied by the sea world.

   "Since that's the case, have you ever thought about it, if you let Sanctuary know that it was not your God's Domain's original intention to go to war with them, but was coerced by the Sea Realm?" Josie asked back with a smile.

   "You mean to kill with a knife?" Hilda instantly understood what Josie meant, "No, I can't do that!"

Hilda's stubbornness and "kindness" made Josie a little impatient, but he still persuaded him, "How can this be called killing with a borrowed knife? Sanctuary has always prided itself on justice. Facing the forces that are poisoning the world like the Sea Territory, they take action." It's just as it should be!"

   "Then I can completely confess everything to Athena and ask for asylum. Why do I have to go to war with the sanctuary?" Hilda remained unmoved.

"Innocence... If the fire doesn't burn your body, it won't hurt! God's Domain has never belonged to the sanctuary of the Sanctuary. If you don't start a war with the Sanctuary, then the sea realm's oppression of the God's Domain is just a relationship between two forces." What reason does the sanctuary protect you? Or, do you think Athena will protect you at the risk of bringing the whole land into war with the sea realm?" Josie asked disdainfully.

  Hilda didn't answer, but she also knew that since the sea realm didn't make it clear that the chariots and horses were going to war against the sanctuary, but just oppressed the **** realm, the possibility of the sanctuary protecting the **** realm and going to war with the sea realm was almost zero.

"Okay, they're done with the meeting, I'd better send someone to help you out of trouble first!" During the conversation between the two, the blackened Hilda had already ended the meeting and returned to his bedroom. Seeing this, Joe Xibe also immediately sent a transaction application to Hilda's real soul.

   "This is?" Hilda was surprised to see that the person Josie was about to trade was actually a person.

   "This is one of my subordinate gods, named Loken. He also carries an artifact. It is enough to break the seal of the Nibelungen Ring!" Josie introduced.

  The Loken he was talking about was naturally Loki.

   It's just that Loki exists in the world of Saints, and he is also the sworn enemy of the Odin lineage to which Hilda is loyal.

  So in order to avoid unnecessary associations with Hilda, Josie simply asked Loki to borrow Loken's name in the world of Saint Seiya.

  Hiluda was also very surprised when he heard Josie say that the person who was traded was actually a **** with an artifact.

  Although from the communication between the two parties when they came into contact with the trader, Hilda has already realized Josie's extraordinaryness, especially when the other party vowed to help him get rid of the control of the Nibelungen Ring.

  But this kind of operation of casually dispatching a subordinate of a **** still made her feel a little unbelievable.

   Are gods so worthless in Josie's world?

  However, she was tactful and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she agreed to the transaction with anticipation and excitement, and released Loki from the system space as soon as the transaction was completed.

   "Who are you?" The first time Loki appeared, he was sensed by the blackened Hilda who was about to rest, and asked loudly!

"Me? Of course I'm here to save you!" Loki looked at Hilda in front of him, with a signature evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and before Hilda could react, a powerful small universe surrounded the entire room. At the same time, a big sword full of evil appeared in his hand, and swung it heavily towards Hilda!

  (end of this chapter)