MTL - Master of Science and Technology-Chapter 17 : Branch vein division

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The outer gate of Qiyu Qingzong was built on the Chaoyang Peak, one of the five peaks. From the mountain to the mountain, the courtyards of the houses were built according to the mountain, and a wide stone step road runs up and down.

At the foot of Laoshan, there are hundreds of houses in a compound, which is where the disciples live. Outside the compound, in the wide field of bluestone paving, people of all dresses came one after another, from those in ragged clothes to those in robes, to those who were alone, and those who were surrounded by slaves. These people are the secular people who arrived from outside Yuqingzong. As long as they pass the entrance test, they will have the opportunity to become outside students.

No matter how unsuccessful Jiuzong Qingzong is, it is also the gate of Xiuxian. Those who are novices may not be thinking about becoming immortal. As long as they learn a little skill, it is enough for them to gain wealth in the world. Not to mention anything else, even if it is just a refining environment, it can be regarded as a master in the world, and worldly riches are readily available.

But today's highlight is not at the foot of the mountain, but at the top of Chaoyang Peak. The Chaoyang Peak is not so towering, especially the peak seems to be cut flat by people, and it has become a huge flat top. Today, the outer door is above this flat top.

With Elder Mo, Ye Zan first went to Yuquanfeng to teach Wu Changsheng, two masters of Jindan Jin Dasheng and Luo Jinniang. After seeing each other for a few moments, several individuals sat and talked about each other, and their respective royal swords went towards Chaoyang Peak. Of course, Ye Zan stepped on his feet, in fact, was a flying skateboard made of a broad sword.

On top of the flat top of Chaoyang Peak, ten pit tables have been set up outside the Chaoyang Palace. Hundreds of outside students have been waiting here early. There are more than a hundred disciples in this area. This is the current Yu Qingzong, all the disciples in this area. Imagine that during the heyday of that year, Yu Qingzong's outside door once lasted for more than a month, and now it is about a day away.

I said it was a grand event, and honestly it didn't deserve the word "festival".

After Ye Yezan and others came to Pingding, the teacher taught Wu Changsheng to show his face, say a few words of encouragement, and then Jin Dasheng announced the outside door. After doing this, several people went directly to the Chaoyang Palace, and they didn't bother to look at it, waiting for the results of the final comparison.

However, a few people had just settled in the Chaoyang Palace. Ye Zan was planning to go out alone to watch the excitement, and some disciples ran in and reported something.

"Qi Yi took charge of teaching, and Grand Master Luo Miao sent his disciples to watch the ceremony. At the moment, he was waiting at the foot of the mountain," said the disciple after seeing the ceremony.

Immediately after, another disciple came in from outside and saluted to Wu Changsheng and others, and said, "Qi Zhizhang taught, Master Wu Lianshan of Wuzhu sent his disciples to come and observe the ceremony, and now he has come to the mountain."

Someone came to observe the ceremony, which is logically a good thing, indicating that everyone is in a good relationship and that others give themselves face. However, after hearing the reports from the two disciples before and after, the faces of Wu Changsheng and others suddenly became a little ugly.

"Sister Luo, please come and greet me." Wu Changsheng's tone was a bit gloomy, and at the same time a bit helpless, it seemed that they were not welcome to the ceremony.

"Follow the order." Luo Jinniang also had a poor face. Although she answered bluntly but stiffly, she got up and went out.

Luo Jinniang went out to greet the guests, and the atmosphere in the palace seemed a bit strange for a while, totally not as natural as before.

Ye Yezan looked strangely beside him, and couldn't help but elder Elder Mo sitting next to him, and asked, "Lao Mo, what's going on, why aren't you happy when someone comes to join?"

"Hum," Elder Mo snorted coldly, and said, "whatever the favor is, those who are not good are not good, and those who are not good are coming. They are here to smash the field."

"The Jinguang and Wuzhu schools were originally branches of my Yuqing sect. The two factions became independent thousands of years ago, and they have been opposing each other since then. They were named Guanli, but they just wanted to see us. Any rising star deserves their attention and solicitation, even ... "Wu Changsheng said slowly, he couldn't hear much anger anymore, and more was helpless.

After listening to Wu Changsheng's explanation, Ye Zan understood it. No wonder they looked like this. The two factions said that they came to observe the ceremony, but in fact they saw if anyone was worth digging. If they could not dig, they would try to kill them. For example, Qi Qianjun's encounter is an example. Don't underestimate those outsiders, that is the foundation of a Zongmen. The two factions do this as if they were digging the roots of the Yu Qingzong.

面对 But facing this situation, what can Yu Qingzong say and what can he do?

I don't know who the Jinguang and Wuzhu schools are behind. Just talking about the current strength of Yu Qingzong, in fact, they can't hold back the two factions. The Jinguang and Wuzhu factions also have their ancestors, and Mo Ru has no deterrent to others at all.

Moreover, regardless of the means behind the two factions, on the bright side, it is not fussy. People in the right path have always been best at doing this kind of thing. Just like here to observe the ceremony, if Yu Qingzong refuses directly, the first one is not close to human feelings, and the second one is that there is no silver in the place. So no matter how unhappy in the heart, you have to send someone to greet them. If you hate it, you will have a smile on your face.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is the sorrow of the weak. If you have enough strength, you can not give face to anyone. Without strength, you can only be a man with a tail in between.

After a short while, Luo Jinniang came in with two groups. Again, no one can pick it up on the bright side. After Luo Miao and Wang Lianshan came in, the smiling faces and Wu Changsheng and others greeted each other with a smile, and they couldn't see that there were so many people in private. On the side of Yu Qingzong, naturally, it can't be offended, and responded with the same false smile.

"Uncle Mo, I don't know who this Taoist friend is?" After seeing Li, Luo Miao's eyes fell on Ye Zan, and she saw a young man sitting next to Mo Ruyi ~ ~ and was very curious, especially It was found that this young man was just the cultivation of gas refining environment.

Since it is just the cultivation of refining the gas environment, it will certainly not be the guest Qing invited by Yu Qingzong from the outside. But if he is a disciple or nephew, it should not be sitting beside him, but standing behind him.

"Yes, Uncle Mo, this Taoist is very eye-catching, I wonder if you can introduce it?" Wang Lianshan asked immediately, apparently also curious about Ye Zhan's identity.

Jinguang School and Wuzhu School used to be branches of the Yuqing Sect, regardless of their independence, but the same ancestor is traced back. The generation can't be disordered. People in the right path are the most concerned about this. No matter how Luo Miao and Wang Lianshan are in their hearts, they still have to call Mo Ru an uncle on the bright side.

"Haha," Mo Ru smiled hypocritically twice, then pointed at Ye Zan beside him, and said, "His name is Ye Ming Zan. He is a disciple received by the old husband ’s most recent teacher. He should be called an uncle. "

As soon as Mo Mo's words were spoken, Luo Miao and Wang Lianshan suddenly froze. They both seemed to doubt whether their ears were out of control. To say that Mo Ru is an apprentice, they can barely believe it. After all, there was a Qi Qianjun more than 20 years ago. It is not too surprising to have another apprentice. However, it is often because the master has accepted his apprenticeship that the master has died, but the master who has not died has been dead for hundreds of years. How can he accept his apprenticeship for the teacher now.

I mean, just to make us embarrassed, let's call the master uncle for accepting a refining environment? Luo Miao and Wang Lianshan thought that it was really possible. After all, Yu Qingzong would only be able to take advantage of the verbal ~ ~ welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest, most popular Works are all in ~ ~ Mobile users please read.