MTL - Master of Ninja World-v16 Chapter 24 compare

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Wuchen is now thinking about one of the advantages of fighting against a wolf.

First of all, the reaction speed of this wolf is also very fast, not to mention that it is now in a dark environment, so it is already very familiar in such an environment and it has stayed for a very long time, even more powerful than itself. , More understanding.

So in this respect, I will have a certain weakness. Of course, the profit of my attack on this wolf is very likely to be detected by him in advance, so that he can avoid it, although it is impossible to avoid it completely. Because it is very likely that the opponent's speed is not so fast, and such an effect cannot be achieved.

But he should also be able to dodge, and his attack on him can't make this wolf reach a level of serious injury, then the current situation still has to go to a certain level of competition and consumption.

But I can't afford it anymore. The longer I stay here, then it is very likely that those enemies will be tracked over quickly, so I must go to a quick fight.

If you delay it any longer, you may be in a two-sided flanking situation. There were wolves before and there were tigers behind. Shana would not only not recover from her injuries, but it was very likely that her injuries would become more serious. After all, she would have to fight reluctantly.

After Wuchen thought of this, he squeezed the knife in his hand, giving himself a sense of urgency.

Wuchen's sense of urgency was very strong, and he was thinking to see if there was any way to kill the creature in front of him.

Wuchen felt that if it didn't work, she would let Shana join the battle. In this case, the situation would get better.

Because the flame on Shana's body is also quite special, even if it may not cause serious damage to this ferocious wolf, it can still change the situation on the scene.

Because wolves are afraid of flames, if Shana goes to set fire in this cave, she will be able to get rid of this wolf.

Of course, if this wolf is not so afraid of flames, then it can at least affect this wolf.

At least let this wolf no longer be in a dark and familiar environment, but in a bright place, so that the surrounding environment will be more beneficial to him.

Wuchen thought in his heart that such a method is actually no problem and can be implemented.

So Wuchen frowned, gritted his teeth, and stared at the wolf in front of him vigilantly. Then he wanted to make a certain retreat, and Shana called in and let him join in. During the battle, perhaps he was asked to come over to assist himself, or he was the main attacker.

But this process must be cautious, and there can be no slack, otherwise it is very likely that something has happened, after all, this wolf may seize the opportunity to sneak attack.

Sure enough, things were just as Wuchen feared and expected, and the wolf launched an attack at a very fast speed, as if rushing directly towards Wuchen.

He didn't just attack with sharp claws, he opened his mouth wide, and he wanted to bite directly toward the clean neck.

And its claws are sharply aimed at Wuchen's body. This wolf's thought is probably that if he can't accurately bite Wuchen, let his claws hurt Wuchen. .

After sensing the crisis, Wuchen dodged, seeing this wolf directly hit the other wall.

The power of this wolf is quite strong, at least Wuchen can hear the broken sound of this wall because of this wolf.

This is a cave. However, the wall in the cave looks like it is made of ordinary hard stone blocks. In addition to the ice and snow outside, it can be said that the wall is very hard, but it is still under the wolf's claws. It was still damaged, showing how aggressive it was against the wolf and how fierce its claws were.

Wuchen glanced at the small wound that was slashed by this wolf's paw, and felt a slight pain on it, and the wound tended to split, and he almost understood that the wolf's sharp claws might carry a certain amount. Poison, maybe the ultimate effect of this poison is to have a certain paralysis effect.

Because Wuchen has already felt something wrong, the feeling on his hand is already very weak.

Wuchenxin knew even more that he was going to make a quick fight. Otherwise, if his hands are completely paralyzed, the battle situation will be even worse, and his combat effectiveness may be greatly weakened.

Wuchen looked very serious. He didn't expect that this wolf would be so difficult to solve. He originally had a certain attitude of contempt. After all, he thought that no matter how powerful it is, it is nothing but a wolf. That's it, I should be able to deal with the solution.

But the current situation is that it can be solved by yourself. Although it can be solved, it is solved with a war of attrition. It takes a certain amount of time. After all, the environment is not good for you and you are very good. He may have a certain degree of contempt, so he may have fallen into a disadvantage from the beginning.

Even if it is now too late to correct his attitude, he has already been recruited, and the feeling of numbness is getting stronger and stronger. This is something Wuchen has no way to avoid.

Now I can only seek Shana's help, let Shana join the battle, and affect the situation of the battle.

After the attack was unsuccessful, the wolf quickly adjusted, slammed his head, and came back to face Wuchen.

No dust can feel his green eyes in this dim environment, as if they are all shining brightly, very conspicuous, and there is a strong maliciousness in those wolf eyes, as if they are aiming at I kept coming out.

This wolf makes itself feel more dangerous, and its claws are a little bit brighter, and it feels a little bit intolerable. After scratching the ground, it also makes an unpleasant hoarse sound, but all this is dust-free. I was forced to bear it in the past, and held my weapon tightly in my hand to make this certain response.

Now if he hurriedly ran outside the entrance of this cave, he would be able to attract Shana's attention, but at the same time he would be in danger. It's hard to choose.

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