MTL - Master of Science and Technology-Chapter 16 : Hope for Revival

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I really should get that guy out! Ye Zan was awakened and waved his hand to Mo Rushi and said, "Go down first, and then return your apprentice to you."

"Yes, then the disciple retired first." Even if Mo Ruyi didn't have much hope in his heart, he quickly retired from the library.

回到 Returning to Ye Zan in the different dimension space again, after reading the test report given by Zhinao, it was determined that Qi Qianjun had been completely recovered. Now that the genetic optimization has been completed, and the laboratory's gene bank has also left back-up genes, it would be useless to keep this person. It would be Mo Ruo earlier, and it would save the troubled eyes of the old man all day.

In the dormant cabin, the bubbling bubbles of the nutrient solution “Guru” slowly dropped, and various pipelines on Qi Qianjun's body were also automatically disconnected. The two robots pushed the stretcher to the dorm bay, opened the transparent hatch, and lifted sleeping Qi Qianjun onto the stretcher.

Qi Qianjun lay there quietly on the open space on the top floor of the Tibetan Library, wearing a simple white robe on his body. Ye Zan closed the door of the different dimensions, turned around and approached Qi Qianjun, raised his hand and held a small spray can, and sprayed "Qi" twice on Qi Qianjun's face.

After a while, Qi Qianjun moved his eyelids, then slowly opened his eyes, his face suddenly appeared surprised and bewildered. His eyes were dug before, and he has been blind for more than two decades. This suddenly saw the light again. The first reaction was not excitement but doubt whether it was true. He raised his hand and touched his eyes, but then took his hand away again, raised it in front of him and looked carefully, constantly moving his fingers.

"Well, don't doubt it, this is not a dream, you have recovered." Ye Zan sat in a chair next to him and turned such a person into such a person.

Heard the sound! Qi Qianjun acted stiffly, slowly turning his head to look aside, and seeing Ye Zan sitting on a chair, only to find himself lying on the ground. This discovery made him a little flustered and awkward. But the habit of more than 20 years made it impossible for him to jump up all of a sudden, but he could slowly stand up from the ground while familiar with his body like the old man with a wind candle.

"Are you?" His throat is okay, but Qi Qianjun can't afford to be surprised, after all, the eyes, ears, and limbs have brought too much shock.

"Remember what your master told you?" Ye Zan asked.

"You are ... Uncle Ye?" A former master instructed him through divine knowledge. Qi Qianjun knew that he had more uncles, but he did not think the uncle was so young. Obviously, Mo Ru told Qi Qianjun that it was Ye Zan's identity who could get it.

"Can you go?" Ye Zan stood up and asked, seeing Qi Qianjun nodded, and then said: "Let's go, your master is still waiting downstairs."

Qi Yezan turned around and walked towards the stairs, but heard a muffled sound of "fluttering" from behind, looking back, Qi Qianjun was already kneeling on the ground.

"Uncle's remaking grace, the disciples do not want to repay, please worship the disciples!" Qi Qianjun said, lying on the ground, "咚咚" stunned a few noises. He finally determined that all of this was not a dream, and such kind of kindness was not a thank you, and just being loyal would be able to repay.

Ye Yezan raised his hand and said, "Get up, your master is in a hurry."

Downstairs of the Tibetan Bookstore, as Ye Zan said, Mo Ru paced back and forth outside the gate. Although his appearance was normal, he was still quite disturbed. Qi Qianjun is his close disciple, a disciple he had high hopes for, and a disciple he always feels indebted. His affection for Qianjun is far beyond ordinary apprenticeship.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the gate of the library, and Mo Ru finally stopped and turned to look inside the gate. At this point, Mo Ru suddenly turned into a statue, and there was a faint flash of water in his eyes, and even his breathing was faint.

I saw Ye Zan and Qi Qianjun stepping out from the gate of the library. Qi Qianjun saw his Master at first glance, and hurried forward a few steps, rushing to the Master with excitement, kneeling on the ground with a "thump".

After saying "Don't disciples, see Master!" Qi Qianjun "slaps" the ground with his head. Previously on the library floor, the land was made of wood, but now the ground of bluestone slabs shows blood marks a few times.

Mo Ru also recovered, and quickly reached out to pull Qi Qianjun up, while looking up and down the apprentice, his voice shivered slightly: "Qianjun, get up, Mo will not hurt your body again. It is because of the teacher's incompetence, even his own Your disciples can't protect you, so you have suffered for so many years. "

Qi Qijun stood up, with excitement and shame on his face, and said, "No, it ’s the disciples who do n’t fight for it, they forget it for a little bit of fame, and even live up to the expectations of the Master, and even shame Zongmen."

"You two, almost done." Ye Zan said very boringly beside him.

"Thank you ... brother." Considering Qi Qianjun was beside him, Mo Ru said Ye Zan was still a brother, but he bowed deeply.

"Okay, you and your apprentices must have a lot to say ~ ~ Don't delay me here. Remember to come to me tomorrow, and I want to see what the outside door looks like. "Ye Zan waved his hand unconsciously, turned around and walked into the library again.

Qi Moru and Qi Qianjun did have a lot to say. Although the two masters and apprentices were not separated for more than 20 years, it was impossible for Qi Qianjun to communicate normally. Although Mo Ru can use God's thoughts to convey some messages with his apprentices, it is only some simple words. After all, he is not yet the power of the Yuanshen Realm.

The two masters and apprentices chatted overnight. No one knew what they had talked about. Even Qi Qianjun's physical recovery was only known by Mo Rushi and Zhang Changwu.

The next day, Qi Qianjun began to retreat. If it had not been for more than 20 years, with his timeless qualifications, I am afraid that he would be better than Mo Ruo. Fortunately, the treatment he received was not to reshape the body, but to regenerate the broken limb, so it did not affect his qualifications.

Twenty years ago, Qi Qianjun was a successful practitioner of Zhuji. Now that he is healthy, as long as he resumes his practice a little, Yu Qingzong may soon have another master Jindan.

Although in this world, Master Jindan is not so rare, especially in those big religions, Master Jindan exists as cannon fodder. But for a third-rate sect such as Yu Qingzong, a master of Jindan still weighs heavily, and with Qi Qianjun's qualifications, the kingdom of Jindan is not the end.

The restoration of Qi Qianjun, the return of the ancestor of Xuanyuan, and the various actions of Ye Zan, let Mo Rushi and Wu Changsheng and others vaguely see the hope of the revival of Yu Qingzong ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to visit , The latest, fastest, and most popular serial works are available at ~ ~ mobile users please read.