MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 3 farewell meal

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The noon sun is shining brightly in the quiet industrial park. Cao Su came out of the building of the product department with his wallet, keys, and mobile phone.

At this moment, Cao Su felt an indescribable sense of ease in his heart at this moment, as if the huge boulders weighing thousands of pounds had been lifted off his shoulders, and as if the net that bound his body and mind had been torn off.

Life, life, how many ordinary people's minds and aspirations are heavily suppressed!

And from now on, he will get rid of "life". His future life has infinite possibilities and wonderful!

Because, he is already wealthy and free, and he has the Shenhao system in his hands!

Cao Su walked on the sidewalk under the shade of the trees to the entrance of the park, feeling that the noon sun was bright and upright, melting all the ghosts and ghosts. The majestic flowers that bloom like graceful blooms, and people who are at the peak of Shaohua's glory!

I have been in the Dalan Group for five years, but I didn't pay attention to such beautiful scenery!

Cao Su sent a WeChat message to Shen Mingze as he walked: "I'll invite you to a club tonight. I'll talk to you about something. Which bar do you often go to? Do you need to reserve a spot in advance?"

The fetters of work are gone. He still has to deal with the last bit of trouble before leaving the Dalan Group!

Shen Mingze quickly replied to the message when it was time to get off work: "Brother Cao, the bar we often go to is called 'Bai Feng'. Just go early."

The second piece of information soon followed: "Brother Cao, I don't know the details about Yu Ping. I also heard it from others."

Shen Mingze is very smart. He and Cao Su are football friends and colleagues who play football together. But the relationship is definitely not to the extent that Cao Su spends thousands of yuan to invite him to go clubbing before he leaves. He was present at the morning meeting. Didn't he also speak for Cao Su at that time?

The two did not reach that friendship.

So why Cao Su is self-evident.

He once mentioned when he was chatting with Cao Su that Yu Ping, a beautiful young woman, looked tough and cold, but she was actually very arrogant in private.

Cao Su: "I'll pay for the cost of clubbing at Baifeng Bar tonight. You can just call someone to the bar, and I'll talk to him."

Shen Mingze thought for a while and agreed, "Okay."

After finalizing the night's itinerary, Cao Su thought of returning to the present. At this time, he had already walked to the east gate of the Dalan Group Industrial Park. In the blue-and-white software building on the left, engineers in groups of three or five came out from time to time.

Cao Su sent an invitation to his friend Jiang Wenxuan, who was working in the software department: "Old Jiang, I'm leaving. I'd like you to have a meal at the "Shang Ye" Western Restaurant at noon. Do you have time?"

Jiang Wenxuan and he also went to college in Jiangzhou, and they were also 30 years old. After graduation, they joined the Dalan Group to work, and they were ordinary. After the two met, they could talk about many things, and they both liked to play football, so they became good friends.

In fact, Dalan Group goes to Jiangzhou University to recruit every year. There are his classmates in the same major and many alumni here in the Electronic Products Division.

There are many classmates in the Pearl River Delta area.

But this is how this society is: the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor have no one in the busy city. And he lives under a lot of pressure, doesn't get along well, and has no interest in attending gatherings between classmates. After going back and forth, I gradually drifted away from the circle of classmates in the university.

There is a large commercial complex just outside the east gate of the Electronic Industrial Park of Dalan Group, with shopping centers, hotels, office buildings, commercial apartments, banks and other facilities.

There are more than 10,000 employees and production line workers in the entire industrial park. Although there are several living facilities such as canteens and supermarkets in the park, consumer demand is still overflowing.

Shang Ye Western Restaurant is located on the second floor of the Vientiane Shopping Center, with an elegant environment and soft music. Cao Su sat down and drank tea, and within ten minutes Jiang Wenxuan was led by the uniformed waiter.

Jiang Wenxuan was of medium height, with a fat body, short hair, simple and honest face, wearing a T-shirt with a pattern printed on it, pulled out the chair and sat down, and hurriedly asked: "Old Cao, your resignation is a bit sudden! What's going on? ?"

Cao Su ordered a set meal for two, handed the menu to the waiter, and gestured for Lao Jiang to drink water. He said, "I made a lot of money investing in stocks recently, and I'm going to change the environment."

Of course, his words to friends are different from those to his family. What he told his mother Feng Silan not long ago was that he had recently taken up a big art job for a mobile game outside.

Jiang Wenxuan held the water cup and said enviously, "Old Cao can do it! Come, toast to your financial freedom." He raised the water cup.

Cao Su raised his glass with a smile, and said, "Old Jiang, buddy, I'll leave first. We'll meet again by fate."

Jiang Wenxuan felt parting in his heart and nodded. He and Lao Cao are not classmates, and the intersection of life is the Dalan Group. Once Lao Cao leaves, the contact will become less and less, and eventually it will be broken. Even if Lao Cao is still in the deep city.

It's really fateful to meet again!

While talking, the waiters served dishes one after another. Cold appetizers, vegetable salad, grilled oysters, foie gras, mushroom soup, French tomato soup, pasta, two pan-fried steaks and other exquisite dishes come one after another.

Jiang Wenxuan held a knife and fork and joked, "I knew I should have an empty stomach, and I will try to eat you more for this meal."

Cao Su smiled and said, "This is a group-buying package, and you can eat as much as you want!"

The Thousand Regiments War came to an end in August 2013. Meituan, Dianping, Nuomi and a few others won. Group buying discounts are reduced. Today's "Shang Ye" group purchase price for a two-person package is 1,888 yuan.

Jiang Wenxuan laughed and chatted about the past. Occasionally glanced at the news on his mobile phone, picked up an oyster and was about to eat it, and suddenly lowered his voice: "Look, Lao Cao, your nine o'clock direction, the left aisle, Li Ruoyu, the beauty of our company's patent department!"

Cao Su is now full of confidence, and looks sideways to the left aisle. But I saw a tall and beautiful young woman wearing a light pink silk shirt and cyan slim trousers, walking towards the small round table covered with white tablecloth by the window.

With a face as fair as a beautiful jade, big bright eyes, and a soft and beautiful face. She stepped on high-heeled shoes, her slender waist swayed like a willow branch while walking, her plump and graceful figure moved freely, and her soft, familiar and charming young woman style attracted the attention of high-end western restaurants.

Although Cao Su has worked in Dalan Group for five years, he does not know who the beautiful women in other departments are. At a glance now, she is indeed a very beautiful beauty. To have a figure and a figure, to have a face and a face, to have a style and style.


Jiang Wenxuan said in a low voice, "Did you see the man at her table? Mr. Qi, the vice president of our digital electronics business department. Your resignation form needs to be signed by him. Hey, it's cool that a man has power and power! Noon! I asked my wife to come out for dinner."

Cao Su first nodded in agreement. It does. You can't imagine the happiness of rich people! Switch between salty and sweet at will. Of course he can experience it himself later. As a result, when I heard the phrase "wife", I almost spit out a mouthful of soup.

Damn it!

Madd, I often seem out of place for you because I'm not perverted enough!

The appearance of the beautiful young wife Li Ruoyu made the topic of Cao Su and Jiang Wenxuan quickly shift. The feeling of parting faded away. Life is like this, what can't be changed can only lie flat. Later, the topic turned to urging marriage.

This is a common topic among older single youths. UU reading www.

"Old Jiang, you had a blind date in Shencheng last week. How was the result?"

Jiang Wenxuan immediately sighed with complaints: "Oh, don't mention it. The woman asked me to have a room in Shencheng before she would marry me. It's so stressful! Mad, if I don't find a girlfriend, I'll have to train my unicorn arm to the full level!"

Cao Su laughed when he said it, and asked after eating the fruit after the meal, "How much is the down payment? I'll borrow it from you. No interest. Just come back and invite me for a meal."

Jiang Wenxuan shook his head and politely declined: "Old Cao, thank you. I bought a good location. I really can't stand it and I will talk to you again." He has his pride. Make friends with Lao Cao, but borrow his money to buy a house. This favor is too big. He was speechless.

Cao Su smiled and nodded, not demanding. He and Lao Jiang can become friends, and it is true that they have similar temperaments.

After a meal, Cao Su and Jiang Wenxuan shook hands and said goodbye in the square outside the CBD.

Jiang Wenxuan took two steps, looked back and saw that Cao Su was still watching him, and waved. In my heart, I can't express my emotions: Lao Cao is really a very proud person!

In fact, at the end of the meal, someone in the Jiangzhou University of Science and Technology alumni group had just sent a message on his mobile phone: This morning, Cao Su was left to talk by the project director Yu Ping. What this means is self-explanatory.


And this morning, Cao Su did submit a resignation application.

This is different from what Lao Cao Gang told him. I wish Lao Cao all the best in life after he resigns!

Cao Su didn't know what Jiang Wenxuan was thinking when he left, but when he did, he would be dumbfounded. He is focusing on his own business.

After lunch, I said goodbye to my friends in the company, no more trivial matters. He took a taxi and headed straight to the most high-end shopping mall in Nanshan, "Seaside City".

First, change the outfit on your body.