MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 1 Seeking a desperate virus

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The first chapter seeks a desperate virus (seeking collection

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"This...what is this place? How can I be here?"

The feeling of weightlessness made the Soviet Union somewhat uncomfortable, and looked at the surrounding environment. Look at the Θ毛Θ线Θ小Θ says

The fire, the explosions are endless, and there seems to be something flying fast in the air, glittering, and there are more fierce fighting sounds coming from far away.

"Nima, this is... Iron Man?"

Looking at the many steel battle suits flying in the air, how did the Soviet War feel so familiar with this picture? This seems to be the last scene in the movie Iron Man 3, and finally these steel battle suits have blew themselves up. At the time, the Soviet War still felt sorry.


Suddenly, the Soviet War slammed his head and slammed his head. It seemed that something suddenly appeared in his mind. After a while, he felt that the tearing pain disappeared, and the big mouth was breathing. There was a smile of joy in the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that I actually crossed the Marvel's world and even got the system..." Just a moment, a mechanized voice sounded in his mind, claiming to be the "King System Elf" and simply explaining the current situation. .

I don't know what caused me to cross the world of Marvel and get the king system. This king system is the one who has cultivated the strongest king. It can provide many functions but only assistance. Whether you can become a king or you must work **** your own. !

An ordinary person came to the world of Marvel, a superhero and a super criminal, and did not help to become a king. Isn’t this a fantasy? Fortunately, it is not without any help.

Your own physique has changed!

Although it looks no different from before, according to the system, the body has been transformed while crossing.

Have the ability to swallow and stabilize!

In short, he can devour any ability without worrying about stability and integration, that is, he can swallow all kinds of abilities, and the body will automatically stabilize it at the perfect level without fear of danger. .

This is definitely the best help!

To know that there are too many abilities in the Marvel world, super serum, Hulk sera, desperate virus, sputum serum, etc... These have powerful abilities, but they also have drawbacks and dangers, but their bodies can be completely ignored. Troubled in this regard.

Of course, there is more powerful ability, X-Men, or Raytheon?

There are many abilities, the difference is whether you have the strength to get it!

Especially now, the end of the New York War, that is to say, the Avengers Alliance has been formed, the story is over, and even the story of Iron Man 3 is over. It is not so easy to get powerful capabilities at this time.

The Soviet War is really a bit depressed, how to let yourself through this time. However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are many abilities in this world. What's more, if there are no superheroes that have already appeared, isn't the road of the king's own is too boring?

Of course, this is not the time to consider this, because he is now in Iron Man and Aldridge. Near the battle of Kirian, whether it is Iron Man, or the big BOSS of Kirian, or his desperate warriors who can blew themselves, they can kill themselves casually!

The Soviet War found a place to hide, pay attention to the situation of the battle, and at the same time quickly figure out how to get the desperate virus!

That's right, it's a desperate virus!

This is a good thing, with super self-healing ability, super body, and fire. It can be said that the super serum is more powerful than the captain of the United States. With this stuff, at least you don't have to worry about getting hurt or hanging up, you can control the fire.

Of course, the drawbacks of the desperate virus are also obvious, the chances of success are low, and the losers will blew themselves.

If it is not your body's ability to stabilize everything, the Soviet War will never let the attention of the virus disappear, which is no different from suicide.


A loud bang in the distance seemed to be a steel shirt explosion.

Far away, I can see Tony. Stark was sitting on the ground. It seems that the steel bombs that had just exploded should be Kirian, but the Soviet War knew that Kirian could not die, and it was not a problem. After a while, a whole body like a magma, once again appeared, facing Tony. Stark walked over. Angry Kirian, panicked Tony Stark is about to be killed, a woman suddenly appears, little pepper!

Small peppers appeared and I easily flew Kirian.

Then, the steel shirt locked the small pepper, but it was easily handled by the small pepper.

"Be careful!"

Tony Stark saw that Kirian had rushed toward the small pepper and hurriedly shouted.

The little pepper was not in a hurry, and the arm of the steel shirt on the ground was set on the hand. The ability shock wave hit the body of Kirian instantly, and then...

"It's a pity..."

Looking at the murder of Kirian, the Soviet Union couldn’t help but shook his head with regret. He also planned to get a desperate virus from him!


It is not without a chance now!

Looking at Tony Stark and the little peppers there for the rest of his life, Tony Stark promised that he would cure the small peppers and start the cleaning process. In a flash, the steel shirts in the sky blew themselves up like a gorgeous one. Fireworks.

"It's a pity, but fortunately, Iron Man is Iron Man, it is impossible to really give up the steel shirt and give up the identity of Iron Man!"

The Soviet War looked at the steel jersey that followed one blast in the sky, shook his head and slowly walked over.

"there's still one!"

Tony shouted, the little pepper lifted the arm of the steel shirt, and the blue handgun was already aimed at the Soviet war.

"Chinese people?"

Tony saw some unexpected accidents when he saw the Soviet war.

"Don't be nervous, I am not malicious. I am here to help. This beautiful lady seems to be in trouble?"

Su war raised his hand and said with a smile.

However, Tony and the little peppers did not relax their vigilance. At this time, a mysterious person suddenly appeared. How could he relax his vigilance?

"The desperate virus is not perfect, and its drawbacks are believed to have been seen by you. I believe that Tony Stark, the famous Iron Man will definitely find a way. Just... no one can be sure whether time will be enough, and the fear is not enough. So good. So, I am here to help, I can help her completely remove the desperate virus!"

"I do not believe!"


Tony suspects that the little pepper is a little excited.

The Soviet Union shrugged: "Well, I actually came for the desperate virus, but it also helped you not? So why not let me try? At least it will not be dangerous even if it is not successful, and ...we don't necessarily be enemies, at least... not now!"