MTL - Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao-Chapter 377 How cowardly are the foreigners? All the rebellious ministers who went out were sent back

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  Chapter 377 How cowardly are the barbarians? All the traitors who went out have been sent back!

  Lild was surprised that Luo Lang would say that there is nothing wrong with being Daming's dog.

  Wang Wenkui was about to cry here. He didn't expect that these Frangji people would be so cowardly, and they would say such shameless words because they were afraid of the strong ships and guns of the Daming Navy.

  Thanks to myself, those who believe in Confucianism and the kingly way think that foreigners should not be treated as dogs. As a result, the governor who is in power thinks it is okay to be a dog of Ming Dynasty.

This is also normal. Since the moons of foreign countries are the same as those of Ming Dynasty, the rulers of foreign countries will naturally be no worse than the rulers of Ming Dynasty. Naturally, they will also have the attribute of cowardice, knowing when to do what The choice is the most correct choice.

"Your Excellency Governor, we Han people have a saying that we can look forward to Shu. Since they have pacified Guangzhou and come here again, they will definitely ask for Haojing next. Even if you don't intend to fight against them, you might as well bring us together Run away and go to your Goa city. For this reason, we are willing to donate all the money and food we carry as a guarantee for you to exchange supplies with the natives on the way!"

  Wang Wenkui knelt down and cried to make a suggestion.

Luo Lang also said: "I will not give up Haojing City, which is very important to my Great Portugal Kingdom, just because of your one or two words. At least, you are not worthy of us giving up Haojing just like that! "

   As he spoke, Luo Lang also ordered: "General Domingo, send away these people, their families and belongings, as well as the Han Chinese stranded in Haojing! Hand them over to the Ming army!"


  Wang Wenkui, who had already successfully got out, was in despair.

  He didn't expect to be sent back after getting out.

  In the end, Wang Wenkui and others were handed over to the Ming army by the Portuguese.

   "Where's the boat?"

   At this time, after more and more foreign mercenaries fled from the front line to Guangzhou, they were surprised to find that their general had abandoned them.

  Zhao Shichun also belatedly asked Zuo Mengtong, Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Puppet Dynasty, after Wang Wenkui and others left early: "I ask you, where are the ships? Ships! Why are there no ships?!"

Zuo Mengtong had no choice but to bury his head and said: "It was forcibly taken away by a few generals under Yuanfu's command! In addition, Lild, who was in Haojing Fulangji, also took all the barbarian boats with him. , but they have no soldiers to adjust, so they can only watch them go."

  Zhao Shichun fell into a chair after hearing this: "What should I do?"

   Then, Zhao Shichun asked Zuo Mengtong again: "Did they take His Majesty away?"


  Yao Zhijing replied at this time: "The lower official specifically inquired, and no one came out from the palace last night."

   "It seems that Wang Wenkui doesn't even want His Majesty! Well, it's very good!"

   Zhao Shichun sneered as he spoke, and suddenly punched the coffee table heavily, shouting, "Damn it!"

   "Calm down, Mr. Ge. Now that the government and army have captured Yingde, we should quickly think of a way to escape. We can't escape at sea, so we should quickly disguise ourselves as civilians, flee to Zhaoqing, and then go to Annan!"

  Yao Zhijing suggested.

  Zhao Shichun hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, let's go quickly, let's go quickly."

  Zuo Mengtong asked at this time: "Do you want to take Your Majesty away?"

   "Your Majesty, do you still want to set up a small court?! Guangdong can't stand it, so where do you want to set it up!"

   Zhao Shichun scolded, and then told Yao Zhijing: "Let Zuo Benbing and I go first, you go to the palace and bring His Majesty with you and follow, and then diverge in Zhaoqing to lure the officers and soldiers away!"


  Yao Zhijing didn't expect that Zhao Shichun would want him to be a bait, and he couldn't help but secretly hate him, but in order to complete what his uncle Zhang Gui asked, he could only bear his anger and agree first.

  Therefore, Zhao Shichun and Zuo Mengtong fled to Zhaoqing first.

   It's just that as soon as he arrived in Zhaoqing, because of Yao Zhijing's timely information, the officers and soldiers rushed over.

  Zhao Shichun had no choice but to escape alone, with only a small number of people following him.

   Among them is Yao Zhijing.

  Zhao Shichun didn't notice Yao Zhijing until he fled all night and came to a small town to rest, and asked strangely: "Didn't you take His Majesty to escape from the south? What are you doing with this old man?"

  Yao Zhijing was about to argue, when an angry shout came.

   "Zhao Shichun! You traitor!"

   This person is the Lu Yan group.

  Because he often publicizes that the imperial court favors the Han people, and because he has some knowledge, he promised to help these strong men who were forcibly captured as rebels learn to read, so he is now highly respected and is already the leader of a group of rebels.

  At this time, after the Lu Yan group recognized Zhao Shichun at a glance, many rebels followed him and came towards Zhao Shichun.

   "This person is Zhao Shichun, the second assistant to the cabinet of the puppet court! The traitor! Take him down! We are living so hard, and it is all because of him!"

   Lu Yan's group still yelled at this moment.

  He had met Zhao Shichun, and in his dreams he was scolding Zhao Shichun for making fun of him, a humble scholar who came from the north to join him for Neo Confucianism.

  So, Lu Zuanzu recognized Zhao Shichun at a glance.

  The rebel soldiers who came with Lu Zuanzu also looked at him with hatred after hearing what Lu Zuanzu said, as if they were about to swallow Zhao Shichun alive.

  Zhao Shichun also panicked when he saw this, and hurriedly told the porter: "Go!"

   Seeing this, Yao Zhijing hurriedly shouted to the bearer: "What do you care about this old thing? Why don't you run away quickly, are you going to be beaten to death by these gangsters later?!"

  The bearers were right after hearing this, so they hurriedly left Zhao Shichun and ran away.

  Zhao Shichun was quite annoyed seeing this, and asked Yao Zhijing, "Yao Zhijing, what are you doing?"

At this time, Yao Zhijing calmly took out the official letter from his sleeve, and shouted to Lu Zuanzu and other rebels who came over, "I am a close friend of Uncle Guo, here is the official letter of Uncle Guo, you are here now!" Just listen to my orders and take the traitor Zhao Shichun to Uncle Guo with me, and I will guarantee you a share of the credit!"

  Lu Zuanzu hurried over after hearing this, and asked, "Is it really an official letter from Uncle Guo?"

  Yao Zhijing handed the official letter to Lu Zuanzu: "How dare you lie, you can see for yourself."

Lu Zuanzu took it, and after a while, he said to the rebels behind him: "Brothers, this is an official letter from Uncle Guo. This person is from Uncle Guo. We can trust him and help this official." Lord escorted this Zhao Shichun to see Uncle Guo, he will really be rewarded for his meritorious service."

   "If you let me go, I can give you more money!"

At this time, Zhao Shichun said something in the sedan chair, then walked out, and said: "I still have millions of silver, which can be distributed to you, as long as you are willing to help me continue to work hard to restore the ancestral system and respect Neo Confucianism." .”

  Speaking, Zhao Shichun said to Lu Zuanzu: "Junfa, you came here from the north, didn't you just want to restore Confucianism as an official school, why did you betray your ambition today?"

   "Bah! What is the restoration of Neo-Confucianism? When Neo-Confucianism was not an official school, I failed to win the first place; now that Neo-Confucianism is restored as an official school, I still failed to win the first place. What is the meaning of restoring Neo-Confucianism to me?!"

  Lv Yanzu spat, began to confide, and then questioned Zhao Shichun.

  Zhao Shichun was at a loss for words for a while, and then he quibbled: "It can only be that I haven't worked hard enough, and the other is that the luck is not good enough. You can't blame it on the restoration of Neo Confucianism to the official school itself!"

  (end of this chapter)