MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 774 An angry angel, a helpless God! (

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The 777th sorrowful angel, helpless God! (The first is to ask for flowers)

When I heard someone coming in, the man slowly turned and seemed to want to say something. As a result, he had not waited for the opening. He heard the Soviet War screaming coldly: "Pretend, give me a roll!"

When the voice fell, the man had not waited for a response, and then he found himself standing in the corridor of the corridor inexplicably. Looking at the ╮毛╮线╮小╮ said that he stumbled and shouted: "Soviet, hand over the Virgin, don't obsess..."

The word has not been said yet, and a group of energy is abrupt. However, he subconsciously wants to resist but finds that he is powerless.

A bang.

He was directly blasted to the wall and could not move.

"An angel or a devil, all of them are good for the old man. Don't disturb the good things of Laozi. Otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind." The sound of the Soviet War drifted out, and the room around him suddenly appeared. A special energy.

"Hey, let me down, let go..."

The man shouted, but soon... even the sound could not be made, only the eyebrows were nailed to the wall, the shame and the funny.

"Know why I hate God." The Soviet Union turned to Zade.

Zede leaned in the arms of the Soviet War and said softly: "Don't be angry, anyway, they will definitely not come in now, and will not bother us. I think they must be depressed and dead."

"The devil is not depressed, the depressing is the angel, the **** of the bastard."

Su war said, holding Zede slowly went to the bathroom.

The sound of the water of the patter is accompanied by the laughter of the Soviet War and Zede.

At the same time, in the corridor, the angel nailed to the wall was so depressed that the angels were nailed to the wall. The most important thing was that there were several devils appearing beside them. I can't wait to disappear, but the angelic ability that has always been unfavorable has not been able to be played at this time.

He knows what is going on inside and what might happen.

He is very anxious, very angry and mad, but he can't do anything about it.

"Alm, father, guide you and tell me how to save." He can only pray and pray that God can give him directions, but his prayers have no effect, which makes him desperate.

in the room.

After the Soviet Union and Zed had showered and did not wear clothes, they wrapped them in bath towels and went to the bedroom. They had already lived in the sky and were out of control.

Zede’s response was even more generous and the atmosphere was gradually warm.

The Soviet Union was preparing to stand up and suddenly felt the slight shaking of the surrounding space.

"what happened?"

Feeling the pause in the Soviet War, Zede asked in confusion.

Su war smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, a nasty guy wants to personally find that he can't break my barrier, so he retreats."

"Don't think about it, I am coming in."

The Soviet Union smirked and leaned hard, and soon... Zede forcedly hugged the neck of the Soviet War and slammed it out.

At the moment when the Soviet War entered, Zede felt that he had some changes.

I don't know if it is because of being a real woman, or because the identity of the Virgin has left.

Two hours later, watching Zed, who had fallen asleep, the Soviet Union got up and walked to the door. In the process, one piece of clothing was worn on his body. When he pushed the door out, he was already neat.

The demon in the corridor has disappeared, knowing that the Virgin Mary has been destroyed, the demons are relieved, and naturally they will not stay to provoke the Soviet war.

The angel on the wall was dejected and his eyes were gray.

"You have to be jealous, you can let me down." The angel looked at the Soviet battle with dismay.

The Soviet Union shook his head: "I almost destroyed the atmosphere. Do you think it will be finished on the wall for a while?"

"Do you still want to kill me?" the angel groaned. "There is nothing wrong with the Virgin. If you really kill me, you are an enemy of our angels, keep up..."

"The way you pretend is really annoying." The hand of the Soviet War suddenly pierced the angel's chest, the expression of the angels changed, and I did not expect the Soviet War to be so simple. Even, he felt that his strength was Quickly disappeared.

"Angel? Hey."

The Soviet Union sneered out and pulled out his hand. The angel suddenly turned into a light and disappeared without a trace.



The Soviet Union and Zede stayed in the hotel room for three days. They had not gone out for three days. Zede was a bit like hungry for a long time. In some things, he was more eager than the Soviet war. Perhaps because she can finally leave the **** Madonna identity and enjoy a new life.

It was ridiculous for three days, and the Soviet War and Zede came out of the hotel.

As soon as I came out, I heard a buzzing sound, followed by the feeling that the flash was lit.

"Someone is taking pictures," Zed whispered.

The Soviet Union glanced at it and found a reporter hiding in the corner next to him. A middle-aged man with a beard and a slap in the face seemed to be an entertaining paparazzi.

"Take it and shoot it."

It doesn't matter if the Soviet war is over, who makes him a celebrity.

He is always used to the entertainment page about his love affairs.

After the dog took the dog, he left on his own. Su Han and Zede were going to the restaurant to eat. Although there were people from the hotel to eat it in the past three days, they were not comfortable at the restaurant.

Zede used his mobile phone to find a restaurant on the Internet, and he saw fresh news.

It was the time when the Soviet War came out with the hotel, the photos were very clear, especially the satisfaction and sweetness on my face. However, the title is to make Zede somewhat unhappy.

"The new joy of the Soviet War? How long can she hold on!"

"These entertainment reporters like to use this fake, exaggerated title to spect people's eyes and stimulate sales." Su war said faintly.


Zede certainly knew it, so he changed his mind very quickly.

Looking for a good restaurant, the Soviet War held Zed directly to the direction of the restaurant.

Slowly falling from the air, the surrounding pedestrians were shocked, but they saw that they were all relieved after the Soviet War. As a superhero with a very high awareness, flying is a matter of course.

The Soviet Union and Zede entered the restaurant and ordered food to eat at the window.

But when the dish just came up, something happened outside.


Drink more, the update at 7 o'clock in the morning is delayed! \')

Chapter 775