MTL - Mecha and Knife-Chapter 4 just a little older

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Tu Yuan stared expressionlessly at the holographic projection screen in front of him. The repeated screen on it was Ji Xinghe performing a shoulder throw with ease. The whole process was clean and crisp. Even if he had seen many fighters, he couldn't bear Living in his heart, he sighed in admiration: This old man has something.

After all, he is a 65-year-old man.

But Tu Yuan was still expressionless, and after looking at it several times, he turned his attention to another holographic projection screen, which clearly displayed all the information of Ji Xinghe. The key point that made him expressionless was that However, the data did not show that Ji Xinghe knew martial arts.

So he asked directly, "Why?"

The people in the detention center and the Xinfengcheng Police Station were a little puzzled as to what the well-known federal major general in front of him was asking.

Major General Tu Yuan is very famous, because he did not become a major general of the Federation this year, but three years ago. At that time, Tu Yuan was only 37 years old, and he was the youngest major general in the history of the Federation.

People who don't know Tu Yuan don't understand the core of his question, but the people who are with Tu Yuan reacted immediately and guessed: "Is it possible that it is true that he knows Wing Chun?" , and in the process of his study and practice, he was never captured by surveillance?"

Monitoring is ubiquitous, but monitoring cannot cover all places.

If it is not captured by surveillance, it will not be recorded by big data. Without relevant learning and practice records, even the Federation's artificial intelligence program will not be able to discover that Ji Xinghe knows martial arts.

Tu Yuan frowned slightly.

"You know martial arts, you are very good at fighting, but you have never had a fight with anyone since you were a child until you were 65 years old. Why do you think?"

The staff officer under him replied in an uncertain tone: "He has a good temper, and there is no need to quarrel with others or fight."

"Have a good temper?" Tu Yuan frowned even more, pointing to the constantly playing scene of Ji Xinghe throwing Thirteen Young Masters over his shoulder: "Is this a good temper? A good temper, he can steal a single starship? Good temper, Can he take the kitchen knife in the kitchen and want to go to the front line to chop up the mecha of the imperial orangutan?"

The tone of his staff officer suddenly became firm: "Yes, he has a good temper, but his only surviving relative, Lieutenant Ji Chenxing, died, and he was sent by a white-haired man to a black-haired man, so he has a bad temper."

Ji Chenxing was originally a second lieutenant, but after his sacrifice, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. This is not a false name but represents actual interests. In addition to his own pension and pension, Ji Xinghe can also receive the standard Higher federal pension, the kind that comes every year.

"You're wrong." Tu Yuan directly denied it, but the point of the denial was strange: "He doesn't have white hair."

The Ji Xinghe on the screen does not have white hair, and the people in the detention center and the police officers who handled the case can also confirm this.

The staff officer was puzzled and said, "There is no gray hair at the age of 65, which means that he is well maintained and he knows martial arts, so this shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Tu Yuan pondered for a while.

"Then why, he is so sad, impulsive, unable to control his temper, but still has no gray hair?"

Whitehead overnight?

Everyone present understood what Tu Yuan meant, but felt that Tu Yuan was a little baffled, because it was so rare to have white hair overnight, and it didn't seem to have anything to do with this matter.

However, no one raised any doubts. After all, they were facing the youngest major general in the Federation. Adding the word "youngest" to the major general meant that it was impossible to be a major general with a bright future.

"Give me the information about Ji Chenxing."

Three seconds after Tu Yuan finished speaking, he received the tablet computer handed over by his staff officer, which had the function of holographic projection but was not activated, because the information of Ji Chenxing could not be seen by other people present.

In the process of constantly flipping, Tu Yuan suddenly froze for a moment.


"Yes, it is suspected." The staff officer under him also read all the information of Ji Chenxing, and replied: "We have not been able to confirm this point, but we have sent someone to confirm it, and it is estimated that it will take three days."

Suspected of what?

People around became curious, could it be that Ji Chenxing didn't sacrifice?

But it's impossible. The federal military has always been very strict about this kind of thing. Missing is missing, and sacrifice is sacrifice.

Tu Yuan nodded, and after handing over the tablet to his staff, he looked at the police and the people in the detention center in Xinfeng City seriously.

"I want to meet him, can I?"

"Yes, of course."

"No problem, we'll arrange it now."

After ruling out the possibility that Ji Xinghe is an imperial spy and terrorist, the cause and effect of this case made the relevant police feel sorry, and they are actually ready to withdraw the case.

But it is not enough for them to withdraw the case, because the procuratorate also needs to withdraw the case, only then the court will not try.

Police, prosecutors, and law are important components of federal political and legal agencies.

Ji Xinghe was brought out from a separate cell, and the staff of the detention center who already knew something kindly reminded him: "It is Major General Tu Yuan who came, please pay attention, don't talk nonsense, honestly ask him to help you, You should be able to go back."


After Ji Xinghe responded, he stopped talking, but his footsteps were firmer than before, but this has nothing to do with whether he can go back.

When entering the interrogation room of the detention center, Ji Xinghe saw Tu Yuan. Before, he knew the other party but the other party did not know him, but now he feels that Tu Yuan should know him too.


Tu Yuan waved his hand to stop the people in the detention center from handcuffing Ji Xinghe according to the procedure, and then signaled Ji Xinghe to sit down.

When Ji Xinghe, who was 1.9 meters tall, sat down, he still gave Tu Yuan a sense of tallness and majesty. His wrinkled face was radiant, and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to hurt others at any time.

This is not in line with the state of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man, nor is it in line with the state of a criminal facing a general.

"Stop pretending, I won't let you join the army."

Tu Yuan broke through Ji Xinghe's disguise when he opened his mouth, and asked directly: "What's the matter with your martial arts?"

In just two sentences, Ji Xinghe's figure became hunched, his height of 1.9 meters seemed to have collapsed, his energy and spirit suddenly disappeared, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"Is it important?"

"Isn't it important?"

"If you don't let me go to the front, nothing will matter."

"But you should be very clear that it doesn't make any sense for you to go to the front line. The mechas of the Federation are very precious, and your physical condition can't give full play to the full performance of the mechas. You will only waste the resources of the Federation."

"I can shoot."

"If artillery fire has imperial mechas and positions that are so easy to hit, why do we have to make mechas? It's a foreign star, not an azure star, and the fighting methods are completely different."

"I can drive a single-soldier starship. I know that some operations require someone to die. I am not afraid of death. Give me a single-soldier starship. I will hit it wherever you ask me to, as long as there are imperial orangutans there."

Tu Yuan was silent for a moment. UU reading

"It doesn't make sense, because you also can't exert the ability of individual starships, and you will be intercepted and shot down halfway."

"Can you give me a gun? I have money, I'll buy it from you, and you let me go to the front."

Tu Yuan was silent again, and he didn't know if it was because of Ji Xinghe's words or because Ji Xinghe's voice was getting hoarse.

Ji Xinghe didn't want to be silent, this might be his last chance.

"I don't eat much, I can pay for it by myself, and I don't need to live in a military camp, I can live in a tent."

"My pension and pension can be bought out, I will give you all, and you let me go to the front line."

"I don't want mechas or guns anymore. Give me any scraps you don't want. I can build mechas that can adapt to alien environments. No, it's not mechas, but spacesuits and spacesuits."

"I will not waste the oxygen in the military camp, nor the oxygen in the alien base. I can live outside all the time."

"It's really not possible. The next time you use the leap gate to attack the Empire Star, throw me there too, just give me two knives."

"The eight-cut knife is the best. I know the eight-cut knife. Although I don't have one, I really do."

"General, I'm good at fighting, really good at fighting."

Ji Xinghe looked at Tu Yuan who had been silent all the time, hesitated and said, "I can hit ten of you like this."

Tu Yuan finally couldn't help it, and raged out: "I'm a civilian major general, what's the use of me if you can hit a hundred? Ah? You're 65 years old, I'll let you go if you're twenty years younger , but you are 65 years old, can't you just take care of your old age?"

Ji Xinghe was silent, and it took a long time before he spoke again.

"No, because my son is dead."