MTL - Master of Ninja World-v15 Chapter 1386 ask

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Wuchen also asked the other party's opinion at this time. After all, if you want to fight, then after all, it may be a huge force, but it is not an easy task.

Wuchen can be sure that this person in front of him must have a very important means.

Although it is not clear what his strength is, at least Wuchen thinks that he will not miss it.

This person was facing such a situation, faced with an inquiry like Wuchen, and finally smiled directly and said.

"Young man, don't you think you are too young now? Just dare to provoke me directly, don't you fear that you will be beaten by me if something happens?"

After Wuchen heard these words, he also understood that the other party felt a little anger about his own arrogance. After all, the request he made was probably just to underestimate the other party.

No dust is straightforward and outspoken.

"I don’t think there is any problem, it’s whether you dare to fight with me. If you dare not, then you can treat it as if I didn’t say anything, but if you dare, Then naturally it couldn't be better."

So Wuchen directly felt a killing intent rushing toward his face, and it was the opponent who was direct, and quickly and neatly, the action of the shot was very fast to almost, even Wuchen did not see clearly what kind of action it was.

But fortunately Wuchen was able to see clearly, and blocked the opponent's attack. After Wuchen stopped, he narrowed his eyes and continued to smile.

"I think I have such a strength to go with you in this certain fight."

The two people quickly started to learn from each other, you come and I go.

Wuchen directly launched a fierce attack.

Wuchen could feel that such a fight was different from the one he had experienced before.

I didn't use my best before, because I felt that the opponent's strength was unnecessary, and I used my best at that time.

But now it's different, because I really feel the strength of the opponent, so for myself, the opponent is an opponent that can be taken seriously, and I can seriously fight this one.

And another young man who fought Wuchen did not expect that Wuchen had such an existence, at least in the process of fighting, it did not fall into the wind. Such a situation can be said. It is very powerful.

The two sides still maintain a certain level of equal strength, whether there is such a big problem at all.

The two men attacked here, but didn't do much to disturb the others.

But there are some people who are more sensitive, have already noticed the movement here, put their eyes here, secretly paying attention.

If there is no dust, there is no concession, and it is not at all disadvantaged. Such a situation also surprised the people around.

After all, the people present are strong or not, so in fact, almost everyone can make this little understanding of each other.

Because a person's aura and a person's eyes can show whether this person is strong or not, whether he can become this hunter.

So what is the strength of everyone on this boat, in fact, they almost have some understanding of each other. But now Wuchen also goes straight, is to find a more powerful person to challenge and fight.

It can be seen completely without dust, what is the strength of a strength, it can be said that it is a relatively strong situation.

Wuchen was fighting with each other, and there was no major problem.

You come and go with each other, the moves are also very fast, if you are a little careless, then it is very likely to be attacked, and the dust-free response is also very sensitive and quick.

He has never been able to be attacked by the opponent, but the opponent has been attacked by Wuchen. At this moment, it can be regarded as entering a stage of white-hot, Wuchen has never shown a weapon, and the opponent's opponent It can be considered that there are so many thoughts of wanting to use weapons.

At this moment, in fact, the victory or defeat is considered to be some of the most obvious situations, and everyone finally chose to stop.

After this person stopped, he carefully looked at Wuchen in front of him, and also directly spoke to Wuchen.

"You are a very good opponent. I hope I can see you during the Hunter's assessment and I hope you can reach the final level. Of course, that will be the next thing. I hope you can do it. I don't have much. That's it."

Faced with such a word from the other party, Wuchen just smiled and nodded, and also wished the other party to pass this hunter's assessment.

To be honest, Wuchen really wanted to see for himself how this hunter's assessment was and how difficult it was.

After all, there are several more powerful characters on the ship, and obviously they still failed the assessment of this hunter. It is estimated that it took a year of hard training before they came back for the assessment.

So how difficult is this hunter's assessment? If you can go directly to persuade most of these people.

Wuchen went straight back to Xiaojie's side, because Xiaojie and the others on the court had almost come to an end.

When Xiaojie was discussing with others, there was some slight flushing on his face, and he was obviously excited, so he spoke directly to Wuchen.

"I think it is really good to learn from others to make progress together. I think it’s pretty good. If you can, then I hope that there will be this opportunity to learn from others in the future. Then when you are, you are in such a process. Has it also made some progress?"

Wuchen was asked about this again, smiled and nodded.

"It can be considered that there is a little progress, at least it is a different feeling from you. In short, we still can't relax our vigilance. After all, sometimes people's hearts are immeasurable."

After Xiaojie finished talking about these things, he nodded. There were so many ununderstandable things, and his expression became straightforward and serious.

Wuchen looked directly at the broad sea, and didn't say anything more about it.

Wuchen always feels that the night on this boat is always restless. After all, he and Xiaojie have already demonstrated their strength and ability. In such a process, if they can have any accidents at sea, then Maybe you won't be able to participate in the hunter's assessment.

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