MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 137 Li always has a fever

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Chapter 137 General Li Has A Fever

Sure enough, Conan is fun.

Li Shaoling had been silent beside her, and Ji Weixi thought he was watching him, and didn't take it seriously.

After brushing for four or five episodes, Ji Weixi moved her sore body, and suddenly her shoulders sank.

Li Shaoling's head fell down, and she naturally rested on her shoulder.

Ji Weixi pushed: "Li Shaoling, get up!"

He didn't move or speak.

Is he coming to this routine again?

"stand up!"

Li Shaoling moved slightly, his voice was very low: "Uncomfortable ..."

"..." Here again!

Ji Weixi shoved him away.

He fell straight down to the side, as if out of anger.

Ji Weixi noticed that something was wrong and pushed him forward. After such a touch, she found that his body was hot and scary.

The back of her hand was against his forehead, and it was hot.

At this point Li Shaoling's eyes were tightly closed, his cheeks were red, his breathing was rapid, and even the exhaled gas was hot.

"Li Shaoling, wake up!"

Ji Weixi was completely scared, and his heart followed.

If you use cold water to cool down physically, it is estimated that the fever will be slow.

What if you burn a silly person and become a fool, wouldn't the Li family laugh at death.

The thought of Li Shaoling being burned into a mentally retarded child and playing mud with a small milk bag ... Ji Weixi quickly shook his goosebumps.

Not much to say, Ji Weixi first wet a towel with cold water and covered it on his forehead.

Then changed into clean clothes and went downstairs to the lobby on the first floor and asked where the front desk pharmacy was.

The front desk said that the nearest pharmacy was at least one kilometer away.

Ji Weixi went upstairs again to find Li Shaoling's car key, but he couldn't find it.

She could only borrow an umbrella from the front desk and went on foot.

The cold wind whistled, and umbrellas were raised from time to time. Ji Weixi couldn't walk at all. She wanted to retreat.

But she didn't want Li Shaoling to burn silly, and she called her mother behind her **** all day ...

Just in case, Ji Weixi bought a variety of antipyretics.

After tossing back and forth, when Ji Weixi returned to the hotel, his body was soaked, his long hair stuck to his neck, and his clothes dripped with rain, clinging to his body to set off the uneven figure.

After she returned the umbrella, she swiped back to the room.

As soon as the door opened, Ji Weixi was startled.

Li Shaoling sat obliquely at the door, leaning weakly against the wall, his tall, long body curled up there, and it seemed that the corridor at the door was much narrower.

Under the dim yellow corridor lamp, he slowly raised his head, and when he saw Ji Weixi, his pupils were blurred and the water was shining.

His face was very rosy, abnormally red, pitiful and helpless, and halo fell on him, lonely and lonely.

Ji Weixi froze and hurried forward: "Why are you here?"

Li Shaoling's eye circles were red, "I'm afraid you leave me ..."

His voice was low and sad, like a child abandoned and no one wanted.

The wound on Ji Weixi's heart was torn open, and the blood penetrated the pain.

She went in and closed the door, reached out to try the temperature, and it was hotter!

Look at him now, isn't it burnt out?

Ji Weixi squatted in front of him, "How could I leave you?"

Li Shaoling hugged her, buried her head in her neck, and asked carefully: "Will you leave me?"

Thinking of the picture that he was an illegitimate child and accused and scolded, Ji Weixi tightened his arms and gently stroked his back, "I will not leave you."


"Well, really."

Li Shaoling let go of her and smiled.

The smile is nice and distressing.

Ji Weixi gently coaxed: "Get up, shall we take medicine?"

She had never coaxed someone so tenderly.

Even her son, Ji Jiayu, did not receive this treatment.

Li Shaoling nodded, his body shook severely, without any strength. Ji Weixi gritted his teeth and wasted nine cattle and two tigers, and helped him to the bedside. He fell down on the bed and closed his eyes, breathing quickly, Very painful.

Ji Weixi endured the discomfort caused by the soaked clothes, hurriedly boiled the water, and gave him a cup of antipyretic medicine.

Throughout the whole process, Li Shaoling's eyes did not leave her from beginning to end, but his eyelids seemed very heavy. He tried to open her every time trying to find her, for fear that she would leave him.

Ji Weixi warmed up the water and handed it to his mouth. "Good, drink."

Li Shaoling smelled it, and suddenly wrinkled his nose: "So bitter ..."

He's with a child now ... No, he's a child now.

Ji Weixi courageously said, "You won't feel bad if you drink it."

"But bitter in the mouth."

Ji Weixi looked around. Without sugar, she pursed her lips. "After drinking, how about I kiss you?"

She really cuts out.

"Really?" Li Shaoling's eyes lighted up and he drank all the antipyretics.

Then she looked at her with anticipation.

Ji Weixi laughed and kissed him gently.

"Are you still suffering?"

Li Shaoling shook his head and smiled like a child: "Sweet."

"Lie down and sleep for a while, just fall asleep, I'll take a shower."

Ji Weixi turned to leave, and suddenly her arms were wrapped around her waist.

Li Shaoling's voice trembled and begged: "Don't leave me ... you don't leave me ..."

Just listen to his childish slang: "I'll be good ... you can let me do anything ... just ... don't leave me ..."

Ji Weixi trembled in his place.

This is the first time she has seen Li Shaoling like this.

In her impression, he always seemed to be the only one who was inconceivable.

But today ... she finally knew it was just his appearance.

Has he ever been abandoned?

Ji Weixi smiled with a bowed head. She suddenly thought that when her mother was dead, she would put people under the fence for bullying.

Was Li Shaoling the same?

She saw her past, the one she had been unwilling to face.

Ji Weixi turned around, hugged him, and tried to raise a smile, "How can I leave you, you are obedient and obedient, I will never leave you."

She seemed to tell these words in disguise to her childhood.

Li Shaoling hugged her without letting go, so a big man would sleep in her arms even when he was sleeping.

The clothes on Ji Weixi's body are now half wet and dry, and the tide is very uncomfortable.

She could only endure the discomfort, coax him to pat him, and sang lullaby.

Li Shaoling slept very deeply, his eyelashes were stuck on his eyelids, and a clear shadow was sprinkled.

Ji Weixi reached out and probed his forehead.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and she had a fever.

Loosening his arms lightly, Ji Weixi took off his clothes and took a bath, wrapped in a bathrobe, and lay back beside him.

This closed eyes, unprecedented fatigue hit.

I don't know how long it took, Ji Weixi's lower abdomen had severe pain and became more and more intense, and felt that the blood flow in his lower body was more than constant.

It should be cold, and she will die alive as soon as she gets cold.

She rolled over groggyly, as if someone was hugging her, and her lower abdomen was wrapped in a warmth, letting her frowns gradually relax ...