MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 182 The Old King and the New Emperor (3)

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  Chapter 182 Old King and New Emperor (3)

  Time seemed to freeze suddenly, all movements were slowed down by countless beats, and the flapping wings of flying birds became traceable.

The ancient mages who were watching, Emma, ​​Steve, Asazzo, and even Bucky and Gambit in the distance stopped fighting early, just looking at the crumbling palace wall, the blue-gray head Leap high.

  Tianqi's consciousness froze for just a moment, and the headless body was still moving freely. He reached out to grab the skull, but was held tightly by the blood-red energy arm, unable to move.

   During the struggle, the muscles in both arms swelled up strangely, and then exploded!

   "Huh, want to run?"

  Tian Qi pushed James back a few meters by the impact of bursting flesh and blood, and the head and the torso with rapidly regenerated arms were joined together by the power of thought.


Two semi-molten "Cytorak crimson chains" were thrown out from the energy arms behind James, and at the moment of the teleportation of the apocalypse, they flew around his neck, and the two of them burst into a ghostly ball. The blue smoke disappeared completely.

   "Dad, Dad. The ancient mutant who brought us here, the mutant who...can level the ground with a wave of his hand, can't beat this gentleman? He seems to have been beheaded just now?"

  Among the countless mutant crowd watching on Wangcheng Square in the distance, a young girl of Asian descent who appeared to be of mixed race held her father's hand and asked blankly with a strong British accent.

  The most powerful person in the field of British supernatural power, known as the "Kingdom Sword", Captain Braddock held his daughter's shoulders, looked at the two figures that had completely disappeared into the sky, and murmured in a daze:

   "Becky dear, it looks like this, that gentleman. I have heard about that gentleman, but I always thought that the strongest mutant in this world was 'Magneto' Eric Lanshere. I didn't expect it."

   "Dad! I already have a 'real' name. We mutants only have the title of power that belongs to us. Don't forget that my name is 'Spirit Butterfly'!"

  The little girl held her father in her right hand and looked down at the palm of her left hand, which was burning with a dazzling purple-red light. The dense stream of energy slowly condensed into a long, sharp cone-like shape, which turned out to be extraordinarily stable and solid.

   "Hee hee. In the future, I will hold a long knife and cut off heads!"

   "Let go of Howlett! I recognize your strength!"

  Dense forest, sea, city, snow field.

  James finally keenly sensed that the direction Tianqi wanted to teleport after picking up the severed head was no longer within the range of the Pyramid King City, but far enough away that he couldn't keep up instantly.

  He threw the crimson chain condensed by the secret technique, and caught his body almost at the same time as the apocalypse disappeared. The place where the two reappeared was already tens of thousands of kilometers away.

  As the apocalypse kept flickering, various landforms and environments flashed one after another across the continents of the entire earth and came into view.

   "Huh? Don't you call me?"

  James stood up the bone blade to resist the shock waves from Tianqi's palms, and the two were always tightly connected by the crimson chain.

   "You know all about the evolution of civilization in the modern world, and you can see the technological and cultural progress of mankind, but none of this can change your delusion of becoming a **** when you were in a slave society!"


  The two fell into the boundless deep Atlantic Ocean. Under the seabed, the fiery energy between each other was constantly transpiring the sea water. In another moment, the cliffs of the Himalayas were smashed through

   "You know what I have seen? What I have experienced! You still know nothing about the reality of this world."

  Boom, Apocalypse took James to the high altitude again, even far above the stratosphere and the middle layer of the atmosphere. The sun's rays above his head were blazing like never before, almost reaching the edge of the exhalation layer.

  En Shaba Nur suddenly seemed to take off a mask, a mask like the ancient Egyptian pharaohs who created mystery and stalwart in front of the people.

  He abandoned the dry and empty title, and was awakened from his arrogant arrogance.

  Finally, with thousands of years of knowledge and insight into history, as well as many unknown fields, Jean Sabah Nur said calmly and wisely for the first time in his eyes:

   "You are right, Mr. Howlett, the advancement of human civilization, especially the advancement of science, has given me a new understanding of some of my own power."


  There was no sound anymore, and even James felt that the sharp sound in his ears was an illusion. He actually saw a blue and white porcelain-like blue sphere quietly existing in the boundless darkness.

  The stars in the distance are no longer blurred, and the sun is much, much bigger

There are grayish-white sandstones and countless craters under the feet, no air can be breathed in the nasal cavity, and even the two let go of each other at the same time, feeling the strange lightness of the body, the intense heaving of the chest, the biting cold and the burning of the skin. The burning pain continued to come.

  En Sabah Noor took James Howlett and teleported to the moon.

  They all tried their best to open their mouths wide, but they didn't make a sound. Gradually, energy streamers ignited on their bodies, with super strong physique, self-healing ability and majestic life energy,

   Both of them have the ability to survive in a vacuum.

  “.The atmosphere.Protects the planet.”

  James frowned tightly. He realized that the other party was using spiritual and spiritual power to communicate with him. Although Apocalypse does not have the power of mental damage or control like Emma or Charles, it obviously has certain such abilities.

  He watched Tian Qi suddenly quiet down, and the look in his eyes was no longer so empty and boring, like a statue of a lifeless god, spreading his arms in a rather ancient manner, pointing to the earth.

"The sun, many mutants who can emit similar energy have a certain ability to absorb energy from the environment, just like the life of plants and trees. Most of our power comes from the sun. After I was sealed underground, the Egyptians Shaped the 'pull'."

  En Sabah Nur closed his lips tightly, pacing on the surface of the moon, like a professor with one hand behind his back, and the other pointing at the earth, he continued to "speak":

".Helios, Apollo, Xihe, the myths related to the sun have lasted for a long time, and the power of the sun that we can receive on the surface of the earth is not only separated by 150 million kilometers, but also separated by layers of the atmosphere. , shielding all kinds of rays that most life cannot bear, and only a meager amount of energy remains in the end."

  James adapted to the vacuum state and watched Apocalypse talking, and realized that his situation was much better than his own.

  Purely relying on his extremely strong vitality and superb physique to survive in a vacuum, James can live without ingesting oxygen for more than ten hours, but he has not really gotten rid of human beings' dependence on basic energy and hydrogen and oxygen elements.

Since En Shaba Nur has the energy absorption ability similar to "Black Emperor", he can completely switch the source of energy intake to a certain extent. The blue-gray skin on his body is faintly shining, as if coming from the inside. The outside is different.

   "Mr. Howlett, it's okay, I know you can't communicate with me at the moment, I just want to tell you at the end, when there is no cover from the atmosphere."

  The moon under his feet was trembling. James couldn't hear any sound, but he could feel not only the tremor of the ground, but also the surrounding vacuum space cracked and rippled under the traction of some kind of energy.

   "—solar wind! The real solar wind will give me infinite power!"

The voice of the apocalypse rumbled in his mind, and all the surrounding light spots disappeared in an instant, followed by the white light that engulfed everything, a pure white beam of light flooded James' body, and the entire surface of the moon was plowed out into a depth of tens of thousands of kilometers. deep ravine,

  People on the earth who use telescopes to observe the moon are seeing a thick black line drawn on the bright white moon surface in an instant.

   "Mr. Howlett, thank you, the evolution of modern civilization, the technological culture of human beings' continuous progress, 'he' is just a mortal. The power of civilization, the power of civilization. Thank you for telling me this"

  En Sabah Nur turned his back and stopped looking at the still burning pure white beam of light. While thinking to himself, he looked at the earth with his hands behind his back.

  At this moment, Tianqi finally realized that the most poisoned thing in the depths of his soul was not the hatred and unwillingness to be humiliated and enslaved, but thousands of people knelt down on the mountain and shouted—My God!

   Hiss hiss.


  The blue-gray ears moved, Tian Qi suddenly turned his head, staring behind him in disbelief,

  The sound of burning fire "rang" in the vacuum, not only from the spiritual and spiritual level, but also as if it really got rid of the physical rule that there is no medium and sound cannot be transmitted.

He watched the blazing beam of light that gathered all his strength, and after a long enough delay, absorb and gather infinite solar energy gradually dissipate, leaving a human-shaped fire on the disappeared deep crater !


  Heavy and hoarse sighs resounded in Tian Qi's mind, and the raging fire gradually reflected a figure, but it was not James Howlett, but a huge skeleton.

   On the Flaming Skull, Apocalypse Bombardment melted liquid vibrating metal into a breastplate gradually, but weird growths spread across the entire shoulders and limbs,

   Burned by the flames, a series of silver-white spikes pierced the chest from the shoulders, arms, knees and even the back of the feet, melting into a ferocious wolf head!

  Bone claws protruded from the hanging fist of the skeleton, but the claws grew longer and longer, almost touching the ground. They were no longer as delicate and delicate as before, but were covered with rough knots and jagged barbs of bones.

   It seems to be a torture tool specially used by the **** butcher to cut bones and bones!

  The skull with orange-red flames has bone cones of different lengths pierced on the top of the skull, which looks like a crown!

   "Enshabanur, did I tell you that the ultimate power of regeneration is really immortal."

  Tian Qi listened to the communication between the giant skeleton and himself in the spiritual realm, and also heard the hoarse roar from the opening and closing of the sharp teeth of the skeleton's face, and his naked upper body was instantly chilled!

   "Follow me, go back to Earth."


  The flame skull's sharp claws instantly pierced into Tianqi's chest and abdomen, gently picked him up, and burned the infinite hellfire like this

   Flying back to Earth.

  Boom boom boom.

  Whether it is a meteorite floating in space or any material, there is no existence that can stop this orange-red line of fire. As it approaches the atmosphere, under the extreme high-speed friction, the flesh and blood tissue behind Tianqi ignites and peels off.

The flame skull screamed wildly, like a meteorite crashing into the earth, falling straight down in the direction of the capital of Apocalypse in Egypt. The raging hellfire burned from the chest of Apocalypse. When you can see the pyramids standing on the ground when the palace

  En Shaba Nur only has a spine and head stuck on the ferocious claws, and the blazing flames are still burning all the way up.

   "Quick! Look! What's that, a meteorite? A bolide!"

  Everyone in the Wangcheng Square watched as the leaden sky was burned away, a dazzling line of fire was drawn, and finally...

   James Howlett, who was possessed by the fire of hell, was like the king of purgatory, falling in front of the towering stone throne tens of meters away from Apocalypse and standing in the air.

  Holding the head of Apocalypse burning **** flames in one hand, flames were burning in the hollow skull eyes, looking mercilessly at this vast land and tens of thousands of people.

  There is only a voice from his mouth that flashes back and forth in the world, and it lasts for a long time

   "The old king is dead."

   I finished writing in one breath, and I haven’t read the comments. I suspect that some people must scold Panpan for not updating o(╥﹏╥)o

   In the next few chapters, there will be major plot changes and conflicts, so don't worry.



  (end of this chapter)