MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 160 Nuclear bomb washing, all killing

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Bokser coldly said: "Well, I will cooperate with you to kill these two alien animals."

After Hamis laughed, he recited the mantra in his mouth, and the body magic light shone. He turned into a head of eight meters, with silvery white hair, long sharp teeth, and claws up to three meters. Mongolian beast.

The behemoth is a superb creature comparable to a dragon or a giant. On land, even a dragon can tear into pieces. The only weakness is that the spell is less resistant and cannot fly.


When Napman saw that Hamis turned and changed his face, his body shape retreated and he shouted.

In such a narrow terrain, the slap of the behemoth can cut Napman directly into pieces.

Meliah retireed and slammed into the wall of the Warlock Tower, breaking out of the wall and swept away in the distance.

Hamis turned into a behemoth and stepped forward, waving his paw and taking a direct shot toward Melia.

Countless blood splashes, and one of Melia's arms is a slap in the face of a monster that has been transformed by Hamis.

Meliya also took the opportunity to escape from the Warlock Tower and flew directly into the sky.

Bokser's eyes were cold, and his mouth meditation on the mantra, pointing to Melia in the sky, and exerting four levels of spells to ban flying.

The four-level spell prohibits flying and can only prohibit single-person flying in the sky. It does not have much effect in a wide range of battles, but in a small-scale battle, it is a very scary spell.

Meliya fell directly from the sky like a headless fly and landed on the ground.

Halle silently recited the mantra to Hamis, and a four-level spell super-enhanced physical quality fell on the body of Hamis.

After Hamis became a behemoth, many first- and second-level intensive spells had no effect on it. And the four-level spell super strengthens the physical quality, but can reinforce his physical fitness by 30%, becoming more horrible and ferocious. Even if a dragon falls to the ground, it will be easily torn and shattered by him.

The four-level spell super-enhanced physical quality is also a four-level spell that many practicing sorcerers will surely solidify in their own sea of ​​spirit.

In the eyes of Hamis, there was a fierce and incomparable light, and a whistling whistle, madly rushing toward Meliya.

Seeing that Hamis was about to rush to the front of Melissa, the three black dragons opened their mouths from the sky. The three groups of black dragons spurted into the behemoths of Hamis incarnation.

The body was so small that the monkey's self-shaped shape swayed, and came to the front of the behemoth giant beast, the magic light flashed, directly deformed into a three meters. Diamond-shaped hexahedron, each side is a four-level supernatural diamond-shaped mirror demon.

The diamond-shaped demon is a supernatural creature among the four super-class creatures, but it has a magical feature that can bounce most of the spell attacks, except for the spells of the Moon Warlock series. . Only then can it be killed with absolute power.

The three groups of dragons shot on the body of the diamond-shaped mirror demon, and immediately rebounded directly, and slammed into the three black dragons, burning the three of them, screaming.

The Behemoth behemoth in the incarnation of Hamis was taking the opportunity to fly to the front of Melia, with the fierce light flashing in his eyes and a slap in the face of Melia.

The frontal combat power of the shadow goddess Melia is not at all the opponent of any big warlock present. But the **** of shadow she believes in also has the assassination of the ministry. She is also one of the most terrible assassins. If she is not killed, the Terran Warlocks of Dulando's subcontinent are sleepy.

Meliya's face is unchanged. After tearing a spell scroll, the whole person's body turned into a group of black smoke, and it flew around.

The slap of the behemoth of Hamis incarnation directly took an empty shot, and the slamming bang on the earth, tearing out a huge crack.

In an instant, Melia appeared in a dark corner of the Black City, a kilometer away, and disappeared directly into the shadows.

Sha Yuena walked in the air, like a goddess, holding a half-artifact dark scepter with six four-level supernatural creature magic crystals, pointing to the three black dragons. The fourth level of magical dark power is strengthened.

A black light was released from the dark scepter and fell into the three black dragons. Under the blessing of the gods, the strength of the three black dragons soared by 40%.

"God said: The power of the gods cannot be disobeyed, and the evil heresy will surely be disciplined by God!"

Sha Yuena was holding a dark scepter, and a beautiful sacred light flashed over the beautiful face, and the prayers were silently recited in the mouth, pointing to Hamis. The disciplinary punishment of the four levels of the gods was performed.

A black light descended from the sky toward Hamis.

The diamond-shaped mirror demon face changed greatly, the body rolled, and directly changed back to the human form, hiding to the side.

Pastors, high priests, etc., rely on the power of God, the power of God is a terrorist power far higher than the spell. Every god, even a **** with weak divine power, has the same power as the moon warlock among human beings. The level of power far exceeds the limits of the diamond-shaped mirror demon. If Eben is forced to resist the fourth-level magic, there is only one dead end.

The black light shone on the body of Hamis, and the behemoth of Hamis incarnation made a painful roaring sound, and the silvery white fur began to blacken, and the large flesh and blood began to corrode. The forest bones.

The different priests and laws governed by different types of gods are different, and the methods of attack that they give are different. Rose is the master of the Dark Elves. The laws she controls have some rules of darkness, and the power of the gods attacks with the unique corrosiveness of the dark power.

Hamis bit his teeth and directly restored the human form. However, at this time, he seemed to be thrown into the sulfuric acid and rolled around. There was no good skin, and the back was also sunken with a large piece, revealing the forest bones.

Hamis took out a lion-hearted shield full of quaint bronze bronze shields. In the sky, a blue elemental lion flew out of the lion's heart shield and fought against the black light.

At the moment when the black light was annihilated, the blue elemental lion also collapsed.

Halli silently recited the mantra, pointing to Hamis and applying the water of the four-level water spell.

The blue water of treatment was not in the body of Hamis, and the corroded flesh of his body quickly recovered with the speed visible to the naked eye.

The sorcerers on the Durando subcontinent are not as good as the priests, sacrifices, and priests who rely on the power of God. They are only a little better than the pastors, sacrifices, and priests. . Some top life warlocks are even superior to pastors, sacrificial priests, and priests in healing.

Three black dragons squirted. The three groups of horrible dragons fell from the sky and sprayed directly toward Halle.

Harry changed her face and shredded a spell reel directly, instantly disappearing from the place. It appeared three hundred meters away.

Suddenly, Carroll of the Black Dragon Tower shook his body and appeared in front of Yang Ye. He reached out and grabbed Yang Ye directly in his hand. The figure flashed and ran wildly outside the black city, and did not care about the few people who were suppressed in the downwind.

"Carol, hand over Yang Ye!"

Clifford walked out from the side, holding a legendary Staff Black Yaoss stick to Carol, a black arrow shot from a corner like a meteor, directed at Carol.

"Cleverford, your opponent is me!"

The black dragon changed, and became a half-dragon and half-human monster. Perris burst into a horrible vitality field, sticking out the claws like a dragon. A claw is found, and the black arrow is directly pinched.

Nana, who has also turned into a half-dragon and a half-man, is a smile that walks out and is in front of Knell.

There is no deep hatred between the Black Dragon Tower and the Antalya Warlock Academy, but they will not miss this opportunity to compete for Yangye.

Utred from the eyes of justice walked out from the side and stopped in front of Carol’s cold and cold road: "And me, Carol, surrender Yang Ye! I will let you go!"

"If you want Yang Ye, you can grab it with your skills!"

Carol laughed and turned into a half-human and half-dragon monster, bursting out of the terror of infinitely close to the peak of the Star Warlock. Go straight to Utrecht.

The entire Black City trembled and screamed in the battles of the great warlocks, and countless buildings were broken directly and splashed.

On the other side, Yang Feng looked at the big warlocks who were fighting in the Black City, although they played fiercely. However, there is room for each other, and there is no meaning of birth and death. The brow is slightly wrinkled, and there is some dissatisfaction in the heart.

"All of them are smashed. Very good, you can all die. Hands-on!" Yang Feng flashed in the eyes, immediately ordered.

The nuclear bomb buried in the Black City was in a flash. At the same time detonated.

Bang! !

Along with the sound of the earth-shattering loud noise, the entire black city was shrouded in the power of the nuclear bomb, and a city was directly blown up.

The endless light and heat instantly swallowed the big warlock-level powerhouse who was still fighting in the Black City.

A group of mushroom clouds rose from the sky, and the squares shook thousands of miles, and the birds and beasts fled everywhere.

Here! Here!

At the same time that the nuclear bomb detonated, Yang Feng’s holographic projector in the rose garden could not see anything. All the video surveillance equipment was blown up in the nuclear explosion or was disturbed.

Carolena was so stunned that she couldn’t say anything clearly: "What is this? You... have you blown up the entire Black City?"

Cordelia also looked dull and looked at Yang Feng, and the beauty was unbelievable.

Clarissa also looked at Yang Feng with disbelief.

Even if the big warlock-level powerhouse does his best, there is no possibility that a spell will directly blow up the Black City. Even the Star Warlock can't do this. Only a warlock with a level of more than a sorcerer can be erased by a magical spell.

Yang Feng pleasantly smiled and said: "Yes, I have blown up the Black City. This black city was originally a trap set by my uncle and my uncle. The big warlock-level powerhouse only needs to come in, how much, how much to die." ”

The Black City was directly blown up in this nuclear bomb wash, and a large number of great warlock-level powerhouses were buried in one fell swoop. Whether it is the underground world racial coalition, or the Durando six warlocks group have been hit hard. This is the best time to develop in the city of steel.

Carolena’s heart was suddenly cold and full of fear.

There was also a horror and fear in the beauty of Cordelia and Clarissa. If it was not for Cordelia to betray the Rose Garden incident, then it might be one or two of them to go to the Iron City. In that case, they are in the nuclear explosion, I am afraid that they will be directly killed.

Clarissa was pretty and changed her face. He hesitated a moment and shook hands. He accused: "Yang Feng, there are hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in the Black City! Do you not be conscientious?"

There was a disappointment in the presence of Carolina and Cordelia. In their eyes, ordinary people are cockroaches, and dying will not let them blink their eyes. Putting aside their position, they even appreciated the fact that Yang Feng had killed hundreds of great warlocks by spending hundreds of thousands of lives.

Yang Feng smiled slightly: "I have already prepared in advance. There is only one living person in the Black City, and the rest are all the alchemists of my uncle's refining."

Clarissa was relieved and apologized: "Sorry, I am blaming you. You are a good person."

"If he is a good person, there will be no bad guys in the world." Defelia looked at Klarissa with a look of eccentric whisper in her heart.

Among the three great warlocks of Rose Garden. Carolina and Cordelia are very capable, deep-minded and experienced. As for Clarissa, it is a person with pure thoughts and no heart. She belongs to the Carolina group, some are cute, and do not fight for power, which can become one of the three giants of Rose Garden, and the most vulnerable of the Big Three.

Carolena Liumei wrinkled and asked: "What is your uncle Yangye? Gallant, as a big warlock, will never know the difference between humans and alchemists at close distances."

Yang Feng smiled slightly: "The death is indeed a human warlock, a human warlock I caught. I just helped him with a cosmetic surgery, and then modified his memory. He has absolutely no magic. Fluctuation, even if the big warlock-level powerhouse does not use special spell detection, it definitely can't see the mystery."

A few women of Carolina suddenly realized that a small cosmetic surgery had made the big warlocks misjudged. Hearing this, Carolena couldn't help but admire Yang Feng. (~^~)