MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 11 Brother Tiger Talks About Cars (Part 2)

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The layout of Wanhai Motor Shop is transparent and luxurious. There are also robot models in the exhibition hall, and it can be seen that the managers are very attentive.

Qiao Tian proposed to send Cao Su, but as the general manager of the car dealership, Xu Lanqing did not dare to let him offend major customers again. Later, the staff in the car dealership drove the sky blue Bentley over.

The clear body reflects Cao Su's figure. The shape of the whole car is British style, elegant temperament. It looks exciting.

Cao Su said to Xu Lanqing and others, "I have a few words with Xiao Qiao alone."

"Oh, okay okay."

When the others backed away a few meters away, Qiao Tian looked at Cao Su eagerly, waiting for his ruling.

Cao Su glanced at the ceiling glowing with the morning sun in the distance, and said, "Brother Hu, don't tell me about my situation in the group, can you do it?"

To be honest, everyone has a need to pretend. Don't you see, King Xiang said in the past: wealth and honor do not return home, it is like walking in brocade clothes at night! But he didn't need to rely on others to brag for him in the group of classmates. This way of appearing in front of people was too low-level.

He is not interested in adjudicating Brother Hu, it's not bad to scare this kid. This is what he really wants to explain.

Qiao Tian was dumbfounded. He thought that Cao Su was going to "judgment" him. Only now did I know that in Cao Su's eyes, he was just a piece of shit, and he didn't matter at all. But he has to save himself!

"Brother Cao, don't worry, don't worry!" Qiao Tian promised repeatedly, and then said: "Brother Cao, I sell cars here, and I have often seen a situation. Some cars look brand new, but in fact the kilometers are scary. ."

Cao Su was immediately happy to hear it. Of course he understands that Qiao Tian is not talking about Wanhai, but driving.

Qiao Tian watched his words and continued, "Many people test drive new cars, but only one buys a car."

Cao Su laughed.

Qiao Tianze said again: "Brother Cao, after my observation, men love to drive. Whether they drive with their hands or with their mouths."

"Haha!" Cao Su couldn't help laughing, took out the Huazi from his handbag, and threw one to him, "Brother Hu, you are good at this level. You can go to the live broadcast platform and start a column: Brother Hu talks about cars."

Qiao Tianze hurriedly took the cigarette with both hands and took out a lighter to light it for Cao Su with a smile on his face. A long sigh of relief. His life experience matters. A lot of times, the rich people are amused, and things are not things.

"Brother Cao, I've read jokes everywhere on the Internet, but I'm not good enough. There's another joke. Why don't the rich guys marry those beauties who play outside. If you use the bus privately, you will be punished!"

Damn it! Brother Hu, you are a genius! Cao Su smiled and patted Qiao Tianze on the shoulder, "Okay, goodbye!" He waved Qin Yuhan over, "Little Qin, help me take that Ferrari to the parking lot of the Kempinski Hotel in Nanshan."

Qin Yuhan smiled sweetly: "Okay, Brother Cao."

Cao Su got into the Bentley. The hand-built hardware and the center console that displayed engineering technology silently displayed the luxury of the car. The surroundings suddenly became quiet, making people feel as if they were still in the water.

The ignition starts.

Cao Su stepped on the accelerator, feeling the strong push back force, and drove out of Wanhai Motors along the channel dedicated to the auto show.

Blue sky and white clouds, beautiful mountains and clear waters. There are also bustling high-rise buildings in the distance.

One day, I will conquer this bustling international city!

On August 17, 2013, in the morning.

Cao Su drove a Bentley and found a gourmet restaurant in the central area of ​​Futian for dinner at noon. After searching, he decided that his company's office space should be placed in the most prosperous business circle in Nanshan, the tallest building on Haibin Avenue, China Resources Building.

The China Resources Building is 392.5 meters high, with 66 floors above ground and 5 floors underground. The exterior is made of multi-faceted triangular glass panels, and the top of the tower converges on a cusp ring plane. Aliases "Chun Bamboo". It symbolizes the infinite vitality of rising steadily.

In many cases, a company's office location builds the outside world's impression of the company's strength. He does not need to consider the cost issue in this regard.

Shenhao wants to give full play to the advantage of having more money. Doing business and running a company should be a way to hold high and open up. Instead of running a small business, expanding reproduction, walking on thin ice and trembling with fear.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Cao Su completed the lease contract in the office of the China Resources Building Property Company. He leased two floors of more than 4,000 square meters in total, located on the 31st and 32nd floors. The lease term is five years.

The monthly rent is 2.52 million. Free 15 months of property management fees.

The 32nd floor is hardcover, with complete water and electricity network and air conditioning, and can be put into use immediately.

Yin Huining, the property manager of China Resources Building, smiled and handed the key card to the tall, slightly fat man in front of him. But it is normal to hide dragons and crouching tigers in the deep city. The salesman said, "Mr. Cao, don't you consider buying the next floor to invest?"

Cao Su smiled and said, "I don't think about it." He shook hands with Yin Huining and said goodbye.

Where is the value-added of commercial real estate, where is the value of residential real estate faster? This conclusion can be drawn only by paying attention to the performance of the property market in recent years.

He had a plan in his heart.

1 billion to invest 500 million to buy a house.

Driving out of the "Spring Bamboo Shoots", Cao Su called Chang Ya, the headhunter, and told him the company's office location. The intermediary on the side of the registered company does not need to notify, just send someone to change the registered address.

"Okay, Mr. Cao. I'll arrange an interview when your company is registered."

Driving, Cao Su turned from the main road into the luxury residential area in the nearby area. Before buying an investment property, he had to buy a villa where he lived. Staying in a hotel all day is not a long-term solution either.

Moreover, according to the current housing prices in Shencheng, UU Kanshu takes 500 million yuan, and then goes to superimpose the bank's loan to invest in buying a house. The investment is generally school district housing, two-bedroom, three-bedroom, etc. in areas with high appreciation potential.

Assuming a house of 5 million units, that is 100 units. This is not a workload he can handle alone. This is a simple full-payment home buying algorithm. In fact, investors don't pay full money to buy a house.

You have to find help!

Shenhao couldn't keep his life stuck in this kind of mechanical and repetitive trivia. Of course, there is a kind of continuous, mechanical, back-and-forth movement that the gods love!

The streets are quiet on both sides, and large flats with unique shapes and excellent lighting can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road. Cao Su drove the car and slowly entered the nearby villa "Prosperity Mansion", which was opened not long ago. It was built by Vanke, a leading real estate company in Shenzhen.

Walking into the elegant and cool sales center, a beautiful saleswoman soon greeted her, "Hello, sir!"

Don't ask, why are the villa saleswomen so pretty?

If the intermediary company cooperates with the sales department, the general salesperson's commission is about 3/1,000. If the sales department has its own staff, the commission ratio is about five percent. The specific ratio depends on the specific situation.

According to the general practice, the commission for the sale of a villa of 50 million yuan is 150,000 yuan. The real estate company's own sales are 250,000. Selling two villas a year is more than most office workers.

In the summer of 2013, the real estate industry was still prosperous and prosperous.

Cao Su nodded to the fair-skinned girl, and threw it to scan it, "I'll take a look at your villa."

The girl smiled decently, greeted Cao Su a few words, and said, "Our Shengshi Mansion is a newly opened real estate a month ago. Our capital verification requirement is 8 million."