MTL - Misplacement Game-Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Xu Ziyue and Wu Wenshan rushed to the past, and the surrounding employees were mostly indifferent. Only one came over and reminded: "He needs to go to the medical room."

"That is going quickly!" Wu Wenshan's body looks more robust than Xu Zi. He picked up the player without saying anything. After a few steps, he reacted. "Where is the medical room?"

Npc replied: "Three layers."

"Oh, good." Wu Wenshan greeted Xu Ziyue to let him help, put the player on his back, and then hurriedly left the 12th floor.

The injured player has been so confused that the consciousness is a bit fuzzy. The mouth just made a slight squeaking noise.

Xu Ziyue followed Wu Wenshan, who was carrying someone, to the medical room on the third floor. In the medical room, a man dressed in a white coat and a doctor dressed up.

"Doctor doctor, help me soon!" Wu Wenshan put the player on the hospital bed.

Some of the blood on the player was stained with clothes when he was running, and the white sheets were suddenly reddened.

The doctor took the action of drugs and gauze and processed it in the past. Xu Ziyue and Wu Wenshan have a sigh of relief, and this has only time to discuss what has just happened.

Wu Wenshan was ready to grab a head and found that he didn't know when he had blood on his hands and gave up. He said: "I saw that he also voted several times before, but the ball did not become a human head."

Xu Ziyue thought of the players who had been losing in the casino. "Does the **** have to be thrown into the basket?"

Wu Wenshan shook his head. "No. If I haven't invested in it, I haven't gotten the seal yet."

"Is it possible that as long as you have to throw in this ball, the ball will become a human head?"

Wu Wenshan took a breath, "Isn't it? Do you play with us?"

Xu Zi nodded and still felt that his guess was correct. "Because I went to the casino, I saw someone playing ten and losing ten."

The five senses on Wu Wenshan's face can't wait to wrinkle into a ball. "Isn't that impossible?"

"Right, how many seals do you have? How are you getting them?"

Wu Wenshan opened the card hanging on his chest and looked at the seal on it. Each seal is a different logo, so there is no possibility of not remembering what you have experienced and what you have not experienced.

“I have five. Libraries, cafeterias, specialty restaurants, main restaurants, table tennis. All three restaurants have a meal, and the library is sitting inside and reading an hour’s book. As for table tennis, it is ten rounds with other people... The trouble is that I waited for half an hour to wait for a visitor. There seems to be no one there."

Xu Ziyue also said that he saw the swimming pool. "...It seems that dangerous projects are there, but there are also security." For example, the opera he saw yesterday, such as the library where Wu Wenshan went.

"How do I feel that those dangerous projects are simply killing people? I can't get through the 20 seals. I can't get through the customs for a month. If I am caught by the sea monsters... I am dead. ”

It’s a very sad thing to distinguish, but Wu Wenshan’s very disgusting tone makes people want to laugh.

Xu Zi has comforted Wu Wenshan in a good direction. "Is it always a way to live?"

"Should be there." Wu Wenshan thought for a moment. "You said... Can you take the initiative to accept the parasites of the sea monsters in the last two days of leaving, and then experience the dangerous projects in two days, then successfully leave without Just?"

"Oh... your thoughts are very good. But there is no guarantee that the sea monsters will not be killed by this strange event."

Wu Wenshan nodded, "also."

The doctor bandaged the player, and took the seal on the side of the card to the player’s chest and stamped the chapter.

“Hey?” Wu Wenshan walked quickly to the edge of the bed and picked up the player’s card. “The medical room also has a chapter?”

"Ah... it seems to be." Xu Ziyue remembered that there was inside him. I didn’t think about it at the time.

"Doctor, can the chapter of this medical room cover me?" Wu Wenshan pushed the card with a clean back and pushed it forward.

"No." The doctor squinted and revealed a pathological smile. "The seal of the medical room can only be changed after I have cured it."

"Oh..." Wu Wenshan loosed his hand. "I seem to have a cold, is this OK?"

The doctor turned around without saying a word. Wu Wenshan thought that the doctor was angry and was trying to lose a smile. Even the doctor took a bottle of medicine from the side of the cabinet.

"Drink him."

Wu Wenshan stepped back and looked at the green potion. "This... what is this?"


Xu Ziyue walked over and looked at it. At the bottom of the pharmacy bottle, it was as thick as a hair, but something about a centimeter long was dark red, like a kind of insect that was so small that it was not easy to find by the naked eye.

"What is this inside?" Xu Ziyue asked at the bottom of the drug.

Wu Wenshan curiously took a look at it. "Where, is this awkward? Hey - they are still moving!"

"Like the kind of blood-sucking insects..." Xu Zi stepped back and looked at the doctor. "Can't you drink this kind of thing?"

"If you are sick, you must take medicine." The doctor insisted that he was taking medicine.

Wu Wenshan followed suit and stepped back, and Xu Ziyue stood on a front line. "Ah~ I feel that my body is great and I eat musk. I just don't want to take medicine."

The doctor stared at Wu Wenshan quietly for a long time, and saw the bottom of his heart straight hair, he said: "Don't make jokes in the future." He turned and put the potion back.

Wu Wenshan breathed a sigh of relief.

The player was already fainted when he was taking the medicine. Xu Ziyue and Wu Wenshan didn't know him any more. It was just passed to the medical room.

And watching this doctor is a bit strange, but the player's hand is also his true bandage. Even if he gave Wu Wenshan a "medicine" horror, it was because Wu Wenshan lied that he was ill.

Therefore, Xu Ziyue and Wu Wenshan also left the medical room with confidence, let alone have their own affairs, and it is impossible to keep him.

When the two went out of the medical room, they discussed the doctor.

"The doctor in the medical room looks a little scary, and when I said that I was ill, he actually gave me the medicine. I clearly told me that there was a problem!" Wu Wenshan’s blood on both hands was dry. I just forgot to wash my hands in the medical room. Now that I have come out, I have gone a long way, and I am not good enough to go back.

Xu Zi Yue nodded his head and agreed with Wu Wenshan's words. "The experience of this medical room is also too strange. I have to let him treat it. What if there is no disease?"

Wu Wenshan said: "And you see, I am not sick and say no."

"Don't you have to cut yourself a knife?" Wu Wenshan gestured on his arm.

" need. You can actually try to take a cold shower or something like it?" Xu Zi shook his head and shook his head. "No. If you are cured, if you go to the fire, go there and see if it counts?"

"It should be counted," Wu Wenshan said. "But I think I still have athlete's foot. I don't know if this is OK."

Xu Ziyue: "..."

The atmosphere solidified for a moment, and the harder it was, the more difficult it was to find a topic. "Why didn't you be with other players?"

"I was originally with two other people." Wu Wenshan raised his hand and tried to get the dried blood stains down from his hand. "But when I went to see them this morning, they said that they would not be with me. I Only then. What about you?"

Xu Ziyue looked at Wu Wenshan's hand. "You are so disgusting. Let's go find a place to wash our hands first." He took the reason for himself.

Fortunately, Wu Wenshan's nerves are also thick, and all of them are biased by Xu Zi.

In addition to a medical room on the third floor, there is a gym and a changing room. There are also changing rooms on the 12th floor, but Xu Zi has not had time to go, so he does not know whether the two changing rooms are the same or different.

Wu Wenshan stood in the toilet that was not far from the changing room and washed his hands.

When Wu Wenshan absorbed it, Xu Zi changed the world, and some could not help but seek comfort from the system.

"I really have nothing to do in this world?"

"Of course, according to the player's strategy, you will be 200% safe, and all projects are safe and harmless for you."

"Two hundred percent? Wow... Are you talking about exaggerated sentences? Or are you deliberately giving me peace of mind?"

"Players are happy."

After Wu Wenshan washed his hands, he wiped it off on his body and interrupted Xu Ziyue’s conversation with the system. He went to Xu Ziyue and asked: "Where are you going to go?"

Xu Ziyue said: "I..."

"The more the child."

Xu Zi shuddered and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, it is Auston. As soon as he heard the sound, he knew how such a good voice would be someone else.

The sound of Auston is as gentle as ever, gentle enough to even make people want to cry. Xu Ziyue blushes. "This is the first time you called my name."

"sounds so good."

And it's still intimately called, can you soften your legs in your ears?

Orston was in a wheelchair and was in front of Xu Ziyue. "I saw the breakfast at the door, and I was looking for you everywhere."

Xu Ziyue immediately apologized: "I'm sorry!"

"How do you apologize? You have not done anything wrong."

Xu Ziyue’s swearing and swearing can’t speak, and finally only one sentence, “Auston, you look so good.”

"Ah, no, it’s good to you!" Xu Zi raised his hand and patted his mouth and said the wrong mouth.

Auston is not angry, but it is a compliment.

Wu Wenshan licked the arm of Xu Ziyue with his elbow and whispered, "Who is this?" There is no green cursor on the head, certainly not a player.

Xu Ziyue also replied in a small voice: "I will tell you later."

Then Xu Zi said to Auston to restore the normal sound size: "We just got off the basketball court."

Auston asked: "Are you going to play basketball?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head. "There was something out... I haven't touched it yet."

"Let's go together."

"Oh? But..." Xu Ziyue’s eyes on Aston, "...then go."

Wu Wenshan: What is the situation of "...???"?

When they did some questions, they went back to the 12th floor and walked in the direction of the basketball court. Wu Wen went crazy to Xu Ziyue.

On the one hand, Xu Ziyue has a pair of "I know", "I understand" and "You are assured" expression nodded to Wu Wenshan, on the other hand, the direction of the toes pointed is always firm.

When they got to the basketball court, they saw that both halftimes were occupied and they were all players.

"I will ask the staff how long it will take." Auston looked at Wu Wenshan. "You will talk about it first."

Wu Wenshan thought about when this npc saw that he wanted to talk to Xu Ziyue? He is not always in a wheelchair, in front of them both?

And Aston left no three steps away, Wu Wenshan waited in a hurry and asked: "Who is this person? Are you still making friends with npc?"

Xu Ziyue looked at Auston's back. "Do you not think he is special?"

"Special? Ah... it's quite special." Wu Wenshan's "special" refers to the fact that Auston is in a wheelchair. But he thought about it again. "It’s just too good, I don't like it."

Xu Ziyue turned his head and looked at him. Looking at Wu Wenshan’s eyes was like seeing a wonderful flower. “Why do you grow up and don’t like it?”

Wu Wenshan was seen by Xu Ziyue a little hairy. "I have such a person. Can I not find a girlfriend?"

Xu Zi suddenly nodded and suddenly said, "Anything you are red. Naked naked!"

Wu Wenshan hated to jump up and stood at the commanding height to refute Xu Ziyue. "What awkward, do you really like this kind of person who will catch up with you?"

Xu Ziyue snorted. "Then you think wrong."

Wu Wenshan asked: "How do I think wrong?"

"Because my sweetheart is him, how can he grab me?"

Wu Wenshan was dumbfounded.

"You, you, you... are you gay?"


Wu Wenshan's face is black, who is this superficial? It is clear that Xu Zi likes this person who looks like nothing except the face.

"No! He is npc, I have a big slot!"

Wu Wenshan finally realized that there was a problem. Although he is relatively nervous, he is not stupid.

In this world like an npc? Isn't that the initiative to find death?

"I like npc too." Xu Zi vowed to defend his own control.

Wu Wenshan turned around Xu Zi, "but you will not have results."

Xu Ziyue looked over and smiled at Auston, and then said to Wu Wenshan, who was next to him: "Don't care forever, only care... I once owned."

Wu Wenshan: "..."

The author has something to say: I did not expect to be coded at this time. The main hand is really not good, the left hand is sore, and it will hurt if you use force or pinch. Go buy some safflower oil to wipe it tomorrow.

Explode, the three chapters on both sides are really resistant.

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