MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 102 Jealous again!

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Chapter 102 is jealous again!

The sound fell, Ji Weixi's breathing was delayed.

He really has an unspeakable past.

With four eyes facing each other, Su Shi's eyes reflected her pure face, shimmering with gleam, hiding the emotion that seemed to be separated by thousands of years.

These eyes seem to speak.

Looking at it, Ji Weixi's mind suddenly scratched the fragmented pictures.

Blurred, very blurry.

Ji Weixi shook his head, faintly aching.

At this moment, the two waiters passed by in a hurry, their shoulders collided, and the boiling water in the dish came out obliquely.

Su Shi's pupils shrank, and she stood up very quickly, hugging Ji Weixi tightly in her arms.


The cup mixed with the steaming liquid shattered to the ground and splashed open.

The waiter quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

Ji Weixi froze, apparently feeling the man holding himself inhaled.

She quickly got up and found Su Shi's arms flushed.

Can not help but say that Ji Weixi took him to the bathroom in the shop.

Turning on the faucet, she kept flushing his arm with cold water, and looked up and asked, "It's all right."

Su Shi's face was whiter, her pale lips clenched, and she seemed to be patient.

He shook his head and forced her to smile at her: "I'm fine."

The woman had a white porcelain face, with a little worry.

Su Shi stayed on his pale face for a few seconds, seemingly immersed in some kind of memory.

"Thank you." Ji Jianxi had wiped his arm with a tissue.

She looked at him with nothing but gratitude.

"Go to the hospital?" Ji Weixi was a little worried about his injury.

The light in Su Shi's eyes went out, and he shook his head, "No need."

I can't die anyway, it's just a pain in the flesh.

How can it bear the pain in my heart.

The cleaners have swept away the debris, and the waiter has continued to apologize. Su Shi's response has been flat.

He was not interested in everything, and it seemed that no matter what he could do to irritate him, it was always so bland.

Ji Weixi still wasn't assured, "Why ... I'll buy you a scalding cream?"

I don't want to go to the hospital, just buy some medicine.

Su Shi chuckled: "No need, this hurts nothing."

But the more he did, the more Ji Jixi was unhappy.

He had just protected her without hesitation, but she had no chance to repay.

If this relationship is not returned, she will be very uncomfortable.

Seeing through her thoughts, Su Shi couldn't help laughing: "In fact, you don't need to feel guilty, even if it is someone else, I will save it."

in fact……

If he changed to someone else, he wouldn't care.

Absolutely not.

Su Shi took out a ticket, sandwiched it in her long fingers, and slid it in front of her eyes.

"30th is my concert ..."

He was afraid she would think more and hurriedly added: "Actually ... the concert is boring. If you don't like it, you can't come ..."

Ji Weixi stared at the man printed on the ticket. She looked up and smiled, "The reason why it is boring is because those people don't understand. Music always only listens to people who like it. I will go."

Suddenly, Su Shi's beautiful eyes were as bright as stars.

Just then, Ji Weixi's cell phone rang.

Li Shaoling called.

"Where?" His voice was cold and cold.

Seems to be angry.

Ji Weixi looked around subconsciously without seeing anyone else. She exhaled and lied, "I'm eating in the restaurant."

"with who?"


Li Shaoling sneered: "Little liar!"

After the call, the call was hung up.

Ji Weixi was still faint. How did he know he had lied to him?

She turned her head inadvertently, and she was frightened.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, Li Shaoling stood there, looking at her coldly, her eyes cold and sullen and angry.

The two were only separated by a wall, but Ji Weixi's back still climbed a coolness.

She stood up instantly and watched Li Shaoling enter the shop, walking towards herself step by step.

Su Shi watched all this lightly, without a wave.

The lie was immediately dismantled and crackled, Ji Weixi's face was a little red, and the air was frozen and embarrassed. She was busy haha: "Oh, how are you here?"

"I was about to introduce you. This is Su Shi, pianist. You met that night."

"..." No one ignored her.

Ji Weixi hurriedly explained: "That ... I met Mr. Su by accident, it was a coincidence!"

"..." Still no one ignored her.

Su Shi took warm water, and the posture seemed to be waiting for Li Shaoling to speak.

After a few seconds of quietness, Li Shaoling sat next to Ji Weixi and put his right leg on his left leg. He was silent and not angry.

Ji Weixi was sitting on a needle and felt afraid that the walking bomb Li Shaoling would explode the shop.

Ji Weixi pretended to drink milk tea calmly, and stupidly, her chin was pinched by the cold fingertips.

She stared at him blankly, with a drop of milk tea on her lips, tempting to pick.

Li Shaoling's eyes were red, approached, and overwhelmed.

Ji Weixi's eyes widened and stiffened, his aggressive breath shuddered her, and he dared not breathe.

After tangling her lips, she was finally loosened by him.

Li Shaoling rubbed her red lips and was very satisfied with her masterpiece.

Ji Weixi felt complacent without any land, she was about to scream, her cheeks were scary, she bit her lower lip, stared at him resentfully, and before she said anything, Li Shaoling forced her into her arms.


Ji Weixi hammered him.

How abominable!

Li Shaoling looked at the opposite man coldly and tickled his lips: "My wife is shy and made you laugh."

His wife was bitten by him.

Su Shi's face was a few times whiter, and he bent his lips flexibly: "Loving couples like you are rare."

He stood up. "I still have something to do. Let's go first."

His strides were so great that he couldn't wait to leave here.


The shop door was pushed open and the wind chimes were hit. Su Shi nearly collided with the man who entered the bouquet.

Suddenly, Su Shi's face turned red suddenly, he covered his lips to suppress the coughing sound, until he went out, leaning on the wall around the corner, his coughing violently, his pupils contracted, it was difficult to hide the pain.

In the store.

Ji Weixi can't be ashamed, how could he kiss her with so many people!

She has a thin skin!

She turned around and walked out, Li Shaoling followed, and warned coldly: "Fool me, I won't kiss you so easily."

That is xxoo!

Ji Weixi's stomping foot: "You are not allowed to kiss me in the future!"

She couldn't count how many times she had been taken advantage of!

The more you think the more you lose.

She pushed out the door angrily, Li Shaoling directly escorted her to the door panel, and the cold breath made the people who came in stop her footsteps, afraid to step forward.

The wind swayed the wind chimes, and the sharpened lips evoked the radiance of evil charm. His voice was dumb and whispering, "Is that so? I'm in love."