MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 408 Magic snake set, new Eudemons eggs

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  Chapter 408 Magic Snake Set, New Eudemons Egg

   Maybe Chao Bufan used this trick to forbear to kill many people and accomplish many things before.

   But Zhao Ba is the one he can't kill.

  Walk by the river often, how can you not fall into the water, but there are water ghosts in the water, if you fall into the water, you will die!

  Because Zhao Ba is not an assassin, the best effect of Virtue-Forbearance for him is to double the experience gained and speed up his upgrade speed.

  The ranking and level show the same effect, which can hide the strength.

   Zhao Ba may not be able to use the effect of hiding by the enemy's side and only launching an attack at a critical moment.

   Of course there are special cases.

   "Brave adventurer, you are really amazing!"

  Lorian rushed in and excitedly said to Zhao Ba: "You were able to kill the legendary monster Medusa!"

   "That's a headache that even gods can feel!"

  She talked a lot, and Zhao Ba just kept listening, and finally got to the point, when to wash Zhao Ba's body, so that Zhao Ba can become a demigod.

  Lorian told Zhao Ba that the area around the Fountain of the Saints had to be arranged before it could proceed, and Zhao Ba needed to wait for a few days.

  Zhao Ba had nothing to do, so he began to check the items he got.

  First of all, the Crown of Juggernaut has become an epic item!

  【Name: Crown of the Sword Master】

  【Quality: Epic】

  【Normal effect: When your weapon attacks the enemy's weak point, the damage is increased by 100%, and the reaction speed is increased by 200%. 】

   (Weak point damage increased from 50% to 100%, reaction speed increased from 100% to 200%.)

  【Special Effect-Sword Qi Aftermath: Your battle qi attack range will spread by 100%. 】

   (Converted from the original special effect - sword energy diffusion to sword energy aftermath.)

  【Special Effect-Plateau Juggernaut: When you kill a player, the cooldown time of all skills will be reduced by 1 minute, which is only valid for skills with a cooldown time of less than 3 minutes. 】

   (No change in effect.)

  【Epic Special Effect - Juggernaut Time: Your current reaction speed is increased by 400%. Cooldown time 60 minutes, lasts 10 minutes. 】

   (Increased from 200% reaction speed to 400% reaction speed.)

  【Note: Because you have the pride of God, the epic hidden special effect-Jugalist Intuition is automatically turned on. 】

  【Epic Hidden Special Effect - Juggernaut Intuition: You can sense the danger coming and react in advance. 】

  【Introduction: As a top lane sword master, you must always be vigilant, the jungler will come to gank at any time!】

  The original special effects of the Juggernaut Crown have been increased, and Zhao Ba's reaction speed has been accelerated again.

   But his favorite epic hidden special effect - Juggernaut Intuition.

   It is precisely because of it that Zhao Ba can feel the danger behind him, and his brain responds quickly, using the most powerful skills to fall towards the extraordinary in seconds.

   Otherwise, if Chao Bufan had time to fight back, he might not be able to survive.

   "Haha, I don't know where I can steal the sword master's ultimate move, Blade Storm!"

   "But that seems to be the exclusive skill of the Juggernaut, and you need to change the job of the Juggernaut to learn it."

   "The Juggernaut can't wear heavy armor, can't hold a shield, it's not suitable for me!"

   Zhao Ba is very satisfied with the effect of the Juggernaut Crown.

  He looked again to check the items he got after killing Medusa.

  【Game Tips: You got Eudemons Egg*1! 】

  【Game Tips: You get Magic Snake Staff (Epic Quality)*1】

  【Game Tip: You get the Magic Snake Necklace (Epic Quality)*1】

  【Game Tips: You get Magic Snake Robe (Epic Quality)*1】

  【Game Tip: You get Tears of Medusa (Epic Quality)*1】

  【Game hint: You get...】

   Medusa is the strongest LV.55 boss Zhao Ba has ever seen, and her strength is exaggeratedly strong and her combat effectiveness is impressive.

  If it weren't for his Vengeance Duel Domain and Vengeance Armor, which can restrain Medusa's damage, he wouldn't be able to fight.

  The beauty of Medusa also dropped him a Eudemons egg very nicely, four epic items.

  Zhao Ba will miss her when he has **** dreams.

  The surface of the new phantom beast egg is covered with a layer of green snake scales. Not surprisingly, the final pet should be a snake.

  Snake pets can add poison damage to weapons, which is good for assassins, but almost meaningless for Zhao Ba.

  He is a second-hand player, and the output of poisoning, which takes time to play, is useless.

   But he went to the auction house and bought a legendary Eudemons incubator. Zhao Ba came up with an auxiliary pet to increase his fighting efficiency.

  【Hidden Special Effects-Human Intervention: You can make your pets favor a certain type after birth. There are five options to choose from: Warrior, Knight, Mage, Assistant, and Archer! 】

  【You have chosen: Assist! 】

  【Game Tip: Your Eudemons will hatch in an hour! 】

   The player can summon up to 3 Eudemons to participate in the battle, but in general, the player can only summon 2 Eudemons to fight.

   To activate the ability to summon the third Eudemons to fight, you need to complete the task or get some chance.

  In addition to this phantom beast egg, the next thing that surprised Zhao Ba was the three-piece set with the four characters of magic snake.

  They are epic-level suits, not only with powerful single-piece attributes, but also with set effects.

  The magic snake staff can increase the magic power by 100%, and there is no time limit.

  It can also increase the damage of a single skill, and at the same time reenact the player's ultimate skill without casting time.

  The Magic Snake Necklace increases the player's resistance to abnormal states, can increase the player's control effect, and increase the player's spell enhancement and all attributes.

  The Robe of the Magical Snake puts the player into a semi-petrified state to increase defense, and finally it can release the control effect on the enemies attacking the player.

[Magic snake three-piece set effect: Summons the poisonous snake field, and makes you a "snake king", increases your spell power by 200%, resets the cooling time of all skills below LV.50, and your spell damage comes with a boost Poison effect. 】

   (Including: Magic Snake Staff, Magic Snake Necklace, Magic Snake Robe.)

  If Zhao Ba hadn’t been a magician by profession, he would definitely have worn this suit. Although there are only three epic suits, they are invincible!

   "Cheap prince crown, if he puts it on, his ranking on the mage list will be within 100!"

   Zhao Ba began to seduce Wang Ziguan.

  He sent you the picture of the effect of the equipment to Wang Ziguan, and asked, "Do you want it?"

  Wang Ziguan was probably too shocked, and it took a few minutes before he sent a message: "I want to, but I can't afford it!"

  Magi's equipment has a very low drop rate, so it has the most expensive price on the auction house.

   On the contrary, fighters have the highest drop rate of equipment, and the price is relatively cheap.

  These three pieces of epic equipment are still suits, and at least 250,000 energy stones are needed. Wang Ziguan sold himself and couldn't afford it!

   "It's easy, I'll give you a 50% discount, 150,000 energy stones, and then rent it to you at this price, you only need to take out a few energy stones every day to pay back!"

   Zhao Ba said: "Brother Ba is awesome, right?"

   Wang Ziguan said: "Brother Ba, you will always be god!"

  (end of this chapter)