MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 161 Harvest

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On the other hand, after the nuclear explosion, 10,000 reggae heavy transport aircraft flew from afar, densely covered, almost covering the sky.

A mechanical knife, a mechanical gunman, a mechanical artillery, and a mechanical shield with a parachute landed from the sky into the nuclear explosion area and began to search for the enemy.

Although the intelligent light brain in the mobile fortress base is calculated, the big warlock in the Black City has 90% chance of being completely smashed, but the information of the big warlock is too little, and the strong inside the Black City is Du. The top top players in the Randuo subcontinent, no one knows how many life-saving cards they have. Yang Feng sent a large number of main battle robots to search for the enemy and search for the spoils.

As soon as the main battle robot entered the radiation area of ​​the nuclear explosion, various images were directly transmitted back to the Rose Garden.

The stereo holographic projector directly plays the scene of this radiant area.

The area where the original Black City was located has been completely sunken, forming a huge cave that is several tens of meters deep and ten kilometers wide.

There is a stagnation everywhere, shrouded in a gray smog, and there are all kinds of broken wrecks and various crystals.

Even through the holographic projector, the people present can still feel the power and horror of the nuclear explosion.

Carolina and Cordelia were slightly shocked and had a deep understanding of the power and terror of the Iron City. Unlike Clarissa, although they were forced to obey Yang Feng, they turned their rebellious thoughts from time to time. The stronger the city of steel, the harder it is for them to rebel against Yang Feng.

"Discover life response! There is life to survive!"

Suddenly, a search robot's electronic eye flashed red and a reminder was issued.

The nearby two hundred engineering robots quickly came to an open flat and began to dig underground.

About a hundred meters or so, a huge bald head appeared on the land.

"The rock giant Bonadian, according to the analysis, should be at the moment of nuclear explosion, launch his own talent, and sneak into the ground. Fortunately escaped. Now immediately inject it into the dying agent!"

A cold analysis sounded from the holographic projector.

An engineering robot stretched out a drill bit and slammed into the head of the rock giant Bonadian. He began to sneak up and opened a big hole in the head of the rock giant Bonadian. The nano liquid robot is then directly driven into its body.

The rock giant Bonadian's vitality field was originally extremely powerful, but after the nuclear explosion, although it barely escaped, it was already seriously injured and fell into a coma. Can only be left with the engineering robot.

As soon as the nano-liquid robotic pharmacy was immersed in the body of the rock giant Bonadian, it immediately merged with its body and began to slowly repair its body.

The rock giant Bona Deen is an extraordinary creature comparable to the dragon. He is able to catch it and Yang Feng is very happy. Once it joins the city of steel, the strength of the city of steel can skyrocket.

The engineering robots quickly digging, and soon the rock giant Bonadian was excavated directly from the ground.

Although Bonadian was lucky enough to escape the nuclear explosion, his hands had been blown up and crushed, his eyes were smashed, and the bones in his body were shattered by more than half. Just relying on the physical qualities of the giant horror to survive. If Yang Feng did not heal it, it would linger in pain for ten days and then die.

A few women of Carolina saw the horror of Bonadian, and she was shuddering.

In terms of physical fitness, Bonadian is definitely the strongest four-level supernatural creature. Carolena is one of the strongest players closest to the Star Warlock, but in terms of physical fitness, it is definitely not comparable to Bonadian. Bonaideen was outside the city of Black, but he had been seriously injured by the nuclear explosion. If they changed their position with Bonadian, they were afraid that they had already died in the nuclear explosion.

"Discover the secret treasure!"

Several engineering robots quickly moved to find a broken white full body armor.

There is an incredible color in the movement of Carolina. "Is this not one of the five legendary white elephants in the white elephant? I remember it should be worn on Garant." And Garant should have escaped?"

Yang Feng smiled faintly: "Is there anything difficult to guess? Although he escaped, he did not escape, but he temporarily fled the scene."

The engineering robot scanned for a while: "White elephant armor, legendary secret treasure. Damage degree 38.2%, can be repaired. With the current materials, after repair, the defense is 20% lower than the original."

Yang Feng's eyes brightened and he laughed loudly: "Haha, that's great! Immediately fix this white elephant armor!"

The white elephant armor is one of the five legendary armor of the white elephant. It is also one of the best recognized armor in the Dulando subcontinent. Even after the repair, the defense is 20% lower than the original, then the white elephant armor is still a very powerful armor.

Even though Carolena, the owner of the Rose Garden, saw the legendary white elephant armor a little bit jealous.

Carolena sighed: "The white elephant armor is here, it means that Garant is dead. He died in the hands of your steel city, and the white elephant's teeth will never let you go."

Yang Feng sneered and said: "Hey, after this war, does the white elephant's teeth have the power to threaten our city of steel?"

Carolina suddenly paused.

The white elephant's teeth only have four big warlocks. Now they are killed by the nuclear bombs. The entire white elephant's teeth have been hit hard. Under the circumstance that the underground world races are raging, they simply do not dare to act rashly. If you die one or two big warlocks, the white nest of the white elephant will become very dangerous, and there is always the possibility of overturning.

Those engineering robots continued to clean the battlefield, and a piece of broken legendary equipment was found.

Carolena saw the piece of broken legendary equipment, and she was shocked and stunned, as if she had seen a scene of a big warlock who fell in the Dulando subcontinent.

The underground world race coalition has spent countless years, and it has cost a huge price to kill seven human warlocks and hit three people. Now, Yang Feng has killed 11 human warlocks in a nuclear wash. Almost half of the high-end power of human beings has been eliminated, and the high-end power comparison between the two sides has been rewritten.

Yang Feng looked at the statistics brows slightly wrinkled: "Three dragon crystals, which means that the three black dragons were killed. Unfortunately, their blood and other parts are destroyed in the explosion. There is only one nuclear monster, it looks like It belongs to Eden. So, the undead king Napman and the dark elf master Shayue Na are likely to survive."

Clarissa worriedly said: "Yang Feng, our human great warlock has died so much. Now the forces of our human and underground world races are completely out of balance. What can we do?"

This time, the seven forces were besieging the city of steel. Among them, the five major warlocks of the Durando subcontinent sent only one big warlock in addition to the eye of justice. The other warlock groups sent nearly half of the great warlocks to the siege of the city of steel. Now that I have killed so many warlocks, the five warlocks are afraid to send their own big warlocks out. In this way, the situation becomes even more sinister.

As for the underground world coalition forces, although they also lost five strong warlocks, they have a large number of races and a large number of strong warlocks. The strong men of the five big warlocks are depraved, they are completely acceptable and do not affect the overall situation.

Carolena has some gloating: "And you blow it up, except for our Rose Garden, you have offended all the forces in the Dulando continent. You will be unable to walk in the Durando subcontinent in the future. No power will Willing to interact with your city of steel."

Yang Feng detonated the Black City and almost offended all the forces in the Dulando subcontinent. It’s really the enemy of the world, it’s hard to have a place to live.

Yang Feng smiled confidently: "What is the relationship, power is justice! As long as I am strong enough, then I am just, and I am an enemy, all are evil, will be purified, eradicated."

Yang Feng turned and smiled at Carolina: "I was going to go to the Rose Pond for a while, but the situation changed so fast. It seems that I have to adjust the itinerary. Carolena, Cordelia, Carat Lisa, I need the complete four-level supernatural creatures in your hands. Don't tell me that you don't. If you lie to me, I will be very disappointed. I can guarantee that you will never want to see my disappointment. ”

Carolena looked at Yang Feng, who was smiling, and her heart was slightly cold. When she thought of Yang Feng’s hot means, she was chilling for a while. After a while, she said: "I have fifteen complete four-level supernatural creatures in my hands. The body, this is the savings of our Rose Garden."

Cordelia smiled and said: "I have three complete four-level super-organic corpses in my hand, one of which I bought, and the other two I killed."

Cordelia doesn't look at Yang Feng's small appearance, but she is actually the second strongest in the Rose Garden. If it is not the gap in equipment, her strength is only better than Carolina. Slightly less than half a plan. If you count the gap in the equipment, she will be completely crushed by Carolina.

"I only have half of the body of the Sparks flying for research." Clarissa blushes. As one of the three giants of the Rose Garden, she did not even have a complete four-level super-human body corpse, which shows that she was miserable. (~^~)