MTL - Master of Science and Technology-Chapter 15 : Plug-in for Cultivation

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In the astonishing dimension, a huge dorm room is filled with pale green liquid. Through the front glass cover, you can see a person soaking inside. This person has some pipelines inserted in various parts of the body. From time to time, some medicinal fluid is injected into the body through the pipeline, causing the body to tremble.

人 This person is Qi Qianjun. After a month of treatment, he is no longer as incomparably miserable as before. His limbs were once cut off, but now he has new hands and feet, and a pair of freely rotating eyes in the hollow eyes. Even the broken limbs have grown out, and those who can't see the injuries are naturally even more concerned.

Of course, thanks to Qi Qianjun's serious injuries, the other party may be afraid that he died too easily and did not abolish his practice. The means of science and technology, coupled with Qi Yuanjun's own real-aid assistance, made the treatment so smooth. In just one month, it was completely changed.

On the other side, Ye Zan has also used Qi Qianjun's gene to complete a genetic optimization agent. However, he did not intend to take this gene-optimized medicine out to the disciples of Yu Qingzong. After all, the loyalty of this man's disciple has yet to be investigated. Several talented disciples were brought here, and they were dug away by other gates in a blink of an eye. Wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others.

What's more, this genetic optimization does not mean that it will be done with a single shot. It also needs to be targeted for modulation. Each person has different conditions. It is impossible for Ye Zan to move the laboratory outside, let alone to bring people into this different dimension.

Moreover, this is not the same as the preparation of the best gas refining dan. How can the best gas refining dan be used, that is, the gas refining environment. And changing a person's qualifications, especially the quality of perfection, such as having no time for Taoism, will be a big trouble if it is spread. Such a temptation is enough to make people ignore the so-called morals and enough to tear off the final cover, and it will be a disaster for Yu Qingzong.

Qi Qijun's encounter is an example and a warning to Ye Zan. In this world, there are too many enemies of Yu Qingzong. A genius disciple is counted as such. What can happen to a person who can mass produce geniuses? If even Xuanyuandao was only half of his strength at the peak, he would be able to shock most people. Unfortunately, Xuanyuandao still expects Ye Zan to get him that drop of blood.

Can't openly mass-produce genius, it is indeed a very regrettable thing for Ye Zan, who urgently needs to improve Yu Qingzong's strength.

Of course, Ye Zan is not the only one. At the other end of the laboratory area, in the ten culture tanks lined up, ten bodies are immersed in the nutrient solution. It is precisely the culture of Qi Qianjun's genes. Clones.

十 The ten clones are different from Qi Qianjun in appearance and have undergone genetic modification, but their qualifications are absolutely the same. The only point is that these clones have no self-will. In the words of this world, there are no spirits, just empty shells.

However, without self-will, you can also use smart chips to control. Although they may be a little less spiritually motivated, they don't have to worry about them developing other thoughts. As for their strength, it is currently not useful. They also need to cultivate like normal people. It will be a great help for Ye Zhan in the future.

Of course, in this month, Ye Zan's biggest gain was his change of qualifications. In this world, his own strength is the true foundation of his life, and he finally realized the role of qualifications in cultivation. If the meridian acupuncture point used to be like a stream, it is now like a big river, and the cultivation efficiency has been improved more than a hundred times. In addition, the strength and toughness of meridian qiao points have also been greatly improved. Even if Ye Zan continues to cultivate 24 hours a day, there will be no discomfort in meridian qiao points.

换 If you switch to someone else, even if the meridians can withstand continuous cultivation 24 hours a day, it is actually very difficult to really do this. On the one hand, the state of refining gas has not yet reached the state of barking the valley, so the problem of eating and drinking Lazarus is inevitable. There is no way to sink into your heart and practice when you are hungry or worried. On the other hand, there are people's psychological problems, or moods, which make it difficult to maintain a long-term retreat.

Ye Zan didn't have to worry about these problems at all, because he was given the brain-assisted chip by his cultivation. Nowadays, no matter what he usually does, the auxiliary chip is controlling the meridian tricks to practice qigong, just like the so-called dual-purpose, or the on-hook program in online games. And what he needs to do is to throw two Needle Gas Refining Pills into his mouth from time to time, so as to keep the efficiency of cultivation from falling.

As far as meditation is concerned, in fact, it is more for the sake of getting settled and entering the state of cultivation. The cultivation process in the brain-assisted chip is completely independent of the subject's thinking, so naturally it is not necessary to rely on meditation to set it.

几天 After a few days of testing, the effect of the on-hook procedure was determined, and Ye Zan gave up the daily meditation practice with peace of mind. After more than ten days after successful genetic optimization, his cultivation has reached the fifth floor of gas refining. At such a speed of practice, it can reach the state of gas refining in a year.

And this is still limited by Reiki. If Yezan's current meridians are rivers of the river and Reiki is the water in the river, then this river is actually only half full every day. If the aura is sufficient, the river can be filled ~ ~ Ye Zan's practice speed can actually be greatly improved.

He didn't need to meditate and practice. Ye Zan spent more time in the library of Yu Qingzong. On the one hand, I understand the world through books, on the other hand, I also hope to find clues about the essence of Xuan Yuandao from inside.

Wu Xuan's veteran can be sure that the drop of essence blood still exists in the world, but it can't sense its position. The reason for this situation is either that the drop of essence blood was suppressed by the seal, or it was stored in a secret place. If you want to find that drop of blood, you must first know how it was lost, and this requires Ye Zan to go through various historical materials.

"The Supreme Master and Uncle, tomorrow is the day of outsiders' comparison. I wonder if you are interested to see it." Mo Ru came to the top floor of the library and brought such a message to Ye Zan.

The so-called outside door contest is a qualification test that decides outside students to enter the inside door. At the same time, it will open the mountain door to recruit outside students. This is a grand event for Zong Men and for the disciples who participated. Although Yu Qingzong is now only the third-rate sect, but anyway, it is also one of the sects of Zheng Dao, which is still quite attractive in the eyes of the secular people.

"Tomorrow is okay, okay, then I'll take a look." Ye Zan tossed the practice to the auxiliary chip, soaked in the library every day, and the life was actually boring. For tens of thousands of years, Yu Qingzong has experienced numerous changes, large and small, and it is not easy to find clues of that essence.

After listening to Ye Zan ’s response, Mo Ru hesitated, and asked with a bit of embarrassment: “Uncle Grandpa, I do n’t know how he is doing now ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, The fastest and hottest serial works are at ~ ~ Please read for mobile users.