MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 26 control -1

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After entering the lounge of the command ship and sitting down at a round table near the porthole, Fei Wushu shrugged indifferently: "I don't remember."

He had offended a lot of people on Planet Seablue, not counting the bad debts he had when he was a child, and when he grew up, he had also fallen out with many people in order to teach those young masters who bullied Fei Wuzheng a lesson. Because Fei Wuzheng looks feminine and beautiful, and his temperament is weak and easy to bully—at least on the surface, so many people like to flirt with him flirtatiously, so these people were all severely educated by the Wushu brother who was deeply under the control at the time. once.

Now that Fei Wushu thinks about it, he can only remember the tragedy of his many enemies. As for who he offended, he doesn't have a deep impression.

"Did you find out that someone is going to deal with me?" Fei Wushu leaned on the soft chair in an unimpressive manner, his slender eyes glanced at the expressions of Mo Sheng and Langlot, and he had a guess in his heart, but he thought it was funny, "You guys How can you check me if you have nothing to do? Are you in a hurry? "

"Because your attitude towards Fei Wuzheng is really..." Langlot smiled gently, and didn't finish the sentence, but everyone knew it well. From a good brother with twenty-four filial piety to an enemy, the gap is too big. If there is nothing tricky in it, Fei Wuzheng didn't do anything to provoke Fei Wushu, would it be like this?

"And Wushu, when you came out to the party that day, you were in a really bad mood." Langlot looked at him worriedly, "Wushu, you never cried in front of us."

"..." Fei Wushu's body stiffened immediately, he forced the corners of his mouth to curl up, and replied in a stiff voice, "When did I ever cry? Not only did I never cry in front of you, but I also didn't cry when I wasn't in front of you! Do you think I am a woman!" Why are the guys he met in the game in reality all **** who like to grab people's pigtails? Forget about those insignificant things, okay?

Mo Sheng bent his peach blossom eyes and covered his mouth with a low smile: "Wu Shu, you're talking about Lao Tzu again. You've already said it before. When Wu Shu talked about Lao Tzu in front of us, you were either shy or angry. Why don't you pay attention to covering up a little bit?" ?It's frankly cute."

"Pfft..." Huahua bent down and laughed secretly.

Seeing that Fei Wushu was about to run away again, Langlot quickly stopped Mo Sheng's teasing with his eyes, and brought the topic back: "We are worried about you, so we went to investigate Fei Wuzheng."

Fei Wushu was stunned again, and unconsciously clenched the hand by his side. He raised his eyes and said in a calm voice, "Have you found anything? Could it be his people who are going to deal with me?"

Langlot shook his head, and his beautiful blond hair swayed softly: "No. Nothing can be found on Fei Wuzheng. But Mo Sheng thinks there must be a reason for your abnormal behavior, so after giving up the news from Fei Wuzheng, Continue to trace other sources of intelligence, and finally found something."

Sure enough... still can't find it.

Fei Wushu lowered his eyes and sighed in his heart, yes, this is a matter of course. If he caught Fei Wuzheng's braid so easily, he wouldn't be so aggrieved in his previous life that he didn't see Fei Wuzheng's true face until he was dying. He hid it too deeply, and he hid it too well, too well.

"Find what?" he asked.

Mo Sheng slightly bent his long and slender index finger, clasped his knuckles on the table, and in a rhythmic sound, he said slowly: "The news comes from Langlot. The Caesar family has three federal branches The second kind of mercenaries and killers, most of them are hidden in the dark, and few people know about it except the direct line of the family. Wushu, you don’t like to pay attention to these things like me, so you don’t know about this, right?”

Fei Wushu was indeed surprised. He knew that the Caesar family was the leader in the underground world in terms of mercenaries and killers, and countless orders were completed every second, but he had no idea that two-thirds of the Federation's resources were in their hands... at most one-third Great, he had thought so before.

Now it seems that every family has hidden forces behind them, and their Fei family should also have some, such as the mysterious research institute. Which is better.

"You have never cared about these things, so of course you don't know." Langlot smiled, "Your Fei family is different from the Caesar family's Mo family. Mo Sheng and I have been involved in family-related businesses since we were young, but you are not Wushu. , what the Fei family needs is not force and intelligence, but also bold but not aggressive, has his own unique ideas and insights, can unite the hearts of the whole family, and all these need a long time to nurture and cultivate, so Wushu you are ours He is the only person in the family who has not been in touch with the deep layers of the family, and it is only natural that he does not know some things."

"But Uncle Feitu should have already planned to let you get in touch with family affairs, right?" Langlot said gently, "I will give you more advice then."

Fei Wushu was at a loss when he heard this: "Langlot, why do you know these things better than me... What about training, the old man has been letting me go, and it's because of this that he didn't catch me to handle family affairs?" He twitched the corners of his mouth and looked With a defeated expression, "Should you all know better than me? Who is the surname Fei ╮(╯_╰)╭"

"The next thing is the important point." Mo Sheng interjected, "You don't even know that Wushu belongs to the Caesars' hidden forces, so most people in the federation don't even know this. .Because of this, we have only received a little bit of information.”

Fei Wushu said: "What?"

"Someone has placed an order to hire killers and mercenaries at the same time to ambush you on the Capital Star." Mo Sheng's smile did not reach his eyes, and his voice was piercingly cold, "They didn't specify the target of the attack on the list, if not The mercenary who received the order was from the Caesar family, and they happened to recognize you, and we really missed the news again."

"Come to think of it, the mastermind behind the scenes also knew about the relationship between the Caesar family and the Fei family, and the reason why they didn't find out about the Caesar family's transaction point was because they were worried about leaking the news." Mo Sheng sneered, "But the only thing they didn't expect was that Caesar's family The family has far greater power than they imagined! The secret trading point they chose also belongs to the Caesar family. Hmph, the tricks have left traces."

The starship shook slightly. Looking out the porthole, the command ship had already taken off and broke through the atmosphere. The shock just now was the shock when it left the atmosphere. Fei Wushu glanced out the window, the starship was moving away from the planet that was 80% covered by the blue ocean. Slowly took a deep breath to calm down the rapid heartbeat—unexpectedly, Mo Sheng and the others found this place!

The ones who will do something on Capital Star are most likely Fei Wuzheng and the people behind him. Unexpectedly, Mo Sheng and the others found this place by mistake.

"Have you found the person who hired them?" Fei Wushu asked as calmly as possible. He really wanted to know who the person behind Fei Wuzheng was, at least to give him a clear account of his death in the previous life, and let him know that he died indirectly. In whose hands, let him know which force is able to safely hide under the eyes of the three major families but has never been discovered! Even if he lost in the previous life, let him lose clearly, and then get it back in this life!

"No, that person is very secretive. He has never met a mercenary face to face. When notifying our people of their missions, they used anonymous communication devices to send messages." When Mo Sheng said this, he also gritted his teeth. "That guy's anti-reconnaissance ability is extremely strong. I suspect that he is a veteran of intelligence processing, so that he can wipe out the intelligence information that may be left to the opponent in turn, and completely cut off the clues, so he can't be traced."

Fei Wushu wasn't surprised. If the person behind the scenes was found out so easily, maybe he would still be paranoid, wondering if that guy is real ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Just wait, and finally The person who can't bear it is definitely not myself. The more anxious the prey is, the bigger the opening will be, Fei Wushu is convinced of this. Before that, he just needs to be careful not to be scratched by the prey.

He believed in his own strength, and even more in his brother's strength.

"If possible..." Fei Wushu looked at them seriously, "Continue to investigate Fei Wuzheng." He narrowed his eyes, "I can guarantee that the person who dealt with me is related to him."

"Wushu..." Several people looked at him in astonishment, feeling unbelievable at the sudden news, Fei Wuzheng? Whoever did anything to Wushu should not be him! He is the one who has the least reason to hurt Wushu in the world! How could he, how could he...

Fei Wushu closed his eyes, and his voice was decisive and tough: "It's him, there's nothing wrong with it!" See, even those who dislike Fei Wuzheng don't believe that Fei Wuzheng would do such a thing, let alone someone who once himself? That's why I don't understand at all, where does Fei Wuzheng's hatred for him come from? What should I do in the past to satisfy Fei Wuzheng?

…is all in the past.

When he opened his eyes again, his gaze was firm and clear, yes, it was all in the past. Given the chance to do it all over again, he won't make the same mistake again. It doesn't matter what kind of brother Fei Wuzheng wants, and it doesn't matter why Fei Wuzheng hates himself. He will never care about Fei Wuzheng anymore. Fei Wuzheng wanted him to be abolished or to die, then he would live a good life, live a radiant life for him to see, and then pay back the debts he owed one by one.

No one can owe something to the Fei family and not return it. Even the same Fei family.

"Help me find his fatal flaw, I want him to lose completely." He said softly, but he was extremely sincere, "The old man loves us the most. Even if there is him without me, I don't want the old man to be sad. I don't want to create a estrangement with the old man because of people like Fei Wuzheng, so I have to ask you guys."

With his eyes closed, Wu Qi, who seemed to be asleep, hummed a short nasal sound from his nasal cavity, dissatisfied with his politeness.

Langlot patted Wu Qi's shoulder reassuringly, and nodded gently.

Mo Sheng's peach-blossom eyes were curved, and the indifference and alienation in his eyes that always watched the world from the sidelines receded, his smile was real and warm: "Leave it to us." Huahua vigorously nodded in agreement.