MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 407 Deadly Assassin, Effect of Virtue - Forbearance

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  Chapter 407 Deadly Assassin, Virtue-The Effect of Forbearance

  The Flame Lurker also spews out more flames at this time.

  【Game Tips: You have launched an epic hidden special effect - live to die! 】

[Epic Hidden Special Effect - Living to Death: When your blood volume is below 20%, increase your power by 100%, attack speed by 100%, fire attribute enhancement by 100%, reaction speed by 100%, and refresh Cooldown of Fist Blast and Warhammer Twins. 】

  【Note: After turning on this special effect, your HP will not recover. 】

  【Note: After you turn on the special effect of living to death, you need to designate a target as the target to kill. 】

  【Your designated target is: Medusa. 】

   "Fight for what you believe in!"

   Zhao Ba leaped, and the effect of the Source of Revenge reappeared.

  【Game Tip: You activate the hidden special effect - Source of Vengeance. When you receive damage from the same target that exceeds 50% of your maximum HP, you can recover 30% of your HP and mark the target with revenge! 】

  【Mark of Revenge: Double the power attached to your next attack, and the enemy cannot dodge the next attack! 】

  【Game Tip: The target you marked is "Medusa"! 】

   "Slash the sky!"

  The fourth big collapse, Medusa did not dodge in the process of casting the spell.

  Her body was pierced by the Giant's Mark, and then hit by the Chaos Storm, her HP dropped by 17%!

  Less than 20% of life is left!

   "Damn it!"

  She understood that no matter how much she attacked Zhao Ba, she would not be able to kill Zhao Ba, so she began to move at this moment to avoid Zhao Ba's next big collapse.

   "Soul Crusher Gun!"

   After Zhao Ba completed the big collapse, he threw out another soul magic, and Medusa's HP dropped by another 3%.

   "You will die before me!"

   Medusa is very clear that Zhao Ba's ability to lock blood is time-sensitive.

"Not always!"

  Zhao Ba's body jumped, and the red light of the Eye of Fear rushed towards Medusa!

  【Game Tip: Medusa is affected by the Eye of Fear effect of LV.50 and enters a state of fear for 0.5 seconds】

  Medusa's level reaches LV.55, and it will be subject to low-level control effects, which will last for a short time.

   But this is enough for Zhao Ba to do something.

   Keep up the control!

  【Game Tip: Medusa is under the effect of LV.51 Lone Wolf Shadow and enters the control state for 0.9 seconds! 】

   The two skills fell, buying time for Zhao Ba, and the next blow would definitely hit Medusa.

   "Desolate Ancient Slash!"

  The Giant's Mark showed peerless power, Zhao Ba has not used it, just waiting for the charge to reach 200%!

  【Game Tips: If you use Desolate Sword Slash, and the charge reaches 200%, more special effects will be added! 】

  【Game Tips: The additional power of Huanggu One Sword Slash is increased, the attack area is increased, and more vindictive damage is converted! 】


   Zhao Ba shouted loudly!

  Medusa looked at the powerful knife with her eyes, first she was afraid, and then she was relieved.

   "The curse is finally lifted!"

   "Just like in the legend!"

   "Logan said that his direct disciple will kill me!"

  Finally, her body was smashed into pieces by that huge blow, and countless stones flew out.

  【Game Tips: You killed Medusa and got a lot of experience! 】

  【Game hint: You get 10 points of fame! 】

  【Game tip: Your brand of bravery permanently increases damage by 2%! 】

  Everything is over, only Medusa's body that has been completely transformed into a stone remains.

   All poisoning effects on Zhao Ba's body were also lifted at this moment.

  【Game hint: You activate the hidden special effect of the solar eclipse ring - recovery! 】

  【Game Tips: Your health is restored to full value, and all attributes are increased by 100%】

  It was only at this time that he lifted the effect of the Vengeance Duel Domain and decomposed Medusa's body.

  【Game Tips: You got Eudemons Eggs! 】

  【Game hint: You get...】

   Zhao Ba was not in a hurry to see what he got, but walked to the fountain of the saint, took off the crown of the sword master, and washed it with spring water.

   The dirt on the crown of the Juggernaut disappeared in an instant.

  【Game Tip: Your items will change to Crown of Juggernaut (epic quality) with the contaminated Juggernaut Crown +5 (legendary quality)! 】

  Zhao Ba put it on his head again, and at this moment, he took out the giant's mark and slashed behind him!

   "Wolf Sword Art - Heart-eating Wolf!"

  The moment he stabbed, a sharp dagger rushed into Zhao Ba's back, piercing his internal organs!

   Chao Bufan - Comet Attacking the Moon LV.46 looked at Zhao Ba in surprise, never thought that his long-planned attack would fail!

  【Game Tips: Virtue-Forbearance effect activates. 】

  【Virtue-Forbearance: The existing level of your suppression will not be improved, but you still have the skills and attributes that the original level should have. At the same time, under this effect, your ranking on the professional leaderboard will not increase! 】

  Virtue-forbearance, Chao Bufan hides his abilities.

   This is also the reason why Cole, who is also a high-level assassin, retreated after making a move against Chao Bufan.

  【Virtue-Deadly: Lock on a target, when you are not far from that person and do not attack it, the damage of your next attack will continue to increase! 】

   Zhao Ba received huge damage, if he hadn't been fleshy enough, the blow would have been taken in seconds.

  His health has been reduced by 89%.

  The effect of the epic Juggernaut Crown made him realize Chao Bufan, but it was still a little late, and he was still attacked.

   Fortunately, he made a strong counterattack.

   LV.45's single-target skill Wolf Swordsmanship - Heart-eating Wolf has a strong effect, and the damage is explosive.

  In an instant, Chao Bufan who was in the attack state was killed, and his health bar bottomed out.

   "I chose the best time. When your thinking is the most relaxed, but you didn't succeed, this may be fate!"

   "Great disparity in strength!"

   "Even if I bear it for thousands of years, it won't have much effect, hahaha!"

   Smiling towards Bufan, his body disappeared.

  【Game Tip: You kill the player - Chao Bufan, you get a lot of experience and all his items! 】

  【Game hint: You get 30 points of fame! 】

  【Game Tips: You get the virtue-Forbearance! 】

  Zhao Ba used another healing effect, and ate royal jelly, and his blood volume increased again. He looked around vigilantly, and there were no more assassins.

  【Name: Virtue-Forbearance】

[Skill Effect - Forbearance: The existing level of your suppression will not be upgraded, and the experience gained will be doubled, but you still have the skills and attributes that should be at the original level. At the same time, under this effect, your strength will change. Does not improve your rank on the fighter and mage leaderboards! 】

  【Skill Effect-Fatal: Lock on a target, keep a certain distance from it, and do not attack it, the damage of your next attack will continue to increase! 】

  【Note: When you use "Fatal", the forbearance effect will be removed. 】

  【Introduction: Reckless and courageous, three thousand violators can swallow Wu! 】

  The effect of Virtue and Forbearance is almost standard for assassins.

  The effect of forbearance lowers their level, thereby preventing the enemy from discovering their true strength.

   Just like Zhao Ba, he has never felt that Chao Bufan is very strong.

   Fortunately, Zhao Ba was not killed in that blow, which was also Chao Bufan's miscalculation.

   Chao Bufan may not know that virtue represents tragedy.

  The brave will challenge the impossible task, the loyal will lose the one they love, and the victim is doomed to be destroyed...

   As for the forbearance, there will be people who can't be killed after ten thousand years of forbearance.

  (end of this chapter)