MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 23 wake

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Real world time in September 1945, 100 years after Saturn colony time, the Umbrella Empire State Building.

"Please enter the password ...... Welcome, Mr. Tang Xing." The steel door of the underground laboratory opened slowly, and the general sound of machinery also sounded. Tang Xing has not changed much after 100 years. Of course, how can a company with top-level biochemical technology not have a way to delay aging? Tang Xing walked straight into Tang Tian's enhanced position in the underground secret laboratory. It is true that Tang Xing came here this time to wake up his boss, and then began a comprehensive plundering plan.

Tang Xing slowly walked to the operation platform and operated various dense buttons. The ultra-thin screen displayed data like the plane of amnesia in deep space, and various data of Tang Tian's body were very stable. After proficiently entering a series of complex passwords, finally the red button in the center of the one-shot operation console --- the thawing procedure.

中央 In the center of the underground laboratory, a tall thickened version of the freezing chamber is around. After thawing, a cold white mist rises, and the ultra-low temperature gas quickly makes the surrounding air cold and bitter. As if Tang Xing didn't feel the surrounding temperature at all, he looked at Tang Tian who was about to wake up with a smile. Tang Tian's wake-up also meant that the plan of the infinite plane of the predators officially started.

"Ah, 100 years of strengthening is finally over. Power, powerful power I got." Tang Tian slowly opened his scarlet eyes, slowly floated up and then released the black gas on his body instantly. A horror field of force like a landslide swept across in all directions, and the objects around the laboratory, including electronic components, instantly turned into powder while sparking. And the hard special concrete floor was suddenly shaken by numerous forces like numerous spider web cracks.

--------------split line-----------------

"Um, boss looks at you. The ability to strengthen the main god's ancestral lineage has been restored? Adding gravity control will be very helpful for our plan." Tang Xing, who was outside the laboratory, was just watching When the reinforcement is not right, I ran out, because Tang Xing is an ordinary person, so I had to leave here.

"Yes, this is the feeling of strength. But not only that, my space ability has also recovered." Tang Tian said excitedly, and then moved to Tang Xing in an instant.

"Very good, perfect, wait a moment to start testing your strengthened data." Tang Xing became a science madman in a serious manner, and instantly took a scalpel and stuck it on Tang Tian's shoulder, but it was like It was a punch on cotton, and the attack had no effect at all, and the kinetic energy generated was completely absorbed by Tang Tian's fusion of gravity.

"Well, cough, I just said it was a wait. Well, you know what we plan to go to other worlds, now give you something." Tang Xing said awkwardly, and then came up with something similar Black suit in the style of a crew suit in deep space amnesia.

"This is ..." Tang Tian calmly looked at the black suit in front of him and said in doubt.

"The deep space amnesia plane has many good things as an advanced energy technology plane. For example, this composite material makes combat suits." "This suit has very good conductivity and the material can withstand any Physics and chemistry reflect and stretch freely ... "Tang Xing explained.

"I'm going, how do I feel like the uniform of the magical four heroes." Watching Tang Xing keep talking about the smallpox, Tang Tian couldn't help but vomit. Tang Xing's expression became very exciting, and it was instantly understood that what came to this Nima was really a combat suit like the magic four heroes. Wouldn't it be the uniform of the Fantastic Four who came from here? Someone opened his mouth and thought silently.


"I also want to give you the scientific and technological achievements that you have plundered in reality and colonies, such as the covered black tights worn inside the body. In addition to adjusting the internal environment, it can also be waterproof, anti-electric, bullet-proof, temperature-resistant and Having a tiny steel hair like Spider-Man can make people walk around the wall like Spider-Man cornices, because your power is too helpful in the movie, and you are not afraid of any attacking energy, so I just provide you with some assistance "Tang Xing explained briefly.

"Okay, I know, you have done a good job." Tang Tian floating in the air is helpless to the current situation, because his slow development has caused the Iron Empire to be delayed.

"That's all for the time being. You have prepared most of the weapons. Okay, let's say nothing else and start testing." Tang Xing said.

After Tang Tian merged the power of multiple viruses, his recovery speed and physical strength were greatly improved. The first is speed, because when Tang Tian just woke up, he could only walk crookedly like a baby. The reason why he just floated with gravity and magnetic power just now is fully adapted to his state after waking up.

Tang Tian slowly walked a little at the beginning and always couldn't run quickly. But in less than ten minutes, Tang Tian has fully adapted to the environment, and his speed is getting faster and faster, and he can only see his afterimage. Of course, except for the high-speed camera obtained from the deep space amnesia plane, other instruments can be captured. Can't see.

"Yes, your speed can reach 800 m / s, much faster than Wesker. Of course, it is far worse than Fast / Silver and the Flash." Tang Xing is quite satisfied with the speed of the boss, because Tang The sky strategy is not only speed but also comprehensive strength and high-tech weapons.

"Now start to test the resilience ~ ~ Don't use gravity to swallow kinetic energy." Tang Xing first recorded the speed data, then took out a super alloy scalpel seriously in Tang Tian His arm pulled out a long mouth. However, it was strange that Tang Tian did not bleed on his arm, and then horrible things appeared as if the horror movie could appear. In less than a second, countless granulations of the arm repaired the damaged place.

"By ..." Tang Tian scolded Tang Xing's shamelessly in his heart, didn't he just make his attack ineffective? This revenge is needed, but Tang Xing will never admit his revenge.

"Your recovery is 76 times that of ordinary people, which may exceed Wolverine and Saber-toothed Tiger." Tang Xing thoughtfully watched the speed of cell healing. Now Tang Xing, who has a lot of knowledge, can only estimate it with his eyes. Given the strength of activation of human cells, the so-called knowledge is power. After more than 100 years of learning, Tang Xing has gained a lot of knowledge. Of course, after the technology obtained by the Matrix, he can directly obtain knowledge.

Tang Tian's predatory mission after completing the test will be long-term, because the search resources are not enough. Lack of a large amount of mechanical technology and various resources, so after the end of the test, it is necessary to plunder more than 10 plane resources to allow the steel empire to be established for the first time. There is still a long way to go in the development of Marvel World. There is no Xiaobai and no special powerful gold finger. It can only develop slowly. Everything starts from plunder.


PS; It's almost time for the enemy of the machine. Everyone's votes, collections, recommend more points, preferably red tickets, thank you.