MTL - Mission Flow-v2 Chapter 336 different ideas

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Cao Su lay comfortably, holding a Coke in his hand, and said curiously: "Mr. Sun, isn't the mobile phone industry very popular now? The development trend of consumer electronics is so good! There should be no shortage of orders for your OEMs?"

Sun Tianyou sighed: "Mr. Cao, mobile phone brands do make money, and they have already killed foreign brands out of the Chinese market. But we do mobile phone manufacturing and OEM, and profits are strictly limited. We have to go upstream. Mobile phone companies are looking for orders.

My Wenjing Electronics actually has shares in Xiaomi, otherwise who would give me the order? Basically, it is to watch people's faces to eat. Alas, the annual profit is only seven or eight points, not ten. People counted to death.

I don't intend to keep this business in my hands. Taking advantage of the good market now, I am willing to share it with my friends, and of course I am also preparing for joint risk taking in the future. Ha ha! "

Cao Su was a little interested, "Let me think about it." He is interested in all businesses that do not violate the law and make money. Shenhao's capital is very sufficient!

However, if he decides to vote or not, he must first investigate. If he invests too loosely, there may be some bad rumors.

He invests in the film and television industry and has a loose hand. However, investment in film and television will basically bear fruit in about one or two years. Others will only praise him for his investment vision, instead of jokingly calling his behavior "a big coin".

Fang Kun frowned slightly, interrupted Sun Tianyou who was going to continue to lobby Cao Su, and suggested with a smile: "Mr. Cao, why don't we go to another place to have some supper and chat while eating. I know a place where home-cooked dishes are cooked." Not bad."


Coming out of the clubhouse, the three of them got into their own cars, with Fang Kun's Bentley leading the way. Cao Su's black Mercedes is behind. Sun Tianyou's car was third.

Fang Kun was sitting in the back row of the Bentley, and made a call directly to Sun Tianyou's mobile phone, his voice was a little heavy, "Old Sun, what's the matter with you?"

Sun Tianyou often participated in various dinners, this is the normal state of being a boss. He was drinking well, and he would be in a slightly drunk state, leaning in the car seat: "Old Fang, I really want to sell part of Wenjing's shares. Mr. Cao is interested, so I'll chat with him. Don't worry, this It will not affect your friendship with Mr. Cao."

"Fuck!" Fang Kun scolded: "I think you have drunk too much and your self-control has decreased. Mr. Cao didn't give you money for nothing with your shares? Wenjing Company is a mobile phone OEM, how much dividends can you give every year?" ? How much can he resell?

Old Sun, you also invested in Dasu Fund. Is it just that deceitful? "

Fang Kun and Sun Tianyou were young, and today they are supporting Sun Tianyou, otherwise they wouldn't have asked Sun Tianyou to be a companion. It turned out that this kid actually had such an extravagant mind, he wished he could kick Sun Tianyou twice!


With his city, even if he is extremely angry, it is impossible to curse! A 46-year-old man can earn a place in Huangpu Beach, with billions of dollars in assets, and some of them have ways to punish him.

But he wouldn't fall out with Sun Tianyou over this matter, so he cursed and expressed his true emotions.

Sun Tianyou smiled and didn't care too much: "Old Fang, who is not a friend when doing business in Shanghai? Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, and one was willing to fight the other! The business failed because of his own investment vision.

Besides, can he rely on my investment share in Dasu Fund? I am not in finance. It is also impossible to turn to finance. "

After finishing speaking, Fang Kun estimated that Fang Kun was about to explode, and said with a smile: "Come on, Lao Fang. I know how to measure. When I have a meeting, I will add a share repurchase clause. Is this the head office? Mr. Cao himself is interested in the mobile phone industry .I'm generous and don't cheat. If he doesn't want to vote, I won't force it either."

Fang Kun was silent for a while, and said unhappily: "You said it yourself!" He hung up the phone, and took a picture of the phone in the car seat beside him, "Made!"

Old Sun's failure in business has something to do with his character and way of doing things!

Cao Su has the level of a top financial trader and can lead everyone to make money together. And get the value of Citibank. Coupled with its own capital, it can be regarded as an Internet upstart!

In his view, it is definitely necessary to increase investment and deepen binding.

However, in some people's opinion, it is not so. You should know that financial traders and financial predators are two concepts. Cao Su has no connections or networks in Shanghai! Not really a predator.

This is a bit like, children holding gold in the downtown!

There is no ability to protect assets!

Such a character, for Lao Sun, is to be praised, and he will not be cheated if he sets up a trap. But bullying him when he is young can take advantage of him, so he will never hesitate. How about saying that businessmen are shrewd?

You made your own decision, and I didn't lie to you. Don't you blame me for not making any money from investing?

He is angry here. He invested in Cao Su, hoping that Cao Su would lead him to fly in the financial field in the future! Lao Sun did this without considering his feelings. Fortunately, he even called Lao Sun to accompany him tonight, and wanted Lao Sun to make friends with Cao Su for the future!

Made! Dog meat cannot be served on the table.

Sun Tianyou was of medium height, with short crew cut hair, sitting in the car, pursing his lips slightly, humming a song softly.

It's not "Tears Behind Bars", it's "Love Jiangshan More Love Beauty!"

It's not that he can't see the future of Cao Su. But all the living money he has on hand is invested in the Dasu Fund. No matter how awesome Cao Su was, he was favored by Citibank to set up a US stock fund, but he didn't have the money to invest.

In this ten-mile foreign market in Shanghai, there are opportunities to make money every day. But not all opportunities can be seized.

As for the investment of the Dasu Fund, both parties signed the contract. He didn't believe that Cao Su could rely on him in Shanghai! Cao Su did not have this ability.

As for that, Cao Su has great prospects and can invest in the future. People who do business are a bit like licking blood on the edge of a knife. If you don't pay attention, you will be finished. How can you think so far?

Three to five years later, if Cao Su is doing well in Shanghai, he will find a way to repair the relationship!

It's not like he's trying to trick Cao Su, he can make up for it!

In the Mercedes-Benz, Song Qiuli, the beauty spot assistant, was driving the car with a tired expression. The boss's nightlife is rich and fun, but it's hard for her.

In the passenger seat, Cao Su narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling slightly drunk. He didn't know Sun Tianyou's plan, but was thinking about the mobile phone business.

In fact, he doesn't think much about the profits of mobile phone's less than ten points. What he's really interested in is the mobile phone business!

Domestic mobile phone manufacturers are currently making a lot of money. Moreover, smartphones are the most basic equipment in the great wave of mobile Internet development! A staff is a sure thing! This is a super big market.

Last year, he was also working on mobile phone ui in Dalan Group, so he still has a certain understanding of the mobile phone industry.

But Cao Su's habit is to advance steadily, not LeTV's style of holding high and fighting high, focusing on an industry, investing heavily, and aggressively attacking. He is used to researching and experimenting first, starting small.

He wants to make mobile phones, so first set up a mobile phone OEM to see how the mobile phone supply chain works! Even though he used to work in the mobile phone department of Dalan Group, he still doesn't know much about the mobile phone business.

Many people do not understand the logic of manufacturing operations. The most difficult part of manufacturing is supply chain management!

In large-scale industrial production, the purchase, transportation, and storage of raw materials, and then to the sale and market of commodities are quite large and complicated processes. Some manufacturing companies have good supply chain management, and their profit margins will increase.

At the same time, if there is a problem in a certain link of the supply chain, either the explosive product is out of stock, or the inventory is too high, causing the company's capital chain to break.

Therefore, there are often news of the closure and acquisition of manufacturing companies in the market. Because the capital of the manufacturing industry is originally a game of ten bowls and eight lids. This is true in many industries. So the capital chain is very important. The financial industry can control and capture the profits of the manufacturing industry.

This is one of the basic logics of how the world works.

"System, I want to check the prospect of making a mobile phone."

"Sorry, item detector] does not support such a simple command. Please use consumption experience] to upgrade."

Grass. Cao Su opened his eyes.