MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 3 Tuition fee, add a WeChat

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  Chapter 3 Tuition, add a WeChat

  Sheng Yunzhou couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

  He suddenly thought of something.

  There was a well-known couplet in the Beijing circle: Aunt Xie, who is ignorant of learning and skills, is willing to degenerate into Uncle Sheng.

   What he was talking about was the two people in front of him.

  These two, one is the old man of the old man of the Sheng family, and the other is the old woman of the old man of the Xie family. Their seniority is higher than that of the other.

  But a Xie Xihe can't learn anything, can't do anything, it's a joke in the Beijing circle.

  Another Sheng Shijing didn't give up too much. The third master of the Sheng family who puts gold and jade on him is inappropriate, and he insists on going to the entertainment industry.

  Although he has also become a super-first-line actor, but for the nobles in the Beijing circle, this status is not worth mentioning at all, and it is no different from a joke.

  Of course, this is on the bright side.

  No one knows better than Sheng Yunzhou what kind of god-like existence his uncle is secretly.

  Thinking of this, Sheng Yunzhou felt another pause in his heart, and couldn't help looking at Xie Xihe.

  Sheng Yunzhou got a little interested, got up quickly, and found a place to sit down again.

  Sheng Shijing's eyes still fell on Xie Xihe, with a little unclear light, paused, and took the initiative to ask: "Can you tell me what you want Qing Mulian to do?"

  Unprecedented explanation: "This drug has hallucinogenic effects, and we generally don't sell it outside."

   Xie Xihe nodded to express his understanding, and replied: "My father is sick, and I need Qing Mulian Pharmaceutical."

   After thinking for a while, he asked, "Is there a pharmacy here? If so, I can make a finished medicine here instead of taking it outside."

   Sheng Shijing's eyebrows deepened a bit: "Yes, I will take you there."

   After speaking, he had already stood up and led him to a separate small room on the side of the pharmacy.

   Xie Xihe glanced over.

  Medicine grinder, medicine pestle, stone bowl, cutter, medicine stove... All kinds of common pharmaceutical tools are available.

  Although it is basically useless, Xie Xihe nodded: "Thank you."

  Sheng Shijing responded and led her back to the counter.

   While pressing the call bell to call the salesperson, he turned sideways and asked the girl beside him, "How much do you need?"

   Still the former salesperson, Xie Xihe slightly nodded at her, and said: "The others are one kilogram each, Qing Mulian..."

  Xie Xihe recalled the balance in his account, quickly calculated it, and then found out with a headache that with his little assets, at most, it was enough to buy a two-dollar Qing Mulian.

   That's all, two dollars is two dollars, anyway, let's get through today first, and then re-refining after collecting enough money later.

   "Two money, trouble."

  The salesperson subconsciously glanced at Sheng Shijing, and trotted into the pharmacy immediately after receiving the answer.

   Temporarily having a way to save people, Xie Xihe couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, the nerves that had been tense since the beginning of rebirth also eased, and then the neglected dizziness came back again.

  Xie Xihe swayed slightly.

  Sheng Shijing had been paying attention to her all the time, so she naturally didn't miss her abnormality at this moment, and her eyes darkened slightly: "You are hurt."

  Looking across the tiny bloodstains on her cheeks, her eyes deepened: "What's going on?"

   Xie Xihe frowned, and said indifferently, "It's just a fall."

Sheng Yunzhou had just recovered from a series of strong shocks, and when he came up, he couldn't help but "tsk" when he heard this sentence: "I said Miss Xie, how did you fall, why do I think you Throwing seems to make yourself smarter?"

  Xie Xihe frowned slightly: "Want to learn?"

  Sheng Yunzhou looked at Sheng Shijing, then at Xie Xihe, and after struggling, he nodded with a heroic face: "If you can really become smart, then it's not impossible..."

  Xie Xihe stretched out a small white hand towards him.

  Sheng Yunzhou: "?"

  Xie Xihe said casually, "Tuition fee."

  Sheng Yunzhou: "..."

   Turning his head to look at Sheng Shijing, he asked for help, "I don't have any money with me, uncle, please help me."

  Sheng Shijing glanced at him, reached into his pocket, but thought of something when he touched the wallet, and took out his phone instead.

  Indifferently said: "I don't have cash, add a WeChat, and I will transfer the money to you."

   Xie Xihe wanted to say that he could transfer the money by scanning the QR code, but when he glanced at the indifferent man in front of him, he paused, and finally dug out his WeChat QR code and handed it over.

  Sheng Yunzhou, who watched the whole process, was dumbfounded.

   Taking the initiative to add the girl's WeChat, or cheating, this uncle, are you sure he hasn't been snatched away?

   After the crisp sound of "bang lang", Xie Xihe successfully earned his first pot of gold.

   Putting the phone back into his pocket, Xie Xihe looked at Sheng Yunzhou with a little more seriousness in his eyes, and said, "It's quite simple. When you step back, step on the empty stairs and put the back of your head on the ground."

  Sheng Yunzhou: "...Are you sure you didn't throw people stupid?"

  Xie Xihe raised his eyebrows: "That depends on your luck."

  Sheng Yunzhou smiled stiffly, took a step back and said: "My luck has never been very good, let's forget it."

   Speaking of luck, Xie Xihe subconsciously took a look at Sheng Yunzhou, and she was stunned when she saw it.

  —She saw the not-so-light evil spirit shrouding Sheng Yunzhou's brows.

  Knowing people and knowing their fate, the hexagram is a fortune teller.

   This is an ability that she didn't have in her previous life, but in the memory she has accepted, this Miss Xie has had this ability since she had memory.

  This is also one of the reasons why she becomes less talkative as she grows up.

  She was worried that if she accidentally said something she shouldn't have said, people would discover her unusualness.

  More and more doubts filled his heart, diluting the joy of rebirth, Xie Xihe's brows and eyes faded little by little.

   casually said: "Luck is pretty bad, just stay here for the next two days, don't go out."

  Sheng Yunzhou: "...little sister, don't worry, we are still good friends."

  Xie Xihe: "I'm serious."

   "Also, my dad is of the same generation as your grandfather, please call me Aunt Xie, thank you."

  Sheng Yunzhou's face turned blue.

  While talking, the salesperson had already weighed the medicinal materials, and led two people to transport a large bag of medicinal materials out of the pharmacy.

  Xie Xihe immediately lost his expression.

   After paying the money, when she was about to reach out to pick up the medicinal materials, a hand with strong bones was one step ahead of her.

  Sheng Shijing glanced at her, paused for an extra second at the back of her head, and said lightly, "Let me do it."

   As he spoke, he picked up the medicinal materials in each hand and walked to the pharmacy.

  Xie Xihe was stunned for two seconds, then stepped up to keep up.

  (end of this chapter)