MTL - Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet-Chapter 295 Coconuts outside the world: you really do not give up

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Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

An Ning came to my senses when she heard my reminder, but the guests next to her had already come this way. It would be rude to change drinks in front of them.

Fortunately, my eyes are fast, and when I came over, I took a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice at the buffet side, quickly exchanged with her, and left with a glass of champagne.

Chris apparently noticed a small movement between the two of us, with a hint of surprise in the light green pupil.

"Congratulations, Chris, I didn't expect you to get married earlier than my kid!"

Just before I left, a friend of David's family greeted him. A fat man in a suit sneered and greeted Chris, followed by a straight and handsome blond boy.

It doesn't look much older than Chris. By contrast, Chris looks much more mature than him.

"Your fiancee is beautiful too, congratulations."

I saw the little guy at the buffet table. Because he was very short, he kept reaching out and wanted to get enough food on the table, but he could n’t reach it. He had to tear the white tablecloth off, and scared me to wear Pass the crowd and trot past.


I put down the wine glass in my hand, held him up, and looked around, my heart was a little angry.

The demon is gone, I thought he was nearby, what can I do if Yan Er pulled the tablecloth to make a joke, what if he was hurt by the cup or saucer above?

I just left for less than five minutes and it almost happened.

I also saw Seki here just now, so I rest assured that Yan Er was left here alone, so that people disappeared in a blink of an eye?

The words of reproach echoed in my mind, and I kept muttering, but even if I was angry again, I was annoyed, but I was finally angry, not a scum.

"Yan'er wants to eat something. Mother, take it for you. Don't hurt yourself."

He pointed his fingers at a few round, small cookies on the table and said, "This, this! My dear, I want to eat this!"

I took two of them and held him in my hand, looking for a place to sit for a while.

It's different now that there are children. It can't be like a single young man. In this lively social occasion, he can shuttle freely and easily, and make friends with all kinds of people.

The side of the banquet room is on the wall. There are seats specially prepared for guests to rest or sit down and talk.

Anyway, I swept the whole hall, but I didn't see the ogre.

"Forget it, he will come back after all."

I hugged Yan Er toward an empty seat, but my eyes noticed the direction of An Ning at this moment.

Several men and women in suits and gowns walked towards them. Anning took Chris' arm by arm, and just sent away a few guests who wished to send blessings with them.


Walking in the forefront is an uncle with a beard. Unlike the middle-aged man just now, he has a perfect body. I can see the raised muscles in his suit.

Is a fit, mature man, behind him, followed by a man and a woman.

I don't know if I read it wrong. The beautiful and hot woman has been looking at Chris without any concealment.

Yan Er held the biscuit with both hands, and his mouth was full of dregs, and he opened his mouth indistinctly.

"My dear, Aunt Ann and Uncle Chris are in trouble."

Yeah, I do n’t know if you say it.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at the five people standing not far away. I didn't forget that An Ning and Chris came to send me invitations and told me something.

Someone deliberately used tricks to force the David family to marry Chris. The name is so beautiful that the two tie up and form an alliance.

This kind of forcing others to marry their own family is impossible, as long as it is a decent person.

Not to mention the marriage of his daughter as a bargaining chip to restrain the power between the family.

That uncle with a beard is really ruthless.

I can't help but think of Catherine who dedicated the phantom crystal, and I feel a little unworthy for her.

In our country's exorcism circle, if any exorcism family really has misbehavior, it will not deliberately disrupt the circle's balance.

Because they had gone through the worst war of the past 20 years, all the families of the exorcism circle, regardless of their size, sent people to participate.

The pain of losing your loved ones is well known, so even if you really want to play tricks, you will not bet on your own loved ones.

But country M is different. As far as I know, from the official establishment of the exorcism circle, to this day, only the phantom crystal is missing this time, which has led to the escape of the demons in the underworld.

The whole battle was almost done by David's family, and several other families that had made good contact with David's family. They even had the help of Caesar and the ogre. Compared to the scene where the entire Ding family was destroyed and Anning's parents died As far as war is concerned, it is nothing.

And, in the final analysis, it was Catherine's life that brought the balance of the two worlds of Yin and Yang in country M.

There are always people who are reluctant to allow this peace to continue, have to use some crooked heads, and want to expand their power.

No, the family opposite Anning and Chris has such ambitions.

I really do n’t know how to be in the blessing, but I have to pay a bitter price to know what is the most important.

"Congratulations, Chris."

Luke walked in the forefront and was gestured towards Anning and Chris. Their faces suddenly became very stiff and awkward.

I watched quietly in the distance, Yan Er finished eating the cookies in his hand and shouted dissatisfied: "My mother kisses me!"

Hey, kids are just happy. They eat and sleep every day except for food.

I look at him. Today I stared at the plate of cookies. I noticed that Anna had a tray in her hand and was preparing to add some snacks to the buffet table. I hurried to say hello to her and set the whole plate Bring them over.

Anna greeted the little guy in my arms, and Yan Er said hello in very standard English. She was so sweet and milky that she turned Anna over.

"Miss Rong, just take it if you want to eat it, there is so much in the kitchen."

She waved at Yan Er: "Eat more if you like."

After thanking her, I kept staring at Anning and Chris.

In any case, I will never allow An Ning to be a little wronged. If the visitor is not good today and wants to disrupt this engagement ceremony, then blame me for coming forward.

As long as they dare to do something about tranquility, I will never spare them!

"Chris." The voluptuous woman behind Luke glanced scornfully at An Ning, straightening out a half-ball of snow-white breasts, and exasperated her long, curly blond hair.

"Long time see you, I miss you so much."

Yan Er stopped her mouth while chewing something, and suddenly pointed out her finger at the girl and said, "My dear! That woman seduce Uncle Chris!"

When I heard it, I was stunned.

"Yan Er, can you hear their conversation?"

The little man nodded and said solemnly: "Of course, very clearly, Yaner can hear."

His growth and some abilities he should not have at this age have shocked me, but this time is not the time to struggle with these things.

seduce? I poked my head and looked in their direction. Those who didn't know thought I was a thief.

When I saw the woman standing and squinting in front of Chris, even though I couldn't hear the conversation, I knew she was seducing Chris.

Look at my peaceful baby, the whole face is almost dripping water.

"Shirley, we haven't met before."

Chris' voice was indifferent, and their eyes were so cold.

After such a long distance, I can feel the cold feeling from him, which is thousands of miles away. This is also the first time I have seen Chris.

Previously, Chris gave me the feeling that some places are similar to the judge.

He is a qualified gentleman, who is polite to everyone and treats people with a smile.

But looking at his expression now, I'm pretty sure.

Chris was angry.

"Chris, don't you know. There is an old saying in Z, that you can't see it in a day, like every third autumn, do you mean it, Miss An?"

An Ning's face turned darker, and Shirley's proud smile didn't mention how thick she was when she saw her expression.

This Shirley is also a high-ranking woman and knows how to stimulate tranquility in this way.

Knowing that An Ning is from the Z country, and before using the sayings of the Z country to express his admiration for Chris, this is obviously a provocation!

When Yan Er told me their conversation, I was so angry that I almost jumped out of the chair and I rushed to teach the woman something!

Don't think that your family is a family, but I have never heard of it.

What is your Shirley woman, your family member, our peace or the wealth of a well-known home in the Z-Zang Ghost Circle? What is worse than you?

"Ah, Miss An, today is your engagement ceremony, but you have juice in your hand. What does that mean?"

Shirley raised her slender eyebrows, pointed to the juice in her glass, and said with a smile: "Couldn't Ms. An be despise our guests who are here today? Anyway, you have to mean it, right? ? "

An Ning kept silent, and suddenly, she seemed to want to understand something, her face raised proudly, and smiled coldly at her, showing her sharp claws.

"You guys, really don't give up."

Shirley understood the meaning of her words, and the hot temperament could not hide immediately: "What do you say ?! What qualifications do you have to blame me? Oh, but it is a **** with no status and no identity ... Ye girl! "