MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 33

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In a remote corner near the woods, Andrew found an armchair.

"As long as my body recovers, I will fly out of this country, the farther away the better..."

Thinking in his heart, Andrew closed his eyes slightly, intending to take a nap.

But he obviously misestimated Hydra's intelligence system.

Just as he was resting, a few agents disguised as passers-by quietly approached him.

Andrew is young and his vigilance is not strong.

He thought that after disguising himself, no one would find him in a short time. But when an anesthesia needle was shot on his arm, he was shocked by his naivety!

"They found me, so fast! When did they find out?"

Resisting the pain, Andrew quickly pulled out the anesthesia needle, panicked and hid behind a big tree.

His eyes flicked back and forth to the left and right, and no matter who he looked at, he felt that the other person seemed to be plotting against him.

"No... it's too dangerous here!"

Turning around, Andrew ran towards Linnei.

When the secret agents saw him flee, armed with guns, they chased after him silently like hunters.

Chapter 40 Andrew laughed, and laughed so cruelly

Deep in the dark jungle.

More than a dozen big men with hey expressions on their faces surrounded the thin Andrew in the middle.

"Hey... boy, let's capture it quickly, surrender now, and you can suffer less!"

Some villains shouted at him to persuade him to surrender, hoping that he would not know the good or the bad.

In this case, let alone a thin boy, even an adult man would not try to save Ju from them... ah, no, it's escaping.

But Andrew, smiled.

"I really can't find you, the mice hiding in the dark and stealing poison arrows."

But from the moment you are exposed to the sun, the scale of victory has already decided where it belongs! "

He seemed to be smiling for the first time, and there was a bit of joy in the success of the plan hidden in that smile.

In the eyes of those people, this joy is extraordinarily dazzling.

"It's really a toast, don't eat and eat a fine drink, give it to me!"

boom! boom! boom!

A succession of bullets shot at Andrew.

Andrew held a piece of his right hand, with a powerful psychic power guarding him in front of him, the bullets pulled out of the air and the ripples stopped 30 centimeters away from him.

"Not good, the idea is tricky, call for reinforcements!"


With a loud roar, Andrew pushed forward with both hands.

The thought power boosted by the slaying stone fragments slammed into every enemy in front of him in an instant.

clack clack...

In the sound of dense bones breaking, they squeaked, and their bodies were smashed straight out.

bang bang bang...

As soon as his body fell to the ground, he didn't even hum, his head tilted, and he fainted.


Taking a deep breath, a document that fell on the ground caught his attention.

Using his mind to manipulate the document to fly open in front of him, Andrew slammed the document.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Good good..."

With a look of resentment, he kicked a body on the ground fiercely, and the light from the killing stone fragments between his foreheads became more and more ominous.


Psychic picked up his body, and Andrew flew into the distance.

Five minutes later, Coulson and Patton came to the grove.

They examined the grief at the scene and began to call for reinforcements.

At the same time, Crossbones also got the information here. He roared and slammed the steering wheel hard, with a Fake expression on his face, the car rolled and fell out.

Brooklyn Bridge.

There are people coming and going here as usual, and the bridge is full of vehicles coming and going.

In the air, Andrew coughed a few times and landed staggeringly at the interruption of the Brooklyn Bridge.

He felt a little hot in his nose and wiped it with his hand, and found that there was blood all over his hands.


After scolding, he couldn't help leaning against the guardrail, breathing lightly.

Some pedestrians in the distance have already noticed this guy who fell from the sky.

"What is that? Some kind of magic show?"

"Is it a prank? You know, there are a lot of stupid **** these days!"

"Is it a reality show? Anyway, I don't believe he can really fly!"

"..." So annoying!

The body obviously needs to rest, but it still has to endure the noise of these people!

Really want to... kill them.

The killing stone flickered between his foreheads, and Andrew's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fire.

Watching those powerless people pointing at him made the impatience in his heart even more unbearable.

"Hey man... how did you just fall out of the sky? Are you doing magic here?"

A little black drank some wine and walked over drunk.

Taking two steps to the left, Andrew pulled away from him.

This guy stinks, not only has a strong smell of alcohol, but also has an unpleasant body odor, which is as disgusting as he hasn't bathed in a month.

But the reason of the drunk man at this time was obviously not online, he grabbed Andrew's sleeve and shouted.

"What are you hiding? Why don't you answer my question? Are you discriminating against me?"

"Hiccup... I can tell you that it is against the law to discriminate against us black people!"

Not interested in listening to what he had to say, Andrew drew back his sleeve impatiently.

Although the strength was not large, the man fell to the ground with a slap because his body was unstable after drinking.

Andrew frowned, but still didn't help, he turned around and was about to leave.

In the distance, there were a few gangsters who were watching the fun, but when they found that their own people were being bullied, they gathered up wine bottles and slandered them around them.

"Boy, do you want to **** die?"

"If you don't have $1,000 today, don't even think about leaving!"

"Dare to beat our brothers, do you know who we are?"

Although he looks like a human, but his mouth buzzes like an annoying fly, Andrew becomes more and more irritable.

"Go away... don't bother me—"

Desperately suppressing the anger in his heart, he let out a low growl.

But these people obviously couldn't see Andrew's problem, they only thought that this guy was really arrogant, not only bullying their brothers, but also scolding them!

This attitude is too arrogant. They took out their daggers and decided to bleed this kid today to teach a painful lesson.

But what responded to them was indeed an invisible impact.

Bang bang bang!

Without seeing any means of attack, these people screamed and flew out.

One guy wasn't lucky enough to crash into an oncoming car, breaking his arm and wailing on his knees.

Also because the sound was so miserable, more pedestrians noticed the problem here.

Some vehicles slowed down to look here, some people took out their smartphones and videotaped them here, and some people had bad experiences and had called the police.

Gritting his teeth, Andrew stood where he was. He now felt the distortion of his thoughts by the fragments of the killing stone, but he couldn't do anything.

"Can't stay here any longer..."

With a decision in mind, Andrew was ready to leave.

The shards between the eyebrows shone brighter and brighter, as if they were gems of seductive crime.

A Mexican with inverted triangle eyes, unable to bear the greed in his heart, took out a gun, rushed out and pointed it at his head.

"Quick! Give me the gem on your forehead!"

"Don't try to play tricks, I have killed more people than you have ever seen!"

Licking his lips, this thing seems to be worth a lot of money. Based on his experience in several robberies, it must be able to sell for a big price.

No matter what magical power this kid has, it is worthless in front of bullets!

His eyes became more and more greedy, and his killing intent was unstoppable, and he even couldn't wait to reach out and want to dig the gem alive.

Ah... I just came out of prison, and I came across this. Today is really, really lucky!

"Ha ha…"

Andrew smiled, and his smile was extremely cruel. His bitterly suppressed anger broke through a certain threshold in an instant under the continuous bewitching of the killing stone fragments.

No movement was seen, the Mexican was hanging in the air like something was strangling his neck.

boom! boom!

Unwilling to resist, the bullet that shot stopped in front of Andrew and landed on the ground.

"Monster, monster!"

Opening his eyes in horror, he finally woke up.

Chapter 41 I want to turn this bridge into dust!

Andrew showed no mercy, just raised his right hand and grabbed it violently.


On this overpass, in front of all the pedestrians watching this scene, an adult male was squeezed into a ball of flesh, and then a huge amount of blood burst out.

The blood splattered up to 5 meters high, dyeing the surrounding ground red in the shape of a circular fan.

This extremely shocking picture is as unreal as an R-rated computer game. They stayed for a while, and then they realized it afterward.

"God...killed, killed!"

"My God, that's the power of evil, demons!"

"Run, get out of here!"

"Dad, Daddy..."

"Crazy man, call the police!"

"..." The Brooklyn Bridge was instantly chaotic.

The crowd screamed, crowded and shoved, and fled frantically to the side away from Andrew.