MTL - Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao-Chapter 19 Apocalypse bestows wealth and honor! Wei Zhongxian sent business!

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  Chapter 19 Apocalypse Bestows Wealth! Wei Zhongxian sent business!

"you guess?"

  Zhang Gui asked with a smile.

  Wei Zhongxian smiled with a look of instant understanding: "It's a pity that our family can't take care of your business, but our family will publicize it for you. Many civil servants like this tune, after all, literati and poets."

  Zhang Gui was speechless.


   "What are you talking about, Uncle Zhang Guo is not angry, and wants Xishan to be his farmland?"


  Wang Yingjiao, Minister of the Household Department who came here, told Ye Xianggao and Liu Yixiu that Zhang Guilai was going to go to Xishan as the imperial gift of Zhuangtian, and Liu Yixiu asked a question out of composure.

  Wang Yingjiao nodded.

  Seeing this, Liu Yixuan looked at Ye Xianggao and said with a smile, "Yuanfu, it seems that the uncle of this country is still being fooled by us!"

As he said that, Liu Yixiu smiled again and said: "After all, he is a country bumpkin from a small family. He likes everything! Now give him some rotten land that no one wants, and he still wants it. This is not the same as some wild land. Dog, just give him a little leftover soup, and he will be overjoyed."

  Ye Xianggao asked Wang Yingjiao: "Uncle Guo came alone?"

  Wang Yingjiao replied: "There is also Wei Zhongxian."

  After thinking about it, Ye Xianggao asked again: "Did Wei Zhongxian say anything?"

   "Wei Zhongxian is more excited than Uncle Guo himself, insisting that we are bullying the royal family by doing this."

  Wang Yingjiao replied.

   "Yes, we are bullying the royal family!"

   "He, Zhang Gui, thought that since his sister became a queen, she would be able to do her own thing?"

   Liu Yixuan sneered, and said again: "If you don't respect me, a scholar-bureaucrat, even Zhuang Tian won't give him a piece of good!"

  Liu Yixiu said something, and then laughed again: "However, he, Wei Zhongxian, certainly did not expect that this uncle of the country would even like Xishan, and he looks like he is afraid of poverty."

  Ye Xianggao said: "You can't underestimate this Uncle Guo, he may just be patient temporarily, or he may have other ideas."

   "Don't care about him! Back then, you were asked by the Ministry of Household Affairs to set aside unwanted land for Zhang Gui, and you were worried that he would make trouble. Now that he doesn't make trouble, it's a good thing no matter what."

   Liu Yixiu said.

  Ye Xianggao said: "The servant still said the same thing, we have to treat Uncle Zhang Guo as an idler! We have to think about it carefully, why did he say that Xishan is okay?"

  Ye Xianggao reminded Liu Yixiu and Wang Yingjiao to think carefully.

Suddenly, Liu Yixiu said: "I heard, just heard, that some people who are engaged in romantic business, in order to show a difference, especially to attract some civil servants who like to practice Zen and talk about family affairs, give more lamp oil money, so that some people who understand The women of the Shi family culture welcome guests for the nuns, and this often makes some nunneries in the mountains and rivers sing and sing every night, and make a lot of money every day. You can tell, whether his Uncle Zhang Guo intends to do this business, so he thinks Xishan is good."

   "It's possible! But wouldn't Uncle Zhang Guo's doing this be too offensive?"

  Wang Yingjiao said.

  Ye Xianggao laughed and said, "Is Uncle Zhang Guo a person who cares about etiquette and customs?"

  Liu Yixuan nodded after hearing what Ye Xianggao said: "What Yuan Fu said is that Zhang Gui is very likely to be able to do this!"

   "Forget it, the world is really going downhill, people's hearts are not old, and even the dignified uncle only knows how to profit, regardless of the world."

  Ye Xianggao sighed.

  Wang Yingjiao nodded because of this: "Uncle Zhang Guo really wants to do this, he must be impeached! How can he be allowed to spoil my Ming customs like this!"

  Ye Xianggao also said in a deep voice: "If he really wants to do this, the servant will not sit idly by! Rather than resigning from office, he must not tolerate Zhang Guojiu doing things that ruin our Ming Dynasty!"

   Then, Ye Xianggao said again: "However, we civil servants also have to keep ourselves clean, and we can't really follow him to do such shameless things just because Uncle Zhang Guo corrupted the world!"

   Liu Yixuan followed suit and said: "Yes! No matter what, let's cleanse ourselves, I will definitely not go to Xishan where his uncle Zhang Guo is."

Although Liu Yixiu said so, but that night, as soon as he returned to the mansion, he passed on his slave Liu Qi, and asked: "You go to inquire these days, when will Uncle Zhang Guo greet you at the Xishan nunnery? pilgrim."



  Zhang Guizhen didn't plan to do any Buddhist business in Xishan.

  After all, Zhang Gui doesn’t like to let many desperate commoner Han daughters go into skin business.

"Old Wei, you have the right to criticize reds in front of the Supervisor of Ceremonies. Even if you can't give me money, you can always find me some ways to make money. Salt, iron, tea cloth, copper, gold, silver horses, etc. In the business controlled by the imperial court, you don't know what opportunities to make money are there recently?"

  When Zhang Gui returned to Xiyuan with Wei Zhongxian, he talked about money to Wei Zhongxian again.

For the sake of Zhang Gui not to bother him anymore, Wei Zhongxian had no choice but to reply: "Forget it, Uncle Guo said so, what else can we say? We have business. Recently, we need to purchase fat jackets for the Nine Frontier Army. This business It’s okay to give some to Uncle Guo.”

  Speaking, Wei Zhongxian thought for a while, and then stretched out two fingers: "How about 200,000 sets of fat jackets for Uncle Guo?"

   "How much silver per set?"

   Zhang Gui asked.

  He knew that the fat jacket was a kind of military-style cotton padded jacket in Ming Dynasty, but he didn't know the price in this era.

   "The market price is three cents."

   Wei Zhongxian replied.

   Then, Wei Zhongxian said again: "If you really do it, you won't make much money."

   "Then I have done it, and I will definitely do it in a down-to-earth manner. I will never use black-hearted cotton such as yellow cotton as a fake. After all, it is for the frontier army."

   Zhang Gui replied.

  Wei Zhongxian said with a smile: "Our family naturally knows that Uncle Guo is a man of integrity. Otherwise, we wouldn't have told you about this business."

  Zhang Gui smiled slightly. When he heard Wei Zhongxian said that he would give him a business of 200,000 sets of fat jackets, he thought of what to do.

  The biggest cost of cotton-padded clothes is not cotton, but the two processes of spinning and weaving. Because of the nature of processing, the cost is raised.

But Zhang Gui clearly remembers that the flying shuttle loom and spinning jenny that appeared in the 18th century greatly reduced the cost of weaving and spinning, among which the cost reduction of spinning jenny was the most terrifying , Directly increase the spinning efficiency to eight times as before, and then to sixteen times.

  Although Zhang Gui knows the working principle and basic structure of the flying shuttle loom and spinning jenny, he still doesn't understand how to make it. He needs to find a skilled carpenter to do it.

  After Wei Zhongxian mentioned it, Zhang Gui thought of Tianqi.

  Because Tianqi is a well-known woodworking genius in history, with more than ten years of woodworking experience.

  Therefore, Zhang Gui came to Tianqi the next day and gave the blueprint to Tianqi: "Your Majesty, can you see if this is easy to make?"

   Tianqi took the blueprint, looked at it, and asked, "What is this?"

   "The spinning machine and loom invented by Chen."

   Zhang Gui replied.

   Tianqi didn’t speak, it seems that he is not a person who is willing to admit that he can’t make anything in terms of technology manufacturing, but picks up the thing and starts to do it.

  Seeing that he was doing seriously, Zhang Gui didn't bother him, and went back to his mansion.

  Who knows, early the next morning, Tianqi sent someone to call him to Xiyuan.

  As soon as Zhang Gui came, Tian Qi yawned with dark circles under his eyes, pointed at the two machines, and smiled at Zhang Gui: "Look, I made it for you."

  Zhang Gui smiled: "Your Majesty still needs to pay attention to the dragon's body."

   "It's okay, it's rare to have something new to make, you might as well draw more new objects for me in the future."

   Tian Qi waved his hand and smiled.

  Zhang Gui said again: "May your majesty give this machine to me? I will find someone to use this machine to spin and weave cloth. Maybe it will make the family rich and support the people."

   Tianqi nodded: "Yes, I will give it to you if you want it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty! In addition, I have another unfeeling request. Your Majesty may wish to name this machine "Tianqi". achievement."

   "In addition, please allow your majesty to only allow your majesty to operate this machine exclusively. If people in the world want to imitate it, they will have to pay money. This can be regarded as the wealth that your majesty bestows on your ministers."

   Zhang Gui continued.

  Tianqi looked at Zhang Gui for a while, and asked, "Can this really bring you wealth?"

  Zhang Gui nodded: "Yes."

  Tianqi also said after hearing this: "Okay, I know you need money to make steel now, since you said he can bring you wealth, I will agree!"

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  (end of this chapter)