MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 10 Li Shaoling does not exist

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Chapter 10 Li Shaoling Does Not Exist in Fragrantness and Happiness

"Shaolin ..."

In anger, the woman entered the office with a crying voice.

Ji Jianing was messy, and staggered into Li Shaoling's arms against a makeup-removing face.

"Shaolin, I'm so sad, I'm so afraid ..."

She trembled like a wolverine who had just been ruined.

The strong perfume smell made Li Shaoling frown.

"what happened?"

Ji Jianing looked up, biting her lip, tears bursting down, and grieved, "I was bullied ..."


Jiang Cong had a bold guess, afraid that it wouldn't be given by people ... what the hell?

"Who bullied you."

Li Shaoling's voice was cold, making people shudder.

But in the ear of Ji Jianing, he thought he was angry.

"Today, I met my sister. She hasn't returned home for four years. I was thinking of taking her back to see my parents, but she shot me ... What else is she saying is no longer Ji's family? Sad Shaolin, why did she become like this? "

Ji Jianing held her head in pain, "She is my sister. Although she did something wrong four years ago, we always take her to heart!"

Li Shaoling's cold eyes fell on Jiang Cong.

Jiang Cong nodded and went out.

Li Shaoling leaned back lazily, his voice cold: "You said, your sister is dead?"

"That ... that's because her world evaporated four years ago, and we all thought she was dead." Ji Jia was biting her lips and holding Li Shaoling's fingers. "Shaoling ... I really miss my sister in the past four years, But why did she do this to me? "

Li Shaoling stared at her hand and touched herself, and there was no detectable aversion in the eyebrows.

"Boss, it turned out."

Jiang came in from the door, put his notebook in front of him, and the monitoring perspective of the underground parking lot slowly played everything that happened.

When Li Shaoling saw Ji Weixi's face, his pupils shrank slightly.

It turned out to be her.

"Is this your sister?"

"Yeah!" Ji Jianing nodded, biting her lip, and her facial features pressed together: "Shaolin ... I'm sore."

Jiang Cong looked at a series of operations by Zhun Dazhen, and then looked at the colder look of the boss, and silently lit a candle for Ji Weixi.

Who knows, this marriage is just the meaning of the two elders of the Li family and the Ji family.

Before this marriage contract was settled, Ji Jianing had a affiliation with Li Shaoling, and often went to cbs international to ask him warmth.

And Li Shaoling, with a cold nature and never approachable, has always been his own way, never seen a woman around him since he was young.

He has been rumored to be either unsatisfactory or love men.

The old lady Li's bones are getting worse every day, and she's about to die. I hope you can see Li Shaoling's child born before she dies.

Although Li Shaoling was very hard-hearted, he was extremely filial to Old Lady Li.

Even if he hated Ji Jianing no matter how much, he still had to look at the face of old lady Li and protect her by three points.

Moreover, with Li Shaoling's temperament, Li Xiangxiyu has never been on him.

Therefore, Ji Weixi is miserable.

"Few such high shoes in the future."

Li Shaoling calmly revealed the order.

"... What?" Ji Jianing froze, not understanding what he meant.

"You fell because the heel was too high and the center of gravity was unstable. What does it have to do with your sister?"

Ji Jianing: "..."

Jiang Cong: "..."

What is he saying?