MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 206 Elite Contest

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  Chapter 206 Extraordinary Elite Contest

  On the street outside Summers' house, many neighbors have been surrounded because of this aircraft that is beyond the technological products of the times.

  Scott pinched the nose of the neighbor's fat boy, and hurriedly jumped on Alex's personal supersonic shuttle.

  The small blue-black flying vehicle lying on the ground looks like a cool concept sports car, with a long and flat body and a spindle-shaped energy engine at the rear.

In the flying machine that floated steadily, Scott begged his brother to approach the next block for a certain distance, stopped at a rather luxurious villa, leaned out and took a look, and patted the outer shell of the shuttle. , shouted excitedly:

   "Dixon, Dixon! Hey! Is that your new car? Hehe. Thank you! I'm going to 'Chaoyingyuan', good brother, why didn't I know you a few years ago!"



  As the observation window of the shuttle was retracted, Scott Summers felt the bursting impact of several sound barriers breaking through the air.

   Only his excited shouts in mid-air and a few half-grown boys below were around the brand-new Dodge locomotive, smoking cigarettes.

  The headed fat and strong young man looked like a thug in a night show, and he was stunned in place with a bitter face. He kicked the tires of his new car with his head depressed.

Scott Summers, whose older brother "Shockwave" is well-known throughout the supernatural realm of humanity, grew up in a world full of fans of mutants and all kinds of supernatural beings. high hopes.

  But Scott, who came from a "famous family", still hadn't awakened any mutant abilities at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and had never been able to show the slightest talent.

  In order to increase his mutation probability since he was a child, Scott has been working hard to practice evolution, and even secretly trying to try various so-called stimulating methods circulated in society.

Until he grew up year by year, he was ridiculed by more and more classmates in the school, and even a few bully-style senior students surrounded him in the bathroom after school, ready to feel what it would be like to beat up a "Summers" What a thrill.

   Scott Summers' fate finally came to a close.

  His backlog of unwillingness, grievance and anger seemed to be all condensed in his eyes, and a ruby-like energy slurry flowed out from his eyes, blasting through the three-story teaching building in an instant, splitting the building apart.

  The red light shoots out, soaring to the sky!

   "This, this is... here?"

   In less than two minutes, the supersonic shuttle driven by Alex and his younger brother landed at the Howlett Super Elite Evolution Academy in the suburbs of New York State.

  New York City and New York State are adjacent to each other, and with the super aircraft made of vibration gold engines and Rubik's Cube energy, the delay is more in the process of take-off and landing.

  Scott pursed his lips in disappointment. He wanted to feel the thrill of this extreme speeding more, but the journey ended in such a short time.

   "Otherwise? I want to fly to earn by myself after graduation. I won't lend you the 'Wolf Gold', hehe. Young man, welcome to the 'New World'!"

   The wide apron of "Chaoyingyuan" looks like a military armed airport, and various sonic planes and shuttle boats that are beyond the technological level of this era are parked one after another.

  People who came down from the top greeted each other from time to time, and most of them knew each other well. Such a lively scene seemed to be due to some special activities being held by the college, and most of the small talk between words was aimed at their own children.

   Occasionally, a few Gulfstream helicopters are like Honda cars parked in a row of luxury workshops such as Lamborghini or Rolls Royce, becoming the bottom end of the chain of contempt in this airport.

  No matter how well-dressed and extravagant the people who got off the private helicopter or private airliner were, how elegant their aura was, they still bowed and walked away quickly in front of a group of men who looked like Qiu Ba.

   "Hey, Alex, why are you running here, hurry up, if this continues, your child will be inferior to our generation."

  A burly man like a brown bear stepped off from a much larger but obviously older "Spike" ship, and greeted Alex carelessly. He seemed to be an old acquaintance.

   "Hey! You are still worrying about it. Wood, your little Roy is also going to participate in the 'Super League'? He is too young! I am here to accompany my brother to school today. Come on, call Big Brother Wood."

  Hall Wood, and Alex used to perform missions in the Whip of Order, a super soldier born in a pack of wolves, who has lived in "Wolf Mountain Town" under the old house of Howlett for generations.

  His son Roy Wood originally followed the family tradition and prepared to join the wolves in the old house for training, but he suddenly awakened his mutant ability in an actual battle in Young Wolves, and his skills were quite impressive.

  In the end, under James' suggestion, Roy Jr. did not follow the path of his father and grandfathers, and instead entered the Chaoying Academy to study.

The rough Wood is a veteran winter wolf warrior, two meters tall like an iron tower, came over with his arms like a millstone, and squeezed Scott's shoulder casually. It turned into a liver color.

   "Slim, too thin, eat more and exercise more, young man! Mmmm! Here, it's the first time we meet, call me big brother, and give you a little gadget. Hehehe, the glasses are quite unique."

  The big man groped around for a while, and finally took out a dagger-like dagger that had fallen into Scott's hand from the waistband of his combat uniform, and stuffed it in, and finally chatted with Alex a few more times.

"Roy is just twelve years old, let him play individual competitions this year, how many rounds he can pass counts how many rounds, the education level of the college where my wife is in is naturally the best in the world, but the actual combat training of these children is compared to the wolves Everyday, it’s so pitiful.”

Scott stammered thanks, and after being separated from his elder brother and Mr. Hall Wood, he played with the dagger with a special material very excitedly, and hadn't adapted to the environment and unique social interaction in this "new world" for a while. Way.

   "Don't wave it around! Put it away, this handle is worth seven or eight wolf gold, it's so overwhelming, pure primitive vibrating gold, that's more than that. These old wolves who have followed Mr. for generations are getting richer and richer."

   "Brother, I know about vibration gold, what is wolf gold? What about original vibration gold? And what is Super League? And"

  Scott poured out questions all over his head, his face still a little baby fat was covered with question marks, and his mouth didn't stop.

  Brother Alex rubbed his stubbled chin helplessly. The once handsome young man who looked like the captain of the school team has now become a resolute and rough man.

"'Wolf Gold' is your hard currency in the extraordinary world. It is mainly distributed through Howlett Group. You can only get it by accepting tasks and working in special departments. It can be exchanged for various materials and equipment or even customized serum potions. You can also Take it for US dollars, it will scare you to death. Pure raw vibrating gold is made by smelting and concentrating a large amount of vibrating gold raw ore.”

  Scott's special glasses blocked his rolling eyeballs, he tilted his head abruptly and said:

   "But you followed your husband so early, and you are a student of His Excellency Magneto. You don't need to earn a little bit of hard work like outsiders, right? How much wolf gold do you have, brother?"

   "Of course I don't need it, your brother, I—don't inquire! No, not at all! Why can't I work hard to earn money? You work hard, you will have a bright future, and I will marry you a sister-in-law!"

The two Summers brothers were talking all the way, and Scott wondered suspiciously what the elder brother said seemed to be wrong, and then stepped into a ring-shaped open-air building the size of a football field for 10,000 people. to the stands.

  The "stadium" of Chaoyingyuan is composed of silver-gray honeycomb-like metal frame structures intertwined in an olive shape. The central field is a dozen independent unit spaces divided into octagonal shapes, each of which can be spliced ​​with each other to form a larger field.

  The viewing platform around it is also composed of semi-open-air honeycombs, unlike ordinary stadiums where the chairs are tightly packed together. Nearly 10,000 spectators have already filled the place to the brim.

  In addition to the parents of the students who participated in this event, there were also relevant representatives and leaders of extraordinary organizations and even government and military forces from all over the world.

   "See, boy, that's why I must take you to school today, if you miss it, you will have to wait another three years!"

  Scott's mouth finally fell silent, and it remained open for a long time. Although the world in his eyes was dark red, he was still shocked by this magnificent building and lively scene full of futuristic technology.

  Below, there were two to three hundred young mutants or transcendental beings preparing for their activities in what looked like arenas. Many of them even held various cold weapons in their hands, and their appearances were also magnificent.

   "Brother, this is?"

"Hmph, this is the Extraordinary Elite Contest that Mr. proposed to hold. It is held every three years. It is not only open to the extraordinary academies of the Howlett Group, but also to young extraordinary people from all over the world. Of course, mutants account for the vast majority of the competition." Mostly, this is the second."

  Alex was looking around and led his younger brother to find the teacher Eric Lanshere,

  Suddenly, a tall figure evenly covered in blood-red streamer flew down from the open-air dome above the stadium.

  The noisy and bustling venue was suddenly dead silent, just two or three seconds, everyone stood up in unison, bowed their heads in silence, touched their chests in salute, and many even knelt down on one knee immediately.

  Scott looked at his elder brother in a hurry, already retreating and kneeling, bent over and wanted to imitate his movements,

   But he saw the man in the gray well-fitting slim suit grinned, waved his hands casually, and leaped over a height of more than 100 meters silkily and freely to his own stand.

  All those who saluted solemnly also immediately got up and returned to normal, and continued to chat with each other about the topic just now. The atmosphere in the room did not change because of the arrival of this man.

   "Old man, brother, is that Mr.?"

   The scorching "light" in Alex Summers' eyes was the first time his younger brother Scott saw it at such a young age. He patted his brother on the shoulder and said calmly:

   "Yes, sir, our .'Messiah.'"

   Embarrassing, the automatic release is not set properly, and it is snowing again in Shanghai tonight.



  (end of this chapter)