MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 36 Most sincere invitation

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Xie Mingzhe’s shop closed at 12 noon on time.

Today's shop still wrote the announcement of "Post a new card tomorrow at 11:30", because Xie Mingzhe already had some ideas in mind, and plans to use the afternoon time to draw two new cards.

After closing the shop, he went offline to have lunch, and by the way, his brain was fully rested. When I finished the meal again at one o'clock in the afternoon, he heard a system prompt: "You have a new email, please check it."

Xie Mingzhe went to the living room to open the mailbox and saw an email.

The email comes from a person whose ID is called "Ghostfire". The content is: "Hello Uncle, I am the president of the Ghost Association. Some players in our club have important things to discuss with you. I have already opened it for you. VIP access to the Ghost Association’s territory. If you have time, you can come and visit us at any time, and look forward to your visit.”

Xie Mingzhe turned to the galaxy navigation map, and found out that there is another guild's territory star.

The territory of the ghost prison is pure black, surrounded by ghosts around the planet, it is really a "fashioned house" style.

He checked the information of many clubs in the past two days, and probably had some understanding of the characteristics of several major clubs. The ghost prison is mainly the soil card, the defensive counterattack of Zheng Feng, the ghost card of Rui Rui, and the monster card of Liu Jingxu. Very famous. Among them, Lao Zheng is the old player who debuted in the first season. Now he is in his thirties, and he is very respected by the new generation of players. Guisi Rui is one of the younger generation of players with a very high popularity. The singular horror style attracts a lot of diehard powder. Liu Jingxu won the championship in the eighth season, is a research-type madman, a typical "big machine late" player.

The club's strength is also very strong, regardless of individual competitions, doubles, and group competitions have won a lot of trophies.

What is the ghost prison suddenly looking for? He made three cards at a time today, Zhong Rong, Sha Yu, Cao Chong, all aimed at the ghost prison. It would not be the big gods who are looking for him to ask for help.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe replied: "President, if you are looking for me to marry me, then I still can't go?"

The wildfire immediately replied: "You don't think too much about fat, we have important things to discuss with you."

important things? Is it custom-made cards like Fang Yu Da Shen? Or buy copyright like Nie Shen?

In any case, since people are politely looking for the door, Xie Mingzhe decided to take a trip. Anyway, the Guild Territory is a safe area. You can't open a PK. Isn't he going to the Ghost Council to be besieged?

He was transferred from the galaxy map to the Ghost Jail.

The architectural style of the ghost prison is different from any guild he has visited before. The guilds such as Fenghua and ruling are all buildings on the ground, but the ghost prison is a huge underground castle. This is a bit like the "Yin Cao House" that he saw on TV. The dim environment, surrounded by black evil underground buildings, even the environmental music has changed, and the sinister is very scary.

Xie Mingzhe used to love the novels, and the horror films have seen a lot. Therefore, the design of the Guild Territory of the Ghosts is very suitable for his mind.

The president personally came to pick him up at the entrance and took him to the office with politeness. The two men sat down the elevator all the way down into the huge underground castle, feeling like they came to the ground in person... but the office was set on the 18th floor, this figure is not very auspicious!

There is probably no such thing as "eighteen layers of hell" in traditional culture. Otherwise, it is not necessary to set up an important office area on the 18th floor.

A **** was painted on the door of the office, and Xie Mingzhe pushed the door in.

The guild territory in the game can obviously design the building in different styles, but the interior of the office is almost the same. He once again saw the club badge on the wall in the middle - the badge of the ghost prison, which is similar to the "underground abyss" The pattern, the center of the abyss is written in the black "ghost prison" word, surrounded by black air around the font, this is to carry the horror style to the end, the characteristics are very clear.

There are three people sitting side by side in the office, no need to guess, it must be the three players targeted by him. Sure enough, the president took the initiative to introduce: "These three are our thinkers, Ruijing Rui, Liu Jingxu and Zheng Feng."

Xie Mingzhe came to them and smiled very cordially: "Several gods come to me, not to ask for sin?"

Zheng Feng took the lead to open: "That won't be, you are not only for us."

Guisi Rui also said: "Reassured, we are not so stingy. As a professional player, the card group is targeted for common, but we are looking for you, there are other things I want to discuss with you."

Liu Jingxu took the initiative to stand up to him and seriously said: "Fat Uncle, you have designed these three cards very well, perfectly avoiding some of the official restrictions on the dead cards. Zhong Rong is designed to be a variant of the dead skills. Cao Chong's skill design is very similar to the 'exile' skill."

Xie Mingzhe has some doubts: "Exile? Is it the same as Cao Chong's title, which is equivalent to the exile effect?"

“Yes.” Liu Jingxu said, “Exile is the toughest of all controls. Directly driving a card out of the arena is a kind of 'game isolation' control skill. The exiled cards, though Death, but can not play any role. This exile technique was first developed by the chief designer of the temple. After that, the major clubs followed suit and made some similar cards, but the best results are currently. This is your "calling" of Cao Chong. We have experimented in the arena, the elephant was completely exiled and fixed in the boat, and can not return to the game until the end of the game."

Xie Mingzhe designed Cao Chong according to this idea - since the second can not drop your elephant, then I can drive the elephant to other places, I did not expect that this control technology is called "in the Star Card world" Exile, he feels that he has a new card-making idea!

Liu Jingxu took the initiative to reach out: "I really appreciate your card-making talent, I want to make friends with you, and study how to make cards. I will come to see you personally, I want to invite you to join the ghost prison, come to our club as a card design. division."

Xie Mingzhe smiled and scratched his head: "Thank you for your kindness, I don't want to go to the club as a card designer."

Zheng Feng said: "Listen to our conditions first, don't rush to refuse. Xiaogui, show him the contract."

Lao Zheng’s work was particularly refreshing, and even the contract was ready... Xie Mingzhe took the contract from Xiaogui’s hand and looked at it carefully. Some accidents: “When working in the club, the design of the card copyright belongs to me, the club only reserves the priority. Use right?"

Zheng Feng simply nodded: "Yes. How is this condition?"

Xie Mingzhe did not expect that the ghost prison would really dare to give him the card copyright, is he not afraid that he will take the card to change jobs? Look down - the designer quits during the signing period, or reveals the club's research and development secrets, and compensates for ten times the liquidated damages.

Sure enough, there are restrictions, but during the signing period, there is no job hopping and no disclosure. This is the professional ethics that the designer should abide by. If Xie Mingzhe really wants to be a designer, this contract is the best condition he can get. - The annual salary is a million, the design card has a bonus commission, the end of the year can get dividends, the card copyright belongs to itself, the club only reserves the priority to use, this treatment is estimated to be the top of the league, right?

Seeing the other side's silence, Zheng Feng followed and asked: "Is there a club that has been looking for you before?"

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Yes."

Zheng Feng patiently said: "I will give you an analysis. At present, among the top clubs at the top of the Alliance Pyramid, the rules and regulations on the other side are very strict. It is impossible for designers to release card copyright. Fenghua does not lack designers, Tang Muzhou. The players of 甄, 长, and 徐长风, the ability of original cards are in the first-class level in the whole league, and do not need to take such a big risk to sign you."

"The character cards you are good at, and the insects and mites in the club of the night are hard to match; the city of the frost is aquarium creatures, and the four brothers and sisters are the main water system. You can hardly integrate them. As for the temples, their cards are The designer is the strongest original designer in the league, and has a very good relationship with the players. You will compete for his chief status in the past, and the temple will not cost you such a big price to sign you - so only we are left prison."

Zheng Feng is the oldest player in the first season, and he knows the situation of the clubs in the league. He obviously also really wants to sign Xie Mingzhe, and the details of all the clubs are clearly analyzed by Xie Mingzhe.

He said that he stood up and walked to Xie Mingzhe's front. He said: "Fat uncle, one person alone, painting a pet card is OK, but if you draw a battle card, it is impossible to go long in the world of Star Card. Because Even if your talent is outstanding, other clubs also have a lot of talented players and designers like you. You just seize the opportunity in the design of the dead card, really design a full set of cards, you certainly can't compare with Tang Muzhou, Nie Far God, Ling Jingtang, these great gods, can not compare with the chief designer of the temple, you are even better than the little Liu of our club."

"Designing a card group requires a lot of practical experience, not just by imagination. I played the game for nine years and saw countless new talents who have not been able to go on. The competition in the league is fierce beyond your imagination. There is no dependence on your back, you are destined to be short-lived in the original world. Your best way out is to sign a club to back you. The boss of the ghost prison club is my cousin, he is only responsible for investment, the club thing is me. We have the final say. We sincerely invite you to join, so the original copyright can be retained for your contract. Such a contract has rarely appeared since the copyright dispute in the fifth season."

Guisi Rui also echoed: "Yes, Uncle Fat, the conditions that Master gave you, are really the treatment that the Chief Designer of the Alliance can get. We want to sign you, in addition to your talent, there is another reason. It is Xu Ge who likes you very much. He is a test madman who loves to study cards. When you are together, there will definitely be many common languages. And your Terran card is very good match with our ghost cards and demon cards!"

Liu Jingxu followed closely; "My demon card has a human form, and the small ghost card is also a human form. Adding your human card in our deck will really match well. Lao Zheng analyzed so much with you. You should feel our sincerity. In the league's first-class club, ghost prison is indeed your best choice."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

The three people's rotation persuasion made him really have some heart, with the support of the top clubs, but also to retain the copyright of the card, as long as he does not sell the club's secrets, do not quit, the contraction period is not only high, but also free of pressure. Designing cards, and the accumulated experience of these top players can give him a lot of ideas for designing cards.

However, Xie Mingzhe firmly refused to think of what he said before Chen Ge.

He looked at Zheng Feng and said very politely: "I really thank the three great gods. I didn't expect you to give me such a good treatment... But, I am very sorry, I have already found a few partners, I plan to start my own business, I I can't talk without counting."

Zheng Feng frowned: "Which of your partners, professional ability is comparable to a regular club?"

Definitely not comparable, Xie Mingzhe has a strange intuition, always feel that he should not sign the club. Although he did not participate in the copyright dispute case of the year, he has repeatedly heard people mentioning it and signing in other clubs. Even if the conditions given by the other party are good, it is also a job.

I have to listen to the boss’s words when I work. In case one day's concept is not the same, and the club is in a stalemate, I have never heard that my arm can be screwed over the thigh. When he and the club are in conflict, what is the loss?

Since he has such a strong talent, why should he work for others?

Why not be your own boss?

Although Chen Ge’s practice studio is not as good as a large club, it is also a person who has been practicing for several years. The familiarity with the game is not lost to professional players. It has been a tacit understanding that everyone has been working together for such a long time.

Instead of signing up with other clubs, it's better to create a club yourself.

Xie Mingzhe knows that if he thinks this way, others will think that he is idiotic and has a big ambition.

However, he really was not willing to sign the ghost prison, even if the ghost prison gave him the best conditions, he also felt the shortcomings in his heart.

Probably free to use, do not like to listen to people?

Nie Yuandao asked him to buy copyright. His relationship with Tang Muzhou was an equal cooperation. Fang Yu asked him to customize his death card, which was based on his being a freelance designer. Once he signed the ghost, these things could not happen again.

He has long thought that he will not work for any club.

——The Terran Card must join your deck to cooperate with you?

- Then why don't I create a complete set of character cards myself and work with myself?

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe is more determined in his heart. He looks at the three great gods and politely said: "I really appreciate your appreciation of me. Thank you, Zheng Feng, for analyzing so many pros and cons. I know that you are really for me. Ok, I want to give me the best development platform. But I am sorry, I will not join the ghost prison, and will not join any club. You will be too stubborn when I am, this is my insistence, no matter how good the conditions are. Will shake."

The other side’s firm eyes and expression made Zheng Feng slammed. He couldn't help but ask: "You yourself, isn't it a middle-aged fat uncle?"

Xie Mingzhe smiled and said: "You are so frank, I am embarrassed to marry you, I am not really a fat uncle."

Zheng Feng: "........."

Liu Jingxu and Guisi Rui also wanted to persuade, Zheng Feng reached out and stopped the two.

He went to the fat uncle and said: "So, in the future, we can only meet on the field?"

Xie Mingzhe said seriously: "Maybe? If I have this lucky."

Zheng Feng patted his shoulders quickly: "Well, I am not reluctant to you, and I will see you later."

Xie Mingzhe and the three people once again thanked, and then turned and left the ghost prison.

After he left, Liu Jingxu couldn’t help but say: "Old Zheng, why not continue to persuade a persuasion?"

Zheng Feng shook his head helplessly: "I can't persuade."

Guisi Rui doubts: "Is it not so shaken with such good conditions?"

Zheng Feng thought of something past, sighed and said: "In the past nine years, I have seen many designers. Some people have either shortsighted eyes and ruined their own futures; or they are ambitions and strengths are not equal, too overestimated. Own. But this person is different from the people I have met. Perhaps he will be the biggest variable. He reminds me of the fifth season of Tang Muzhou, the league’s big reshuffle in the fifth season. It is because of the emergence of Tang Yuzhou, a talented player."

Liu Jingxu also experienced the fifth season and couldn't help but say: "You mean, he wants to create a club like Tang Muzhou and become an original professional player. Going to play the game himself?"

Zheng Feng solemnly nodded: "I have a hunch that he will be the enemy of everyone in the future. The professional league is likely to have a second major reshuffle in the next season."

Guisi Rui and Liu Jingxu looked at each other and looked at each other.

Just the fat uncle, the image looked kind and awkward, but the firmness in speaking was not like a middle-aged fat uncle.

What kind of person is he?

The author has something to say:

Ok Pippizhe will create a club:)

This book is relatively large in construction. Don't subjectively judge the protagonist's golden finger [strong and invincible]. In fact, the number of good cards in other clubs in the league is unclear. The key is... I haven't written the game yet, and I haven't written the cards of other great gods.

Lao Zheng said it is also very clear, fat uncle just seized the opportunity to die, brushed a sense of presence, really design the whole set of cards he is still very weak, he still needs to grow, he will slowly become stronger!