MTL - Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor-Chapter 5170 how is it

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"Hey? Who is the young man who followed the Xiaotian Emperor? It’s very extraordinary." One Xianjun said, whispering.

"It will be the descendants of Xiaotian the Great, or how else will bring this banquet, and I heard that..."

"What have you heard?" The people around me saw the voice of Xianjun stopping and could not help but whisper.

After looking at the surroundings, Xianjun whispered: "I heard that several emperors have meaning to be married to the children of the Lord and the phoenix, and I don’t know if it is true or not. I guess, now Lian Xiaotian the Great has come, and surely several other great emperors will come."

As he spoke, he heard a lot of movement behind him. After they retreated to the side, they saw two old men and a middle-aged man coming together, listening to some of the surrounding monarchs. Sound, it seems that these three are the strongest of the Great Emperor.

In addition to the middle-aged emperor with a man and a woman and two juniors, the two old people did not bring a junior, and several people said and laughed and went there.

"Look, there are three more people. How many great emperors are there in the fairyland? How many people have come here? The name of the Emperor Fengfeng is really loud! Even these great emperors who have not come out of the mountain are sitting. Can't live it."

A few people said as they went inside. In the big place, there were a small long table, and the coming monarchs had been sitting on the ground, eating melons and wines and chatting.

And those strong men of the Great Emperor level were led to the front, sitting in a specific position.

Sitting next to Xiaotian the Great, Xiao Junxi’s eyes looked around and looked around. He wanted to find the place where the Qing Emperor was, and the figure of Yunqi. He just looked around and didn’t find the person he was looking for.

"Jun Hao." Xiao Tian the Great took a sip of tea and called out.

"Yes." He squinted his eyes and respectfully responded.

"What can I remember with you?" Xiaotian asked, not to see him, but to drink his tea.

The location where the great emperor sits is at a distance from the position where the monarchs sit, and the space is large enough. Therefore, they are talking here, and the confusion of the surrounding voices will not be heard by them. What are you talking about?

Xiao Junyi heard this, but it was a slight pause. He said: "The ancestors are assured that Junyi will do their best and will not let the ancestors lose face, just..."

When Xiaotian the Great listened to the words in front of him, he nodded with satisfaction, but he did not expect to hear his voice. He asked, "What is it?"

"Just, ancestors, I think everything is still good, sometimes it is not a good relationship, not to mention the daughter of the Lord and the Phoenix Lord. Another one is that I heard that their family is also suffering, and it is hard to reunite. I feel that it is not appropriate to mention this too early."

More importantly, he does not want to get married with someone he doesn't know, even if the other party is the daughter of Emperor Sui and Feng.

But in this case, he can't say it straight.

Xiao Tian Emperor drank tea, and he gave him a slight look and said: "How do you feel when you go to see the Qing Emperor?"

Xiao Jun slammed and asked: "What is it?"

Xiao Tian’s emperor pulled his lips and smiled: “It’s been a while to know that you have known her. However, you are afraid that even her origins do not know?”