MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 95 Playing kid group

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Chapter 95 Playing with Children

Ji Weixi calmly comforted her: "Don't worry, let's find out, maybe it's somewhere."

Tian Miaomiao nodded frantically, "OK!"

The little milk bag excitedly jumped to Ji Weixi's feet: "Mummy, baby will help you find it!"

Tian Miaomiao put him on the sofa: "Don't mess with your boy! You don't know what the draft looks like."

"Oh ..." The light that just went out in Xiao Niu Bao's eyes lit up again: "That baby cheer for you! Come on!"

Tian Miaomiao vomited bitter water: "Xi Xi, what should I do if I want to hit him for the first time."

Ji Weixi: "His dad wanted to fight long ago. You two could be a kid boy."


The two started a carpet-like search, and Tian Miaomiao didn't even let the trash out.

It was not found until noon.

Tian Miaomiao sat paralyzed on the ground: "It's over, my future is gone."

Ji Weixi stood up: "I'll go and explain to the guy named Qiao Ai."

"Don't!" Tian Miaomiao rushed up to stop her: "Xixi, don't you, you don't know how much Joe loves you!"

"Qiao Ai is an old designer in the cbs design department. Do you know that she could have been the chief designer? You suddenly airborne to grab her seat. She wants to kill you. You still have to run to death?"

"I lost the draft. I'll admit a mistake. Anyway, I'm a small employee. She hates me at most for revenge, but she can't fire me. Are you the wife of the president, the woman of the wife She can move! "

Ji Weixi immediately corrected: "I'm not the wife of the president!"

Tian Miaomiao and Xiaomi Bao said in unison: "Sooner or later!"

Ji Weixi: "..."

She was speechless.

"Xixi, I went to find Joe love and admit it." Tian Miaomiao waved.

Ji Weixi looked at her back and narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, in her mind, she emerged from the door of the conference room that morning and bumped into a girl.

Her drawings were scattered all over the place, and the girl panicked and picked up a few and handed it to her.

Ji Weixi picked up without paying much attention at that time, and now think about it as if ... there was a picture that the girl did not pick up.

She quickly chased Tian Miaomiao and held her: "I know where the drawing went."

Tian Miaomiao's eyes lit up: "Where?"

Ji Weixi frowned and shook his head: "I don't know her, all I know is that she is very handsome ... and young."

"Is there a mole in the middle of my brows!"

Ji Weixi wasn't sure: "It seems ... right?"

She just glanced at it, where she remembered so clearly.

"Then I know who it is, go! Go to the design department!" Tian Miaomiao pulled her without saying a word.

Design department.

Clothing fragrant shadow.

The huge and gorgeous crystal ceiling lights, the porcelain white decoration is simple and atmospheric.

On the slightly recessed area of ​​the plate, the pearl-white table was set together, and a few beautifully dressed women were typing on the keyboard, sometimes holding something to draw.

On the opposite side of the crystal floor, a woman was leaning lazily on a leather sofa, sipping red wine.

When Ji Weixi and Tian Miaomiao walked in, she just raised her eyes slightly, and was a little negligent.

Tian Miaomiao cleared her throat and said aloud, "This is the chief designer, Ji Weixi."

As the chief designer of airborne, this is the first time Ji Jixi came to the design department.

Everyone raised their heads and kept looking at Ji Weixi with their eyes.

White shirt, black hip skirt, black high heels, very easy to match.

You can wear it on her tall body, and draw a perfect curve. The watering eyes are bright and bright, and Daisy's eyebrows are lightly wrinkled, giving a very difficult first impression.

The woman sitting on the main stand stood up, pearl-colored high waist deep v-neck jumpsuit, short and capable sub-colored hair, and the face under the delicate makeup was slightly bitter.

"It turns out that you are Ji Weixi. Hello, I am Joey."

Ji Weixi held out his hand, "Hello."

Qiao Ai pretended not to see it and laughed: "Is there anything you are doing here?"

Ji Weixi did not feel embarrassed this reaction, she naturally retracted her hand.

Tian Miaomiao said, "Let me find Qin Shishi."

Qiao Aile shouted sharply, "Qin Shishi, come here!"

The girl named Qin Shishi stood up from her seat and walked over.

The clean and small face, a mole on the eyebrow, is harmless to humans and animals, and it seems to have no attack power at all.

It's her.

Ji Weixi stepped forward and asked gently: "You hit me that day in the conference room, do you still have an impression?"

Xu is her tone like an inquiry. Qin Shishi was a little bit puzzled. She came to settle accounts?

She suddenly cried and said, "Sister Ji, I didn't really hit you on purpose, let me go."

Ji Weixi: "..."

Does she look so scary?

She tried to soften her voice: "I came to ask you, did you miss one for me when the drawing fell to the ground that day?"

Qin Shishi rolled his eyes and thought, and nodded, "Well, I'm about to give it to you when I find out, you're gone."

"But ..." Qin Shishi gave a jealous glance at Qiao Ai: "I found that the drawing was Sister Qiao's so I ... I gave her ..."

Tian Miaomiao took a sharp breath and spit it out deeply. The big stone hanging in her heart finally landed.

Ji Weixi was about to explain the situation like Qiao Ai, Qiao Ai's face suddenly pulled down.

"Miss Ji, it turns out that you are here because of this design department. That's right. If you don't come to me, I'm looking for you." Qiao loved to smile a little coldly: "You said our design clearly Manuscripts can be made without any problems, but why did you modify my design when you returned the manuscript? If you are not satisfied, you can say! "

Ji Weixi listened blankly, "When did I modify your work?"

It was this remark that made Qiao Ai disgusted with Ji Weixi.

She changed her work and pretended to be innocent, she hated such people!

Then she let her see the coffin cry.

Qiao Ai stepped forward, opened the drawer, and took out the artwork in front of Ji Weixi's eyes.

"Dare you say that you didn't change it?"

I have to say that Qiao Ai's design is mature and sophisticated at a glance, and he is a very outstanding designer.

This is a French corrugated gauze skirt, vintage and soft, smooth lines, no waist, very suitable for women with small belly.

Ji Weixi was most impressed by this work. In addition, she is a designer, and she can see at a glance where it has been modified.

The skirt has a slightly raised neckline and a white lace hem at the short sleeves.

It's just superfluous.

Ji Weixi lifted his eyes and said lightly, "This is not my modification."

Qiao Ai knew that she would not admit it, and she sneered and mocked: "Of course you won't admit it, but even if you admit it, I can't take you anyway. After all, you have someone in the background."

The sound fell, and the air was filled with embarrassment and smoke.